Qiao Ruoxing didn't answer. She had just cried and her eyes were still red. She was the most suitable person to pretend to be Xiao Bailian.

Aunt Su, this was a misunderstanding in the first place. I blame me for mentioning this matter at an inappropriate time. You gave me the bracelet. When others ask later, how can I explain the origin of this bracelet? If I say that you are trying to make amends for Sister Jiayu, If you give it to me, others will definitely get to the root of the problem after hearing it. I am stupid and can't speak. If I can't explain it clearly and people misunderstand Sister Jiayu again, I will be guilty of a big sin.

These days, you have been busy preparing and booking a hotel for the wedding banquet. Even if I look at your face, I should swallow this matter in my stomach and should not mention it.

Su Wanqin's heart sank and she subconsciously glanced at Song Wanqian.

The latter's expression turned a bit ugly indeed.

I couldn't mention anything but the hotel.

It sounds nice, but in fact it's not that easy at all.

She underestimated this girl too much, and she shouldn't want to use this wedding to show off her power. Song Wanqian was already guilty of her daughter and eager to make amends, so how could she be willing to wrong her even half a cent?

He gave Caline's shares to Qiao Ruoxing without discussion, which was a counterattack against her dissatisfaction with her actions.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips and said warmly, It's because Auntie didn't think it through well. You're too generous to care about it. Why did Auntie bring it up? You still keep this bracelet. It's a recognition gift from Auntie. Besides...

She paused and said, There is a jewelry store called Qiyuji in Galaxy Plaza. Auntie has also given it to you to take care of. Although it is not as valuable as the gift from your father, it is still my auntie's heart. Don't dislike it.

Qiao Ruoxing lowered her eyes, Aunt Su, this is too expensive...

Ruoxing, please keep it, Song Wanqian said, My family has a lot of property, and I have to learn to take care of it in the future, so I should get some experience.

After being married for many years, when Song Wanqian opened her mouth, Su Wanqin knew that the other party had accepted her method of handling the matter.

Only Song Jiayu looked pale and her fingers were trembling slightly.

Qiao Ruoxing accepted it as soon as she could, Since Dad said so, I'd like to thank Aunt Su.

As he spoke, he reached out to take the bracelet, bent his eyes and praised, This bracelet is so beautiful, Aunt Su has such good taste.

Su Wanqin clenched her hands and forced a smile, As long as you like it.

The purple-bottomed glass cost at least tens of millions. If anyone cut such a piece of flesh from her body, she would be so painful that she couldn't sleep for a year. Su Wanqin was really generous.

After a while, the doctor came.

The other party checked Song Jiayu's body.

Originally, because of the joy of revealing his daughter's identity at the banquet, he told everyone that she was fine. If he was worried, he could stay one more night for observation.

Su Wanqin was worried because she had to stay one more night, and Song Wanqian often had to see off a few old friends who had to catch flights overnight, so she asked Song Tianjun to stay and help.

Qiao Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan took the elevator downstairs with their two cousins.

Lin Shu's car was already waiting outside the hospital. Qiao Ruoxing turned to her two cousins ​​and said, Let's take you back first.

Han Lie is wearing a mask and hat, and he looks cool.

He said, No, my agent's car is here too.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't force anything, Well, be careful on the road and report that it's safe when you arrive.

Little cousin Han Nuo pulled Qiao Ruoxing and asked what he had hidden all night, Sister Xingxing, is that your brother-in-law?

As he spoke, he quietly pointed at Gu Jingyan who was standing next to him.

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, Yes.

Han Nuo praised, Very handsome.

Hearing these words sounded like a compliment to himself. Qiao Ruoxing narrowed her eyes and said, You are also very handsome.

Han Lie couldn't see that this kid was more popular than him, so he glanced at him and said, Would you like to leave? If not, you can run back later.

Han Nuo pursed his lips, said goodbye to Qiao Ruoxing, and then followed his brother into the nanny car.

The little cousin waved goodbye to Qiao Ruoxing through the car window. Han Lie sat in the passenger seat and quietly raised the window on Han Nuo's side.

Han Nuo...

He glanced at Han Lie and said, Childish!

Han Lie was not ashamed, It's better than pretending to be cute.

Han Nuo snorted, If I weren't smart and cute, the fact that you threw me on the bed and hit someone would have been exposed long ago!

The secret is revealed, Han Lie said indifferently, Am I still afraid of her?

If you are really in a coma, can you still be woken up by being smashed?

Han Nuo pursed his lips, I asked you why you agreed to take me with you today so neatly. It turned out that you wanted me to take the blame for you.

Han Lie glanced at him, Do you have any other uses?

Han Nuo...

After a while, Han Nuo asked in a low voice, Brother, are you filming with Sister Ye Zhen?

Mentioning Ye Zhen, Han Lie's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, No.

Han Nuo said, I've seen it said on the news that you two are on the same crew.

so what?

You take me with you to the filming tomorrow. I want Sister Ye Zhen to take a photo with you.

There was nothing he could do about it. The bullshit was blown away by his friends. He had to let his brother take him to take a group photo and become a conspicuous person in the crowd.

No, Han Lie refused without thinking, I'm working, where is my baby?

Han Nuo said fiercely, If you don't take me, I'll tell dad!

Han Lie hummed, You tell grandpa that I will take you too.

As he spoke, he unscrewed the bottle of water and took a sip.

You're such a little boy, are you still trying to control him?

Han Nuo looked at his rebellious elder brother and showed his trump card, If you don't take me with you, I will tell dad that you have a crush on your cousin!


Han Lie squirted out a mouthful of water, gritted his teeth with a dark face and said, What are you talking about?!

Old God Han Nuo said, The figures in your room are all dubbing works by your cousin. Your CD contains a collection of her dubbing, as well as your mobile phone ringtone...

Shut up!

Han Lie's face turned dark.

How could he think that he was successful in practicing the trumpet?

This little potato is just better at pretending to be good than him. It looks fair and cute, but when you break it open, it’s full of black water!

When he was a child, he was afraid that someone would find him wetting the bed, so he would crawl into his bed while he was sleeping. In the middle of the night, he would wake up from bedwetting, and he would run back to his house.

During that time, when he woke up every morning, his bed felt like he was drawing a map. The elders in the family thought there was something wrong with him and took him to see a doctor. This made Han Lie himself think there was something wrong with him, and he still wet the bed even after he was in high school. .

Until one day I woke up from a dream in the middle of the night and found Han Nuo sleeping naked on my bed.

He wanted to wake him up, but he found that the boy had put water on his bed.

His face turned green. In order to prevent Han Nuo from sleepwalking, he deliberately did not reveal this.

The next night, he lay in bed with his eyes closed and pretended to sleep. Not long after, he heard the sound of the bedroom door being opened.

The little figure climbed into his bed, made up the bed and slept next to him. When he wet the bed in the middle of the night, he woke up and wanted to leave again with his butt naked.

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