Zhong Meilan's expression changed, Qiao Ruoxing, don't you know good from evil!

Qiao Ruoxing chuckled, First of all, Gu Jingyang and I have nothing to do with each other. Don't pretend you don't know what things were like during the years when she and I were sisters-in-law. Secondly, she didn't do it by splashing on me and hurting others. , Am I sick, should I go and plead for her? Third, this house belongs to my boss, and it has nothing to do with your son. If you want to care about it, you have to have a caring stance; fourth,

Qiao Ruoxing paused, her eyes suddenly turned cold, You made me unable to get pregnant. You don't really think I'm so generous and don't care about past grudges, do you?

Every time she said something, Zhong Meilan's face became uglier.

She really underestimated Qiao Ruoxing. After getting divorced and breaking off the relationship with the Qiao family, she should have rotted in the ground like a puddle of mud. Unexpectedly, instead of rotting there, she got better and better.

So good that even a soft persimmon who used to be submissive and cautious in front of her dared to talk to her like this!

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands, took a deep breath, suppressed the depression in her chest, and said solemnly, What do you want to do before you are willing to help?

Qiao Ruoxing paused.

Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been together for many years, and she knows 50% or 50% of Zhong Meilan.

She is an extremely vain and selfish person, a severe snobbery, and her family background is better than that of people who are beneficial to her. She tries every means to get closer to the other party, but for those who are not beneficial to her, such as Qiao Ruoxing and the Qiao family, she doesn't even bother to look good. Give it, let alone ask in a low voice?

Her abnormal behavior just shows how much she loves and indulges Gu Jingyang.

Qiao Ruoxing had never seen Zhong Meilan use this kind of behavior to protect her cubs on Gu Jingyan.

Two years ago, Gu Jingyan went on a business trip to City S. He somehow got into a conflict with a group of local gangsters and was detained there.

The police called Qiao Ruoxing and asked her to come over and be her guarantor.

Qiao Ruoxing went to Zhong Meilan's place to see her household registration book, took other documents and money, and rushed to S city overnight.

After he was released on bail, Gu Jingyan asked, Why are you here?

Only then did Qiao Ruoxing learn from Lin Shu that the number they called the police to report was Zhong Meilan's because the household registration book was kept with her, making it more convenient for her to come.

Qiao Ruoxing was also puzzled that it was indeed the police who called her.

After several verifications, it was finally clear that the police had indeed contacted Zhong Meilan, but Zhong Meilan received a call saying that she was out of town, and then gave Qiao Ruoxing's phone number to the police and asked the police to call Qiao Ruoxing's phone number.

Qiao Ruoxing said nothing after hearing this.

When she went to get her household registration book, Zhong Meilan was playing mahjong with a group of ladies at home.

When she came to ask for her household registration book, Zhong Meilan didn't ask any questions and asked the nanny to give it to her.

Qiao Ruoxing always thought that Zhong Meilan didn't know that Gu Jingyan was detained. At that time, because there were many outsiders at home, she didn't mention it to Zhong Meilan.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Meilan knew that Gu Jingyan was detained from the beginning to the end. In order to play mahjong, she even lied that she was traveling outside.

When he figured this out, Qiao Ruoxing found it incredible.

Then I thought, maybe Zhong Meilan has this kind of carefree attitude towards her children, but she is completely different from Gu Jingyang.

Last time Qiao Ruoxing kidnapped Gu Jingyang and injured him, she became so angry that she rushed directly into the ward and attacked her; this time, because Gu Jingyang could not be released on bail, she begged her in a low voice.

We are all our own flesh and blood, so we treat them too differently, right?

Seeing that Qiao Ruoxing didn't speak for a long time, Zhong Meilan thought there was room for negotiation, so she said, Maybe you can make a price.

Qiao Ruoxing came back to her senses, raised her eyes and said, You don't even have 100 million to buy a ring. I'm afraid you won't be able to pay the price I offered.

Zhong Meilan's expression instantly became distorted. She held back her anger and said in a deep voice, Jingyang is still young. She will be ruined if she stays in a place like that! Since you have thoughts of getting back together with Jingyan, don't make things worse. You’re so stiff, you don’t need me to tell you how much Jingyan loves Jingyang, right?”

Qiao Ruoxing frowned.

How could she have the nerve to threaten her with this?

If Gu Jingyan really continues to indulge Gu Jingyang in this matter, she really won't consider Gu Jingyan.

Qiao Ruoxing raised her eyes and stared at Zhong Meilan, I can help, but I have a condition.

Zhong Meilan's eyes immediately lit up.

you say.

Qiao Ruoxing said calmly, You turn yourself in and say that you drugged me and made me infertile. I will go to Mr. Han to plead for your daughter.

Zhong Meilan's expression froze, and her face suddenly darkened, Are you kidding me?

How could it be? Qiao Ruoxing slightly raised her lips, I am giving you a chance to save your daughter. You love Gu Jingyang so much, are you not willing to even make this sacrifice?

Zhong Meilan looked at the beautiful face in front of her and was so angry that she trembled all over. She raised her hand and slapped Qiao Ruoxing in the face.

Qiao Ruoxing was on guard and immediately took a step back, but Zhong Meilan missed her.

However, the next second, another slap came and hit Qiao Ruoxing hard on the face.

Her ears were ringing, and Zhong Xiang had already grabbed her hair, forcing her to raise her head, Sister, I told you before that to deal with this kind of bitch, it's faster to just do it!

As he spoke, he raised his hand to hit me again.

Zhong Xiang is very strong, and even an adult man may not be able to withstand his punches, let alone Qiao Ruoxing, a weak woman.

If this slap comes down, her teeth will probably be loosened.

So the moment Zhong Xiang raised his arm, Qiao Ruoxing, without thinking, reached out and pinched the opponent's abdomen violently. Zhong Xiang screamed, immediately bent over in pain, and loosened his hand.

Zhong Meilan was startled, Axiang, how are you?

Qiao Ruoxing used 100% of her strength to escape, but Zhong Xiang felt as if the thing below had exploded. The pain made his cheeks turn white and he couldn't straighten his back for a long time.

Qiao Ruoxing had already taken her cell phone and started calling the police.

This bitch!

Zhong Xiang cursed lowly, picked up the chair next to him, and threw it at Qiao Ruoxing.

Qiao Ruoxing dodged in time. Although he was not hit, the phone fell from his hands and fell to the sofa nearby.

Zhong Xiang was obviously furious. He learned from Zhong Meilan that Gu Jingyan reported his production line because of his ex-wife.

After the production line was stopped, he lost more than half of his income. He almost got beaten for not paying back the money he lost in the casino.

New grudges add to old grudges, Zhong Xiang wants to chop her into pieces!

Qiao Ruoxing's back was covered in cold sweat. The living room was such a big place, and she had nowhere to hide.

Seeing Zhong Xiang pick up the stool again, Qiao Ruoxing grabbed the pillow next to her as a defense.

She yelled bluffingly, I'm warning you, I've called the police. You illegally invaded other people's homes and intentionally hurt others. If Gu Jingyang can't get out, you have to go in!

Not only did Zhong Xiang not repent, he was even angered by her words and picked up a chair to smash it.

However, the chair was not thrown over. There was only a pop sound, and a vase hit Zhong Xiang on the back of the head.

Tang Xiaoxiao stood at the door with a blush on her face. She was still holding the flowers she pulled out of the vase, and shouted loudly, Bitch thief! How dare you hurt my Ah Xing!

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