All the blood in his body surged to the top of his head, and then began to pool downward again, suddenly becoming unbearably hot.

His throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help but lick his lips. Just as he was about to speak, Tang Xiaoxiao said in a daze, I don't know if Dr. Zhao likes big ones or small ones.

Shen Qingchuan...

This sentence was like a bucket of cold water on the head, and Shen Qingchuan immediately woke him up.

Not only was he sober, but he also felt ashamed of being fooled.

He pursed his lips, grabbed the air conditioner on the bed and threw it on Tang Xiaoxiao, got up and left with a cold face.

Gu Jingyan and Qiao Ruoxing waited for more than ten minutes before Shen Qingchuan delivered the umbrella.

But he only took two handfuls, holding one for himself and giving the other to them.

Gu Jingyan frowned, Just a handful?

Shen Qingchuan's eyelids twitched. This idiot still wants to chase Qiao Ruoxing?

He pursed his lips and said, The little bandit is drunk, so I found two. Why don't you beat one yourself, and my sister-in-law and I will do the same.

Gu Jingyan's face turned green when he heard this, but before he could speak, Qiao Ruoxing said, That's okay.

Gu Jingyan...

Shen Qingchuan curled up the corners of his lips and saw that Gu Jingyan was deflated. He had just suffered a lot from the little bandit, and he felt relieved instantly.

He continued to add firewood, Sister-in-law, the water is deep here, how about I carry you across.

Gu Jingyan's face darkened, Last time we went camping, you couldn't even carry a piece of pork. What can you carry?

Qiao Ruoxing's eyelids twitched fiercely, she pursed her lips and looked at Gu Jingyan.

Before Gu Jingyan realized that he had stepped on a thunderbolt, the enemy was targeting Shen Qingchuan.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, How can it be the same? My sister-in-law is so slender, how can she still have a big fan?

Gu Jingyan didn't realize that he was being led into the pit, and said with a sullen face, She weighs one hundred and ten pounds, why is she not heavier than a pig?

Qiao Ruoxing's face turned completely dark, she held up her umbrella and left by herself.

Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly caught up, Axing, wait a minute, I'll carry you.

Qiao Ruoxing sneered, I can't bear it. I'm heavier than a pig. Don't crush Mr. Gu's waist.

Gu Jingyan was stunned and suddenly looked at Shen Qingchuan, who squinted his eyes and smiled like a fox.

This piece of shit!

Gu Jingyan didn't know whether to scold Shen Qingchuan for being rude or scolding himself for being slow to react.

Axing, I didn't mean that. I didn't think you were fat.

Qiao Ruoxing was angry, How come I'm not fat? I weigh 110 pounds, which is heavier than a pig.

He was anxious to show his sincerity and blurted out, One hundred and ten pounds is not that heavy. When you weighed more than one hundred and twenty pounds, I didn't feel fat. I can still hold you.

When Qiao Ruoxing heard this, her face turned even greener.

He stepped on his instep, took advantage of Gu Jingyan's scream of pain, and walked away with an umbrella.

Shen Qingchuan felt relieved when he saw Gu Jingyan bent over and embarrassed in the rain.

He walked up to Gu Jingyan holding an umbrella and said with a smile, Brothers are interesting enough, right?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him, took his umbrella, and chased Qiao Ruoxing.

Shen Qingchuan said fuck and quickly chased after him.

Even though he hurriedly hurriedly, it was still a step too late. Qiao Ruoxing had already taken the elevator upstairs.

Gu Jingyan chased after him and knocked on the door for a long time, but Qiao Ruoxing didn't answer.

Shen Qingchuan watched for a while and then said, Forget it, women are most concerned about being lifted, and she can't get rid of her anger overnight.

Gu Jingyan glared at him angrily, You still have the nerve to say it!

Shen Qingchuan shrugged, I've been merciful to you. Why did you show off in front of me the love lunch box your wife made and the new clothes she bought for you? You finally became a single like me. You are too Chase her quickly, I feel unbalanced.

Gu Jingyan's face turned green, what kind of shit is he dealing with?

After Qiao Ruoxing came back, she took a shower and changed out of her wet clothes.

After taking a shower, I went to Tang Xiaoxiao's room and took a look. Seeing that she was sleeping, I contacted the Haidilao staff and asked them to collect the tableware tomorrow morning. After all, it was raining too much.

After calling for a long time, no one answered the phone. It was time for her to send a text message.

I dried my hair and was about to go to bed when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Qiao Ruoxing thought it was the staff recycling tableware, so she came out and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, her expression solidified.

Outside the door was Zhong Meilan.

She didn't come alone. She was accompanied by a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to her. He was Zhong Xiang, Zhong Meilan's younger brother and Gu Jingyan's uncle.

Zhong Meilan looked a little haggard, but her makeup and dress were still decent.

It was raining so heavily outside, but not a single drop of mercury stained her body, and her hair was not messed up at all.

Qiao Ruoxing stared at the other person for a second, then raised her hand to close the door.

Zhong Xiang seemed to have anticipated her move and pushed the door open.

Qiao Ruoxing was hit by the door and staggered back two steps.

She turned cold and said in a deep voice, What are you doing?

Zhong Meilan looked at the splendid decoration in the house and twitched her lips, Jingyan bought you a house, right? He is really generous to you.

Ever since Gu Jingyan began to restrict her from withdrawing money from the company, Zhong Meilan's life could be said to be stretched.

When she used to party with those ladies, whether it was jewelry or clothes, they must be the latest in every quarter. With the reputation of the Gu family, she has always been in the C position in the circle of wives.

But now, her monthly income is no longer enough to support her previous luxurious life, so these days, she rarely goes to have afternoon tea with her wives.

She was living in poverty, but Qiao Ruoxing, a cousin, could still live in such a million-dollar mansion. How could she not feel resentful.

Qiao Ruoxing wanted to say that this house has nothing to do with your son, but seeing Zhong Meilan's displeased look, her objection was immediately activated.

Be generous...just like that. This house is quite cheap, not as expensive as that necklace.

Chung Mei-lan…

Her face was dark and her chest was heaving violently, as if she was about to vomit blood in the next second.

Just when Qiao Ruoxing thought that Zhong Meilan was going to mess around and say things like get out of my son's house, she took a deep breath and said, Since Jingyan gave this house to you, it is considered a little favor from our Gu family to you. Make amends.”

Qiao Ruoxing? ? ?

Taking the wrong medicine?

Of course, Zhong Meilan took the wrong medicine. Her focus was on the back, I heard that you and the actor named Han Lie are in the same crew. Tell him that as long as he withdraws the case, we can provide him with any compensation he wants.

This incident happened because of you. You and Jingyang are just sisters-in-law. As long as you help get her out, I won't care about Jingyan giving you a house.

Qiao Ruoxing laughed angrily at her shamelessness, Ms. Zhong, do you want to hear what you fart?

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