Han Ruoxing was too busy acting and didn't eat enough. She stayed in the office, nibbling the snacks for pregnant women that Gu Jingyan prepared for her, and reading the information about various departments of Caline that Cheng Yue sent over.

After Xiangzong was renamed caline, the scale gradually expanded. The core team members were replaced by Su Wanqin. The remaining senior members are probably Su Wanqin's own people. If they want to open the door, they have to arrange their own people. , I don’t know if the little girl his brother is about to bring back can be counted on. She was born in 2002 and is really too young.

The phone vibrated, and Tang Xiaoxiao sent a message asking her if her employment went smoothly.

Han Ruoxing picked up her phone and started panoramic shooting. After going around in a circle, she sent the photo to Tang Xiaoxiao, How big is it?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, !!! Great! Are you in need of an assistant? Hire me!

Han Ruoxing chuckled, Mr. Shen offered you 50,000 yuan a month to work as his assistant and you didn't even go. How do you like my salary?

That's different. Earning his money is like putting money in your left pocket. Earning your money is real money. It doesn't matter how much. It's hard for you to focus on being a blessed fellow.

Han Ruoxing...

It's not easy to learn well, but it's so fast to learn bad things. Look at your face now. Do you look like the stingy Shen Qingchuan?

Tang Xiao laughed for a while and asked, Didn't the smelly turtle mother and daughter give you any trouble on your first day here?

I sent Su Wanqin away. As for Song Jiayu, there is nothing to fear.

Where did you send her?

Han Ruoxing gave a brief explanation, and Tang Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, You are really good at it. If you let your dad be a tool, wouldn't your dad's innocence be innocent?

Actually, even if my dad goes out with her, she will never trust Caline. I don't believe she can pretend to be so calm. She has to let her personality with my dad show flaws. My dad's treatment of her When trust is shaken, it will break down step by step.

Tang Xiaoxiao pondered, Tell me, when she married Uncle Song, did she fall in love with his person or his money?

It's hard to say. I'm sure about the money, but I'm not sure about the people.

Su Wanqin had very deep emotions. She actually couldn't understand her feelings for Song Wanqian, but she was really good to Song Wanqian. She took good care of every aspect of her life, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Even Song Wanqian was taken care of. She also packed thousands of antihypertensive medicines that she usually took in small boxes with the time of taking them marked.

The doctor who usually supervises Song Wanqian's physical condition also said that thanks to Su Wanqin, Song Wanqian has adjusted his work, rest and diet well in recent years. Except for hereditary hypertension, his physical examination is relatively healthy among his peers. This shows that Su Wanqin He really put his thoughts on Song Wanqian.

She even felt that if her daughter, who had been missing for many years, hadn't suddenly appeared, Su Wanqin might have really planned to spend her whole life with Song Wanqian. It was her appearance that broke the balance.

Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about you. Didn't you say that you sold a script a while ago? How about that?

It's not bad, I just don't know if I can shoot it. At least I made some money.

How many?

Two hundred thousand before tax, Tang Xiaoxiao sighed, At that time, I thought it was normal for a book to sell for one million, but now I realize that your husband is still generous. He was willing to spend one million on a script like mine.

Han Ruoxing laughed and said, He got you caught out of some evil deed. He felt guilty, so he offered you a high price.

Tang Xiaoxiao replied, When I first found out, I didn't want to give in for five buckets of rice. Now that I think about it, I would be willing to be locked up for two hours and given one million. You don't know how hard it is to make money now! In the past six months, short plays have become popular. , I’ve been doing this lately.”

It doesn't require any well-known actors. The shooting is completed in three to five days. The script is solicited online. The shooting cycle is short and the budget is low. A maximum of 20,000 to 300,000 yuan is enough. But if a movie is a hit, the top-up can reach tens of millions. This return ratio is astonishingly high, so now almost all colleagues in the industry have set up a branch to specialize in this, but unfortunately I was assigned to that branch. Every day I read those bloody script submissions, and my head almost explodes.

Han Ruoxing hasn't watched short videos much since she got pregnant, so she really didn't know about this, so I asked her what kind of short drama it was.

Tang Xiaoxiao threw over a link. Han Ruoxing browsed for a while, then an idea flashed in her mind and she quickly typed, Xiaoxiao, can you write a script for me?


Han Ruoxing said, I'll go find you after get off work later, and we'll talk about it later.

She was typing too slowly and couldn't explain clearly for a while. She just suddenly thought of asking Xiaoxiao to make a short play about what happened to the Song family. She paid to promote it. If Su Wanqin had an accomplice, then such a close person The story of the truth back then was very popular on the Internet. The accomplices may not be able to sit still. If they can't sit still, their faults may be exposed.

Okay, then you can go directly to Yunding after get off work. We'll meet at Stinky Cucumber's.

Not long after she put down her phone, there was a knock on the office door. Zhou Yan heard the answer from the person inside and gently opened the door, Mr. Han, are you busy?

In order to prevent alienation in the fragrance department, to prevent formula leakage and to maintain the competitiveness of the company's core team, Su Wanqin divided the entire fragrance department into two areas, AB, and each area was divided into three groups, with two areas AB. It is both a synergistic relationship and a competitive relationship.

The core formulas of caline's products are stored in the computer in the safe on the top floor, and a double password is set. Except for Su Wanqin who knows all the passwords, each of the two managers only knows their own password, which is updated every month. To steal the formula, two people must cooperate.

But two managers who are in a competitive relationship are usually incompatible, so how can they cooperate? I have to say that Su Wanqin's move is really good.

This person named Zhou Yan is a member of a team in Area A of the Fragrance Department. According to the data, she has been in the company for three years. After the team leader was transferred to another department, she was originally the most promising team leader, but she came by air. A Song Jiayu.

Thinking about it, Han Ruoxing smiled and said, I'm not busy. Is there something wrong?

Zhou Yan said, Assistant Cheng asked me to take you to visit the fragrance department. Is it convenient for you now?

Han Ruoxing nodded, It's convenient, let's go.

Zhou Yan responded and took Song Jiayu to the fragrance department.

The fragrance department has a very large office area. Except for the fragrance room when blending products, everyone usually works here.

When Han Ruoxing arrived, everyone was performing their duties and busy with the work at hand.

Zhou Yan said he was taking her on a tour, but he only took her around the work area without much introduction. It seemed like he had lured her here on purpose.

Han Ruoxing was wondering when there was a commotion at the door. (End of chapter)

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