Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 1046 The more you lack, the better you become.

Song Jiayu frowned, What are you talking about? I didn't order flowers.

It was ordered by a gentleman with the mobile phone number ending at 8286. He told us to have you sign for it in person. Can you come down here?

Song Jiayu was stunned, 8286, isn't that the last four digits of Gu Jingyan's cell phone?

She stood up suddenly, Just wait a moment, I'll be down right away.

Downstairs, the courier boy was standing at the front desk holding a large bouquet of roses. People in the lobby could not help but take a look at it when they came in, and then they talked among themselves. We have seen many people delivering flowers to the company on TV, but in reality. It’s really rare, so everyone is quite curious as to who this flower is for.

Not long after, the elevator door opened and Song Jiayu walked towards it.

After the courier boy confirmed his identity, he asked her to sign the order and then handed her the bouquet of flowers.

Song Jiayu held the flowers and asked with a blushing face, Sorry, may I ask, did the gentleman who ordered the flowers say anything else?

The little brother shook his head, and then said, He asked the boss to help write the card and put it in the flower.

Song Jiayu reached out and flipped through it, and sure enough, he saw a red card with a beautiful cover inside.

The lady at the front desk smiled and asked, Ms. Song, is it a gift from your boyfriend?

Song Jiayu blushed and stuffed the card in, and whispered, No, just a friend.

Everyone understood, It turned out to be a suitor.

Song Jiayu smiled, did not deny it, and went upstairs holding the flower.

I met many colleagues along the way, and soon the news that Song Jiayu's suitor sent flowers to woo her spread throughout the company.

Song Jiayu didn't stop her. Although the content on the card was just to congratulate her on her employment and wish her good luck in her work, it was sent by Gu Jingyan. She wished that the words would reach Han Ruoxing's ears quickly, so that Han Ruoxing would become angry and do something outrageous. , making Gu Jingyan dislike her.

Back in the office, Song Jiayu took a photo of the roses and sent it to Gu Jingyan, Brother Gu, thank you for the flowers. I like them very much.

Gu Jingyan turned on Do Not Disturb for her until lunch. He wanted to chat with Han Ruoxing and asked her if she had a good meal at noon, then he saw the message from Song Jiayu.

The bouquet of flowers was directly blinded by Gu Jingyan, and he quickly contacted Han Ruoxing, Are you sending her flowers in my name?

Han Ruoxing had just applied for a card at the restaurant and had just settled down after finishing her meal. She saw Gu Jingyan's message and replied enthusiastically, I just ordered the flowers using your mobile phone number. I didn't put your name on the card. Whoever gives it to you depends on what she thinks.

Gu Jingyan said with a dark face, Is it fair for you to use your husband as bait?

Han Ruoxing comforted, I've been wearing those clothes every night this week. I can do whatever you want. I'll let you be happy, okay?

Gu Jingyan's happiness flashed away, and soon his face darkened again, What can I do in this situation? He's used to painting cakes!

Han Ruoxing chuckled, I ordered the flowers, why are you so excited?

Gu Jingyan said, She sent a message to thank me, how do you want me to reply?

You pretended to have amnesia before and fascinated her so much, why can't you pretend now?

Gu Jingyan was sullen, How can that be the same? As long as I pretend not to remember you, it will be enough for her to let down her guard. And you are seducing her now. Have you ever thought that everything you do in my name will be done by her? On top of my head, when we met back, what should I do if she was tugging at me? If I didn’t cooperate, do you think she would be suspicious?

It's okay if you don't cooperate. You just want to give her a feeling of detachment so that she can't stop. As long as you keep your image of a high-altitude flower, I'll talk to your mistress for you.

Gu Jingyan vomited blood. He swallowed his discomfort and calmed down, Okay, okay, I can do as you say. You have negotiated for me with my 'mistress'. What about your 'mistress'? Do I have to do it for you? You talk?

Han Ruoxing frowned, What kind of 'mistress' do I have?

Gu Jingyan snorted coldly, When we were celebrating the Lantern Festival at my great-grandfather's house, who sent you that Mid-Autumn Festival blessing on your phone? Did you stare at it for a long time in the middle of the night?

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment and then remembered.

Before going to bed that night, she received a holiday blessing from Mo Mingxuan. She was looking at the text message and thinking about the rabbit ornament, so she was stunned for a long time.

Weren't you asleep at that time?

Don't worry about whether I'm asleep or not. I'm just asking you, if I answer his text messages for you in the future, will you answer or not?

Han Ruoxing didn't care, You can answer it if you want. I'm doing well. What should I be afraid of?

Gu Jingyan got the answer he wanted, and immediately he didn't mind being used by his wife. He even humbly asked, Then how should I answer her?

No need to reply. As long as I'm not around from now on, no matter what she sends you, don't reply. She will figure it out on her own.

Gu Jingyan...

While Han Ruoxing was typing, Song Jiayu sat opposite her with a dinner plate.

Han Ruoxing raised his eyes to look at her and closed the dialog box calmly.

Song Jiayu smiled and said, Ruoxing, are you still used to the food in the cafeteria? If you don't like it, there are several restaurants downstairs that taste good. Whatever you want to eat, I'll have someone buy it for you.

Han Ruoxing paused, smiled, and said politely, No, that's fine.

Song Jiayu wiped her chopsticks and said casually, Ruoxing, there are some flowers in my office. You can go to my place to get some flowers and put them in the vase in your office. Take a look at them when you are busy. You will feel better.


Han Ruoxing raised her eyes and asked with a smile, Okay, what kind of flowers?

Before Song Jiayu could say anything, the front desk colleague at the next table said, Roses, red roses, such a big bouquet.

Han Ruoxing was quite interested, Rose? Sister Jiayu, is anyone chasing you?

Song Jiayu curled her lips and smiled, They are just friends.

Which friend?

The front desk lady rushed to answer, The man whose mobile phone number ended at 8286, the guy who delivered flowers shouted so loudly, I remember it very clearly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Ruoxing's expression stiffened and his smile disappeared little by little.

Song Jiayu pretended not to notice, and stopped the receptionist angrily, Don't talk nonsense, we are just ordinary friends.

Han Ruoxing twitched her lips and said, Ordinary friends are quite generous.

After saying that, he seemed to have lost his appetite, so he took a few sloppy bites and left.

Song Jiayu was in a great mood. She didn't take more than two bites when she heard her cell phone ring.

She picked it up and took a look. Han Ruoxing sent a wedding photo of her and Gu Jingyan. She even changed the background picture of her circle of friends to that wedding photo.

Song Jiayu smiled contemptuously and even gave her a thumbs up.

In the past, when Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan were so in love, they didn't show photos on their WeChat Moments, but when they heard that the bouquet of flowers was from Gu Jingyan, they couldn't wait to post the photos on their WeChat Moments. What does that mean?

Explain that the more something is lacking, the more exposed it will be. (End of chapter)

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