Su Wanqin's eyelids twitched, What did you say?

Song Jiayu shut up. Her mother had given up the idea of ​​letting her be with Brother Gu. If she knew that she was still in contact with Brother Gu behind her back, she would inevitably get scolded again.

Nothing, Mom, why are you still up so late?

Can't sleep, I have a headache.

Su Wanqin sat next to him and said casually, Why don't you play with Tianjun recently? Didn't you always stick to him before?

When Song Tianjun was mentioned, Song Jiayu's face showed a hint of indifference, His heart is focused on his own sister, how can he be in the mood to care about me.

What are you talking about? Tianjun loved you the most when you were a child. He didn't talk to me very much, but he always loved to play with you. When Han Ruoxing came back, their brother and sister had been separated since they were young. They must be closer, but she You and I have grown up together easily. He doesn't take the initiative to find you, and you don't take the initiative to contact him. How do you think he feels?

Song Jiayu bit her lip, What kind of friendship does he still have for me? All his kindness to me was transferred after Han Ruoxing came back. I was just a sustenance when he lost his sister. Now that his biological sister is back, who am I?

That's not to say that you are always hostile to Han Ruoxing. You compete with her for favor in front of her father and brother. How can you win? Only if you are good to her, will your father be good to you. Do you understand when you see your grievance?

Song Jiayu was stunned, vaguely seeming to understand something.

If you have nothing to do, keep in touch with your brother and pay more attention to the people he comes in contact with.

Song Jiayu wondered, Why pay attention to this?

Su Wanqin said lightly, Your brother is no longer young. If something happens, your dad and I can be mentally prepared and know each other's background.


Okay, go to bed early.

Su Wanqin patted her shoulder, stood up and went upstairs.

She has been very uneasy recently. This uneasiness has been since Song Tianjun returned from country M safe and sound.

As soon as it gets dark, I can't sleep at night. Even when I fall asleep, I have recurring dreams, and my mind is uncontrollably tense.

Although the investigation results of the plane crash showed that it was an accident as planned, she still couldn't feel at ease for some reason.

Song Tianjun has already tracked down Sun Ye. Even if he believes that the plane crash was an accident, his doubts will not go away. He is not afraid of what he will find out, but he is afraid that he will bite him like a mad dog.

On the fifth day of Zhong Meilan's detention, the police issued a notice that Zhong Meilan was sentenced to twenty days' detention.

When the news came, Han Ruoxing was quite surprised. She thought she would only be detained for ten days at most. Although some people were injured because of the tung oil fall, the injuries were not even minor injuries. The result she thought at that time was seven days of detention and a punishment of five hundred.

Unexpectedly, he was fined for twenty days. Gu Jingyan probably didn't let Qian Yan do anything secretly.

Twenty days of detention may not seem serious, but for a pampered lady like Zhong Meilan, she can definitely bear it. The people imprisoned together are all marginalized people in society. Who will pamper her like they do outside?

When she comes out, there will be Liang Siyin's case waiting for her, so she probably won't have the time or energy to fight her in a short time.

Gu Jingyan's recovery of memory was not announced to the outside world. The second was to deal with Song Jiayu. No culprit behind the kidnapping case was found out. She and Gu Jingyan were both uneasy. Pretending to have amnesia also facilitated his secret investigation.

In fact, Han Ruoxing knew who Gu Jingyan wanted to try, but if he didn't tell her, she wouldn't mention it either.

In a blink of an eye, it’s the day before the Lantern Festival.

Gu Jingyang complained in the office, My brother can't come back to work. Once he comes, everyone has to work overtime. It's a big holiday. He doesn't take a break, and he doesn't let others take a break?

While checking the report she made, Lin Shu said with a smile, Mr. Gu is very involved in his work and often forgets about time. Sometimes he doesn't delay the time and leaves so late on purpose.

If you have something to do, please leave first. I'll talk to Mr. Gu later.

Gu Jingyang curled his lips, Everyone hasn't left yet. I left alone. Why am I being special? He will scold me again later. Besides, have you forgotten that my grandma asked you to come back to the old house with me for dinner tonight?

Lin Shu...

Can you not go? Lin Shu was a little confused. The old lady was such a smart person that she had to think eight hundred times about a meal.

Yes, you can tell her yourself that you won't go.

Lin Shu was silent.

He glanced at Gu Jingyang who was drinking water and suddenly said, Tell the old lady that we are going on a date and you want to be alone with me.

Gu Jingyang squirted out a mouthful of water, choking and turning his face red, The devil wants to be alone with you. If you want to say it, you can tell it yourself. I can't afford the shame!

Okay, I said.

Lin Shu said, putting down what he was doing and playing the old lady's call on his mobile phone.

Gu Jingyang pricked up his ears, wanting to hear how Lin Shu disobeyed his grandma.

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Shu said, Chairman, can we go over tonight? There's nothing wrong. Isn't there a lantern festival tonight? Jingyang said he wanted to go over with me to have a look...

Gu Jingyang's face turned dark and he asked him to make a phone call, but he turned the blame on himself?

Just when Gu Jingyang was about to get angry, Lin Shu took a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into her mouth. He smiled and said to the other end of the phone, Well, okay, I'll ask Jingyang to take more photos for you to see.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Gu Jingyang swallowed the chocolate and gritted his teeth and said, If you want to be shameless, you don't dare to offend grandma, and you want me to take the blame?

Lin Shu said matter-of-factly, You are her granddaughter. Knowing that you lied to her, I can only say a few words to you. I am a wage earner. If I lie to her, my job may be gone, so I ask the eldest lady to be more considerate.

Gu Jingyang grinded his teeth, Grandma also said that you are a decent, honest and simple person. Grandma is really old. She has misjudged you. You are the most ill-intentioned person in the whole company.

Lin Shu smiled and asked in a low voice, The fireworks are on this year. The lantern festival is much grander than in previous years. There is also a fireworks show. Don't you really want to go and see it?

Gu Jingyang's eyes lit up for a moment, then dimmed again, It's already this hour and we haven't gotten off work yet. If we go there, we won't be able to get a good position. It's a waste of time to even think about it.

Lin Shu said, I have a way.

Then he sent a message to Han Ruoxing, Madam, will you go to the temple fair this year?

Han Ruoxing quickly replied, It just opened this year and there must be a lot of people. I won't go.

Lin Shu said, I thought you were going to fulfill your wish. I bought all the incense for you.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment when she saw the word vote, and immediately sat up from the bed, Wait a minute, keep Ta Xiang for me, I'll make a call.


Ten minutes later, Gu Jingyan got off work, and his colleagues on the three floors above cheered.

After a while, Gu Jingyang saw the flashing messages on Lin Shu's computer and the WeChat work group, all of which read Assistant Lin is awesome.

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