Tang Xiaoxiao was stunned, Aren't you going to get a divorce? Are you still going to be tied to this rotten man?

Liang Siyin said calmly, If I were in this situation twenty years ago, I would definitely get divorced, but now, what can I get if I get divorced?

If nothing happens to Chen Yeping, he will probably be sentenced to ten or twenty years. Now that I am divorcing him, I will divide the property. He will not be able to spend the money he gets. Who do you think is cheaper? Already?

He is now eager to divorce me so that he can divide a sum of money and settle down his son and mother. How can I fulfill his wish?

As long as I don't get divorced, I have the final say on how to spend the money. I want him to see how his son turned into a waste without a penny of support.

What will you do if he comes out in ten or twenty years and divorces you and divides your property? You will earn more by then. Tang Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

Liang Siyin smiled carelessly, He has been out of touch with society after being in prison for so long. His lover is old and wan, and his son is still a waste with nothing to achieve and a criminal record. But here I have a successful career, and my daughter is married and happy. You What would he choose?

She lowered her eyes and stirred the coffee, Every year during the holidays, I will take him to dinner with my daughter and grandchildren, and talk about his 'great achievements' back then, so that everyone can take a warning. With such a living example, they will definitely Listen to it.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Han Ruoxing...

It turns out that when Chen Yeping went in, her revenge had just begun. She would not let go of her unfaithful husband, her arrogant lover, or the evil offspring they gave birth to.

After Liang Siyin finished speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Han Ruoxing, Is Gu Jingyan in a dilemma and wants to be merciful to Zhong Meilan? Are you here to help me?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, Don't spread rumors. My guy is not that clear about it. He called me here.

Liang Siyin looked at Han Ruoxing, It seems that Zhong Meilan really kicked the iron bench this time, and you were not injured. Why did Gu Jingyan strike so neatly? Has he regained his memory?

The fact that he has not recovered his memory does not affect his judgment. Han Ruoxing raised his eyes and said, Sister Si Yin, please take me to the hospital to visit the two injured cleaners later. I will express my condolences on behalf of the Gu family, and , let me use those official accounts you have raised, and write some soft articles for me, the price is yours.

Naturally, Liang Siyin would not refuse the business that came to her door.

That night, the news that Gu Jingyan's fiancée personally visited the two victims of Zhong Meilan's tung oil incident spread in the circle of friends.

The victim said in an interview that the Gu family paid for the medical expenses and also paid a lot of compensation. When asked whether these payments required them to withdraw the lawsuit, both families said they did not.

Moreover, Gu Jingyan’s fiancée is very sincere and has been apologizing to the two families on behalf of Zhong Meilan. I heard that Zhong Meilan was applying tung oil on the steps. She was originally targeting Gu Jingyan, the fiancée, but in the end, she made a mistake that hurt others. In the end, it was this person who She wants her prospective daughter-in-law to wipe her butt, and her character is high.

In the early morning, Jiang Sheng's official Weibo posted an apology letter. In response to the incident of a batch of expired bread donated to the disaster area a month ago, Jiang Sheng fired several people involved and donated 20 in the name of the company. Yi established the Disaster Relief Foundation, which is mainly used to meet the daily necessities needs of people in the disaster area during the post-disaster reconstruction period. It has also set up a special Weibo to publicize donations. Every expenditure will be recorded in detail in the future and accepted by the entire network. supervision.

Gu Jingyan reposted this Weibo post.

Then it caused a small uproar on the Internet.

Thousands of comments instantly appeared on his Weibo post.

【Two billion! With a monthly income of five thousand, it would take me more than three thousand years to earn it without eating or drinking! 】

[Rich people know everything about charity. 】

[What do you mean, I don’t understand. 】

[Tax avoidance, just hype. 】

[The person upstairs understands Wang Biexiu’s IQ. Donations are deducted from the tax payable, not the tax you have to pay, and there is a limit, okay? Do you really think the person who legislated it is a fool? This is not a foreign inheritance tax, just pretend! 】

[2 billion, why can’t we just let people hype it up? If you donate 20 yuan, you can’t wait to show it off on Weibo, right? 】

[I support all major corporate donations to be rolled up according to this standard. Anyway, I don’t contribute the money. I will support whoever contributes more money. Jiang Sheng is awesome! 】

[Mr. Gu, I saw someone posted a test video of the Luna 2nd generation online. My wife was clamoring to get it from me. I asked her to give up at a price. 】

[I posted this on purpose to cover up your mother’s intentional harm, right? Dian Po was painting oil on the steps and threw the two housekeepers like that. Do you want to cover your mouth even if you have money to pay? If you still buy this kind of hot search online, do you really think that netizens have no memory? 】

[She didn’t cover her mouth, right? Her wife went over to offer her condolences in person and discussed a compensation plan. 】

[Isn’t the purpose of compensating money just to avoid liability? I haven’t heard what Dian Po has done with it yet. I’m afraid she spent money to redeem it a long time ago, right? 】

[My back hurts when I stand and talk. I want to sue hard for no money. Can you help pay for the medical and legal fees? Now that you're an adult, let's be more realistic, okay? My friend is in the hospital. The injuries of the two cleaners were not even considered minor. They did not suppress the news, and they did not shirk responsibility. Now that the police investigation results have not been released, some people are anxious to conclude the coffin. He lies down Did you hear that he redeemed his mother? 】

Netizens were quarreling with each other. Many people believed that Jiang Sheng established this fund just to divert people's attention and to settle the matter. There were also a group of Jiang Sheng's loyal users and passers-by netizens who believed that this matter was Zhong Meilan's personal behavior, and she herself was not here. Since Jiang Sheng holds office, this matter should not have anything to do with Jiang Sheng Group.

The commotion was so great that it finally alerted the authorities. @Ping'an Jiangcheng posted a Weibo post informing the public that the suspect had been controlled and that the specific situation was still under investigation and the results would be announced soon.

At this point, the rumors were self-confirmed and everyone finally confirmed that the Gu family did not spend money to recruit people. The Gu family handled this matter very proactively from beginning to end.

Coupled with the fact that the family members of the two cleaning staff later posted photos (coded versions) with Mrs. Gu Jingyan online, as well as the condolence gifts sent by the other party, the discussion gradually subsided.

When Su Wanqin went downstairs to pour water, Song Jiayu was still painting the slab downstairs.

When she passed behind her, she saw the content on the tablet, which was about Zhong Meilan.

She said calmly, Did you see that Gu Jingyan even sent her own mother in for Han Ruoxing? It's like this even before her memory is restored, let alone after she recovers.

Song Jiayu frowned and murmured in a low voice, This incident was broadcast live. Brother Gu has no choice but to kill his relatives out of justice. What does it have to do with Han Ruoxing?

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