The most important thing is that Song Jiayu's mobile phone is still locked, and she doesn't know the password.

Gu Jingyan took Song Jiayu's phone, thought for a moment, entered his birthday, and then opened it.

Han Ruoxing said sourly, Your sister Jade is quite romantic.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her with a half-smile, slid his hand up, turned on the wireless reverse charging function on his phone, and then attached his phone to the back of Song Jiayu's phone.

Han Ruoxing's eyes widened in surprise, Is there such an operation?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, If you don't just focus on the camera pixels when buying a mobile phone, you will find that it actually has many uses.

Han Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan then opened some large power-consuming apps on Song Jiayu's phone and discharged them like crazy.

After doing all this, Gu Jingyan went out to talk to Chu Yi. Han Ruoxing stared at Song Jiayu's mobile phone and endured it again and again. Unable to hold it back, she clicked on the other party's WeChat and searched for Gu Jingyan's WeChat account.

Then she fell silent. Song Jiayu's note to Gu Jingyan was Ayan. What's even more outrageous is that the background of her WeChat chat was Gu Jingyan's photo.

In that photo, Gu Jingyan looked a little thin, and his mental state was not in good shape. He was sitting sideways by the window, looking out the window indifferently, with a cashmere cardigan draped over his shoulders. The sun shone on him, giving him a softer touch. .

At first glance, it was taken when Gu Jingyan lost his memory, and there was a caption on the photo - Why not wait for you for ten years.

If you put these words in any novel about reunion after a long separation, Han Ruoxing would have to chase it with tears in your eyes, but if you put it in her own love story, it would be so jarring that it would make you want to vomit.

Han Ruoxing controlled her emotions and didn't let herself delete Gu Jingyan's WeChat messages and photos.

She took two deep breaths and felt she had calmed down. Then she opened Song Jiayu's photo album. After searching for a long time, she found that Song Jiayu had not taken any photos during the days when Gu Jingyan disappeared.


She frowned, clicked through all the albums, and then discovered that there was a password-protected album.

Han Ruo

Han Ruoxing took a quick glance and felt blood rushing to the top of his head.

With trembling hands, she clicked on WeChat, found herself, and uploaded the photos and videos to her phone one by one.

As time passed by, Han Ruoxing's palms began to sweat a lot.

The Song family is not far from here, and I don't know where Su Wanqin is now. This is only half of the transmission.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door of the room was pushed open. Han Ruoxing was startled because of his guilty conscience. He turned around and saw Gu Jingyan, and complained, You can walk without making any sound? You scared me.

Gu Jingyan came over and asked, How much is the discharge?

As he said this, he looked at the phone screen, and then he was stunned for a moment, What are you doing?

Han Ruoxing said, Collect evidence.

Gu Jingyan's eyebrows and his heart skipped a beat, Do you know that you are invading other people's privacy?

Han Ruoxing snorted, I didn't invade her privacy. She secretly photographed my husband without my permission. To say it was an invasion, she should have invaded my privacy.

Gu Jingyan was speechless by her absurd reasoning, I don't count your privacy.

Han Ruoxing nodded, You are my secretly married husband.

Gu Jingyan...

He wanted to say something else, but Han Ruoxing was the first to say, Promising not to use that medicine is already my limit. If you continue to persuade me not to pass it on, we will get divorced tomorrow! Let's not live another day!

Gu Jingyan...

What should I do if her data usage is exceeded in a while? Connect both mobile phones to WiFi. The Gigabit speed here is faster.

Consider him wise!

As soon as Han Ruoxing connected to the WiFi, the sound of a car engine sounded downstairs. Gu Jingyan quickly walked to the window and gently opened a crack. The Song family's car had stopped at the door of the villa, and Su Wanqin came.

Han Ruoxing became anxious, Why did she come so quickly? The battery hasn't been finished and the photos haven't been uploaded yet.

Gu Jingyan comforted her, Calm down, you go to the next room first and don't make any noise. I'll go downstairs and drag her for a while.

Then he took the coat and put it on Han Ruoxing, Don't be afraid, don't be nervous. After the photo is uploaded, remember to delete the chat history and WiFi on her phone. It doesn't matter if the battery is not fully discharged. How much is discharged counts as much. Make sure not to make any sound.

Han Ruoxing nodded.

Gu Jingyan smiled, kissed her forehead, and whispered, Go.

The doorbell downstairs rang one after another. Gu Jingyan sniffed the room and vaguely seemed to be able to smell Han Ruoxing's scent.

Gu Jingyan opened Song Jiayu's bag, took out a bottle of perfume from it, sprayed it around twice, then opened the door and window, slowly spreading the fragrance, and then sent a message to Lin Shu, and then he took his time. building.

Opening the door, Su Wanqin frowned and said, Why did it take so long to open the door, where is Jiayu?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, I just drank some sobering tea and am resting upstairs.

Which room is upstairs? Take me to it.

Gu Jingyan said, Aunt Su, please wait for a while. Jiayu didn't wake up, but kept complaining that she was dizzy. The hangover tea didn't work. I asked Lin Shu to buy hangover medicine. When he came back, Jiayu took the medicine. You take her back again.”

No need, Su Wanqin said in a cold voice, I will take her back directly. There is medicine at home.

It was best not to wake up. When she woke up and saw Gu Jingyan, she would probably not leave again.

Su Wanqin raised her eyes and said, Please lead the way.

Gu Jingyan glanced at the time on his watch, nodded and said, Follow me.

Su Wanqin soon saw Song Jiayu. Her cheeks were flushed, and even when she fell asleep, she seemed uneasy and frowned all the time. It seemed that she was feeling uncomfortable after drinking too much as Gu Jingyan said.

Su Wanqin called her name several times, but Song Jiayu was groggy and had no reaction.

She looked around. Song Jiayu's bag was on the table. There was a faint smell of perfume in the room. It was the one Jiayu often used.

Su Wanqin rummaged through Song Jiayu's bag and suddenly said, Where is Jiayu's cell phone?

Gu Jingyan said with a natural expression, Lin Shu took it to another room to charge it. I'll go get it.

Not long after he went out, he took the phone over. Su Wanqin took it and looked at it. The battery was more than 20%.

She glanced at Gu Jingyan and said nothing.

Su Wanqin was determined to make Song Jiayu fall in love with Gu Jingyan, and she didn't even ask him for help. She just called the driver to come and carry Song Jiayu downstairs.

The sound of the car engine faded away, and Gu Jingyan stood at the door for a while. He didn't go upstairs until he was sure that the car was completely gone.

Han Ruoxing was still in the room and did not come out. Gu Jingyan was a little strange. Was he scared?

He opened the door and saw Han Ruoxing squatting on the ground with a white face, staring down at his phone. The video played on his phone was when he was most seriously injured.

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