Jingyan? Su Wanqin was a little unsure.

Gu Jingyan has no interest in Jiayu, why is he with her so late at night?

Why is Jiayu's cell phone at your place?

Han Ruoxing imitated Gu Jingyan's voice and said, Jiayu drank too much. I just brought her to my place and made some sobering soup. I thought I would wait for her to drink it and sober up a little before sending her back. She said otherwise she would go home. , you will be angry.”

Su Wanqin frowned, Jingyan, Jiayu is drunk, just take her back. If you take her to your residence, what will it look like if it spreads? You can be Xing's nominal fiancé now, and be affectionate and reasonable. None of them are suitable.”

Han Ruoxing deliberately remained silent for a moment, and then said, That's what I originally planned, but Jiayu refused. She was afraid that she would be so drunk that you would be angry when she got home.

Then he paused and said, Don't worry, I'm helping you come with me, so it won't have any bad impact on Jiayu's reputation.

Su Wanqin didn't speak for a long time. Just when Han Ruoxing thought that the other party believed her, Su Wanqin suddenly said, Turn on the video call. I'll take a look at Jiayu.

Han Ruoxing's expression changed, and she tried to maintain her composure and said, Okay.

The call was hung up, and within a few seconds, Su Wanqin's video call was placed on Song Jiayu's mobile phone.

Han Ruoxing didn't dare to answer or hang up. She took Song Jiayu's phone and turned the flashlight on her phone to the brightest. Then, listening to the soul-stirring ringtone, she took her own phone and sent a WeChat message to Gu Jingyan, Su Wanqin called Song Jiayu's cell phone, and she wanted to video watch Song Jiayu's current state, so you have to end it quickly.

After a while, Gu Jingyan replied OK.

No one answered the video call, so Su Wanqin hung up and called again.

The usual ringtone sounded like a reminder, making her uneasy.

Not long after, Gu Jingyan came out of the room and called her to come up.

Han Ruoxing took Song Jiayu's cell phone upstairs and briefly told Gu Jingyan what had just happened.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Jingyan's cell phone rang, and Su Wanqin called his cell phone.

Gu Jingyan gestured to her to be silent before pressing the button to answer.

Su Wanqin said with a sullen face, Jingyan, why didn't you answer the video just now?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, I was just about to answer it, but Jiayu's cell phone ran out of battery.

Su Wanqin frowned, Why is your voice different from just now?

Han Ruoxing's heart raised in her throat.

It is more difficult for a female voice to imitate a male voice than for a male voice to imitate a female voice, because men's voices are deep, and their innate structure determines that it is difficult for women to produce the deep falsetto voice of men. They need to constantly practice their breath and training their pronunciation position.

Just listening to the voice she just imitated, you might think it was similar, because she accurately captured the pronunciation characteristics of Gu Jingyan, but in front of the real person, you can't mislead the fake.

As long as you listen carefully, you can still tell that the voice she imitated has a higher pitch, while Gu Jingyan's voice is deeper and deeper.

She thought Su Wanqin couldn't hear it through the phone, but she didn't expect her to be so keen.

Gu Jingyan was very calm and asked, Is it different? I feel the same. Maybe it was in the living room when I just answered Jiayu's call. The new house is relatively empty and there is an echo.

Su Wanqin was silent for a moment, as if trying to figure out whether what he said was true or false. After a while, she said, I'll add you on WeChat and make a video. I'll take a look at Jiayu.


After hanging up the phone, Han Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Jingyan passed Su Wanqin's WeChat friend list and immediately made a video call.

Gu Jingyan pressed the answer button and greeted Su Wanqin on the other end, Hello, Aunt Su.

Su Wanqin looked at him and asked, You went out to eat with Jiayu, didn't you drink?

Gu Jingyan said, I took medicine and it's not convenient for me to drink it.

Then why didn't you persuade Dian Jiayu? She's a girl, but you let her get drunk outside?

Han Ruoxing's eyelids twitched.

This is really a mother and daughter who never reflect on themselves when things happen, they only blame others.

Gu Jingyan's tone was a little colder, Aunt Su, I have tried to persuade her, but Jiayu is an adult and she has her own choices. If you think there is a problem, please tell her to stay away from me next time. This will be very harmful to me. It’s very troublesome for me.”

Su Wanqin's face looked ugly.

Gu Jingyan was too lazy to say anything more, so he turned the phone's camera around and pointed it at Song Jiayu.

Song Jiayu was lying on the bed, neatly dressed, but with a little sweat on her forehead. There was a cup on the table next to her, which should be sobering tea.

Su Wanqin called Song Jiayu's name several times through the phone. Song Jiayu fell into a drowsy state and couldn't wake up at all.

At the same time, Song Jiayu's cell phone rang again, and this time the caller was actually her old father Song Wanqian.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment. Su Wanqin wasn't at home? Didn't the old father know that she was calling Gu Jingyan?

But soon, Han Ruoxing realized the problem.

This phone call was from Su Wanqin to test her.

Because as soon as she called, Su Wanqin asked, Where is Jiayu's cell phone?

Damn you, this cunning woman! My mind spins so fast!

Fortunately, she muted Song Jiayu's cell phone when she went upstairs. Otherwise, when Gu Jingyan was making a video and her cell phone rang, Su Wanqin would have known something was wrong!

She quickly took her cell phone and exited quietly, fearing that she would cause further trouble.

Gu Jingyan said, Downstairs, I asked Lin Shu to find a charger.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips, No need to recharge, just send Jiayu back.

I'm not free now. Aunt Su should send someone to pick her up. I wasn't willing to pick her up at first. You can help me clear things up by picking her up.

When Gu Jingyan was scolded by her, the young master's temper seemed to have risen, and his tone was tough.

Su Wanqin was very angry. Except that after Gu Jingyan divorced Han Ruoxing, she deliberately asked Zhong Meilan to match them. After Han Ruoxing was recognized, she never thought about it again.

She told Song Jiayu more than once that Gu Jingyan was not a good match, but her daughter didn't listen at all and kept posting it!

Gu Jingyan lost his memory, so she thought she had a chance. She was immersed in her fantasy and couldn't extricate herself. She didn't even notice that Gu Jingyan looked at her with no friendship at all.

When Gu Jingyan said something to her, she felt like he had a crush on her, and when he said hello to her, she felt like he liked her. It was hopeless!

If Gu Jingyan was really interested in her, could he say such words in anger now?

It's okay, she has to wake up.

Su Wanqin didn't care anymore, she asked for the address with a cold face, said she would be there soon, and then hung up.

Han Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief, took Song Jiayu's mobile phone, and suddenly said, Her mobile phone still has 80% battery, what should I do?

(None today)

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