"Teresa...my little cutie...you, you have grown up..." Zhou Ye's emotional words were like pressing a button in Teresa's heart.

Teresa couldn't help feeling agitated any longer. She threw herself into Zhou Ye's arms, hugged him tightly with both arms, and buried her small head in his arms. Crying and shouting: "Why didn't you come to me on the night of my sixteenth birthday... You said, you will spend a meaningful sixteen with me... Why didn't you come... Just for that **** A bet? I was wrong... I will never force you again... woo woo woo woo..."

"Uh—" Zhou Ye patted Teresa's back in a speechless manner. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain...

Do you want to tell her that she actually wanted to go, but because Elizabeth used the method of unlocking new knowledge points to lure and lure her, she accidentally lost the appointment? If he said that, Zhou Ye felt that he must have been blamed to death by Teresa...

Of course, even if he went, Zhou Ye wouldn't fulfill that bet... It just requires some small technical operations, but since he missed it, Zhou Ye didn't think about it anymore...

"I don't care... I have disregarded the girl's restraint and sent it to the door... If... if you don't want me, then I have to die..." Teresa said, raising her little head slightly, Looking at Zhou Ye, he said in a low voice, "I have been careful to keep that sixteen-year-old gift for you... Do you want it?"

A sixteen year old gift? How many years can you keep a gift?

Seeing the overflowing emotion in Teresa's eyes, how could Zhou Ye not know what this gift was? At this time, whoever persuades whoever pencils... "I want—!"

Following Zhou Ye's unequivocal answer, he directly bent over unceremoniously and hugged Teresa in his arms like a princess...


With a swoosh, he disappeared in place...

A group of mermaids looked at the disappearance of their master and smiled clearly. As sisters who have accompanied their master and man for centuries, they know too much what their master looks like...

At the beginning, when little Teresa came to the manor, basically everyone secretly made a bet, betting whether this girl became the owner of the house at the age of fourteen, or became her own at the age of sixteen. The master's woman...

However, what surprised the girls was that the owner of the house had let Teresa go so easily—to the girls, it was like the sun rising from the west, incredible...

It's just—it now seems that they are still too naive to think that their master has changed his nature...

Obviously—this time the owner of the house is playing a game of seeing who can't help it. From the ending, the loser is little Teresa...

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

The afterglow of the setting sun, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, dyed the huge bedroom a golden…

At this moment, in the middle of the bedroom, in the middle of the exaggerated super-giant couch, a pair of figures are snuggling tightly together, looking out the window together, gradually falling towards the sunset at the sea level...

"Earlier...I knew earlier, this is such a comfortable thing...I surrendered a long time ago..." Teresa snuggled tightly into her man's arms, looking at the white list with a blushing face, the blooming A **** rose...

She finally gave this late gift today...

"Well..." Zhou Ye lazily put his chin on Teresa's shoulder, sniffed the fragrance of flowers from her hair, and said, "How does it feel to be the CEO of the East India Company? ?"

"There are those servants who are like loyal dogs, what else do I need to do?" Teresa gave her man a white look and said, "And those guys are immortal, I think even if the Swan family breaks the inheritance, those guys will be the same. will always keep the East India Company firmly in your hands..."

"Cough cough...Say something else..." Zhou Ye heard that Teresa was complaining about himself, and had interfered too much with the East India Company...

But he was really wronged, seriously—he didn't really get involved in the East India Company, those who occupy the high positions are the products of the biohuman production line that comes with the Umbrella, they are tireless, they are always loyal, they Immortality and immortality, just after a few decades, change the skin and identity.

Of course, these things can't be hidden from Teresa, after all—she also lived in the manor for so long...

"Okay..." Teresa smiled slightly. In fact, she didn't care much about her man's control of the entire East India Company, or—it was precisely this kind of control that allowed the giant East India Company to exist to this day. …

If it was left to the people of my own family to call the shots, I am afraid that the entire East India Company would have perished more than a hundred years ago today.

Don't you see, even if Niu X is like the Red Shield family that once controlled the coinage of the United States, can't escape the family's infighting and lead to the decline of the entire family?

"Actually, I have one more thing besides a belated gift for you today!" Teresa said, patted her man's arm around her waist, and said, "Dear, help me Could you bring the file bag that's next to my clothes, please?"

"Of course no problem..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and raised his hand - a document bag that had been thrown on the ground beside his clothes flew directly into his hand.

"What is this??" Zhou Ye asked while opening the file bag.

"Of course it's information collected for the sake of your dear girl..." Teresa rolled her eyes and complained.

But she was still not angry when she complained...

If she really couldn't get used to Zhou Ye's flowery heart, she would definitely not come to deliver the documents in person today...

In fact, sending documents is fake, sending yourself is real...

As a girl who lived beside Zhou Ye for several years when she was a child, how could Teresa not understand the character of the man she fell in love with?

You know, it took her two full years to recognize all the aunts...

God, that was just torture...

Of course, now she finally understands why those women are so persistent even if they share a man together... As if there is no other man in this world except Zhou Ye...

That kind of feeling like a soul ascending to heaven made Teresa completely sink...

Zhou Ye looked at the information in his hand... He said with a smile, "It's pretty complete..."

All the information about Mira Ness, from her birth to the present, is recorded in the file bag.

According to the information, Mila's father is a senior Egyptian expert at the British Museum, and her mother is an immigrant from Egypt... This is really interesting.

The most interesting thing is - Mila seems to have been interested in ancient Egypt since she was a child, she often went to play where her father worked, and - especially obsessed with the history of ancient Egypt during the time of Seti I...

She has learned the anti-human cuneiform script in ancient Egypt, she is like a genius...

Of course, because of her completely different hobbies from her peers, she basically didn't have any friends when she was a teenager... Or, did she disdain making friends with other girls? ?

From elementary school to high school, Mila has been studying in all girls' schools, so she has never had a history of love... Currently, she is studying at the North London Mission School, which can be said to be the first girls' school in London, also known as the It is a century-old school.

"What? My dear... Are you interested in this girl??" Teresa squeezed into Zhou Ye's arms and looked at the documents with him. At this moment - Zhou Ye was holding a picture that looked like it had just been taken. Photos of Mira soon.

"Well - don't you think that changing this girl's hair into a straight shawl with bangs has a very classical beauty??" Zhou Ye smiled and looked at Hela in the photo and said...

"Really..." Although Teresa had read this document for a long time, she really didn't realize that if Zhou Ye didn't say anything - that a small change in hairstyle could make a girl who looked just a little more attractive. So beautiful... "So... dear, when are you going to take her back??"

"Wait two days..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Why two days??" Teresa asked curiously.

"Because—you will need at least two days to get better. Then, when we go to London together, it will be our honeymoon..." Zhou Ye replied with a smile.

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Teresa couldn't help but smile.

Zhou Ye was actually willing to take her to London, which was so surprising to her. Based on what she knew about her own man, basically... when this guy went out to pick up girls, he never brought other wives... just because he was afraid of making it more difficult. …

Thinking of this, Teresa felt a little moved in her heart...

But even so, she still said duplicitously: "...you can't satisfy my appetite in a London..."

"Then... how about adding another US?" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

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