"Yes, Lord Duke!" The bodyguards didn't have any nonsense such as persuasion. They knew that if their bosses were not safe in that manor, there would be no place in this world that would be safe...

Teresa walked to the gate of the bridge without looking back. At this time, the gate at the gate opened slightly, and a blond woman in a black dress smiled and opened her arms to her, "Hey, Little Teresa, long time no see..."

"Long time no see, Aunt Serena!" Teresa also didn't see the outside world, she reached out and hugged the woman...

Although the two seem to be about the same age, but - strangely, Teresa actually calls her Auntie.

"I feel very sorry about your father..." Serena said, holding Teresa's arm, walking around the manor, and closing the small door.

"It's nothing... At least when my parents and the others left, they were very peaceful, and... there's nothing I can do about it. Who told them to suddenly throw away their bodyguards and go on an adventure at sea..." Teresa Although he said it very casually, his eyes were still a little red. "What a dreadful pair of parents!"

"I'm sorry..." Serena also noticed the sadness on Teresa's face, and said with some guilt...

"No, it's nothing... It's not Aunt Serena's fault!" Teresa didn't want to continue to entangle on this topic, she hurriedly changed the subject: "Why didn't you see the other aunties? Where did they go? Where's my great-great-grandmother?"

"Ha..." Speaking of this question, Serena said excitedly: "You don't know, the master brought back a new mistress three months ago, she actually studied archaeology, and... the master and her We also excavated an ancient tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh and brought back a lot of beautiful ornaments..."

"Then what??" Teresa asked curiously.

"Then?" Serena shrugged her shoulders and said helplessly: "You know, how busy are your aunties, they actually bewitched the newcomers to take them to Egypt to travel in a group, to do an archaeology by the way, and also You left us here... It's a nonsense to say that our mermaid family is not suitable for traveling in the desert area... In this case, why did the patriarch and the little patriarch go... I must act like a spoiled child in front of the master when I turn around, When they come back, let the master punish these crazy women properly..."

"That is to say..." Teresa's eyes lit up when she heard Serena's words... "That is to say... my nosy great-great-grandmother is not at home??"

"Huh??" Serena saw through Teresa's thoughts at a glance, her eyes narrowed suddenly... A smile that was half-smiling appeared in the corner of the gully, and she asked, "What? Little Teresa hasn't told us yet. Is the master giving up??"

"How can you give up??" Teresa is not afraid of Serena... Among all the daughters, the only thing she is afraid of is her great-great-grandmother, Elizabeth Swan...

If it wasn't for her great-great-grandmother to stop her, how could Teresa still be alone with her sister-in-law? He is obviously twenty-three or four years old, and he has never had a love experience, let alone a love experience, and he has never even held a man's hand...

No way, her heart, as early as when she was eleven years old, was left on a certain boy who was always eighteen years old.

"Aren't you afraid that Elizabeth will come back to take care of you?" Serena looked at Teresa amusingly. It can be said that Teresa's years of living in the manor brought countless laughter and laughter to the entire manor.

Watching her battle wits with her great-great-grandmother Elizabeth every day always makes all the girls laugh...

"Afraid—!" Teresa nodded, and what she said surprised Serena... "Then you still..."

"But I'm more afraid - I'll miss him!" Teresa's delicate little face, with a firm smile, made her already perfect face more confident and beautiful.

"..." Serena stopped her footsteps and looked at Teresa blankly... The little girl back then has finally grown up, and now it's time for her to bravely pursue her own happiness...

But - isn't this a very nice thing to do? It just so happened that those guys actually left their sisters here and went out to travel alone. I don’t know what kind of expressions they will have on their faces when Elizabeth comes back, but they find that they want to match their great-great-granddaughters and sisters. I’m really looking forward to it…

Thinking of this, Serena gave Teresa her thumbs up, and Gu Jiao pulled out a hearty smile. "Come on, I will create the necessary conditions for you, little Teresa!"

Chapter 1383

Chapter 1383

At this moment, Zhou Ye was lying on a beach chair, wearing sunglasses, looking at the beach volleyball being held on the silver-white sand...

What to say?

Looking at the **** swaying around in front of him, Zhou Ye had to think about it—is it because the mermaids swim in the water every day, so one by one? Although the **** are not big, their compactness is far beyond that of humans. what.

Of course, their average level of development is far higher than that of humans. The smallest is at least C+, and the largest is E+... Could this be the legend—one side raises the other person...? Brackets - lol.

These days, it's rare that all of his women have gone to do archaeology. This is a rare holiday for Zhou Ye, even though he is still surrounded by many mermaid girls.

Lonely or something that doesn't exist...

There's no such thing as boring...

It's just that Zhou Ye is now waiting for a message from the East India Company under him about a woman.

A woman named Mira Ness...

Speaking of this name, it is estimated that many people do not know who she is, but——if you talk about her past life, I am afraid everyone will be very familiar... Ansunam.

That's right, Mira Ness is the reincarnation of Ansunam who appeared in The Mummy 2.

As someone who is determined to kill a mistake and never let it go, how could Zhou Ye forget about this girl?

In the Mummy series, if Evelyn carries Zhou Ye's longing for the kind of love that never leaves when he was young, then -- Ansunam carries the fishing nets of Zhou Ye when he was young...

You know, how many descendants of Zhou Ye were murdered by Ansunam's stunning appearance? It's literally hundreds of millions... parentheses lol.

Now that Mummy 1 is in this world, will Mummy 2 be far behind?

Zhou Ye, as a five-year-old boy who never waited, always practiced the famous saying of Taizu, who had enough food and clothing by himself, would not wait for the plot to proceed normally...

As for why Zhou Ye didn't use his five senses to search for Mira Ness?

Ahem - do you think it's easy to retrieve a specific sound among the billions of sounds?

When Zhou Ye searched for Evelyn's voice, it took him a long time, not less than a minute...

And you don't need to leave it under your own hands? What is this about?

He, the behind-the-scenes boss, does everything by himself, so what's the use of the East India Company? Are you raising them as little sheep?

"These guys are so slow..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly.

However, at this moment, a voice came over...

"Master, Miss Teresa is here..."

"It really doesn't matter..." Zhou Ye murmured, took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, turned his head to look...

I saw——, a beautiful blond girl in a long white silk dress, facing him, Tingting...

"Hey, long time no see, cute..." Zhou Ye stood up with a smile and stretched out his arms...

Although I haven't seen each other for nearly ten years, the cute little loli turned into a big beauty, but her delicate face still has the shadow of her childhood...

"......Should I call you, great-great-grandfather, or should I call you...Uncle Ye..." Teresa stood in front of the figure she was thinking about day and night, holding back her incomparable excitement, using almost The unwavering voice asked: "Or - should I call you... dear..."

"..." Great-great-grandfather? Are you that old? Zhou Ye resisted the fishing net he wanted to complain about, and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him whose whole body could not help but tremble...

I have to say that the genes of the Swan family are really good, and-because there is no idea of ​​family expansion, almost every generation of descendants of the Swan family will marry their favorite woman...

Of course, as a common problem for men, no one wants to marry an ugly wife, and the men of the Swan family have thoroughly implemented this concept.

This has led to the optimization of genes from generation to generation, Teresa has a beauty far beyond her great-great-grandmother, Elizabeth...

Under the long eyelashes, in the eyes as beautiful as sapphire, there seems to be a radiance like water flowing, the straight golden hair hangs down at the waist, the height of 1.73 meters makes her have a pair of straight long legs, fat. A thin and just right figure fully explains to people, what is too fat to gain one point, and too thin to lose one point.

However, what made Zhou Ye's heart move the most was her pair of coconut-sized babies...

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