Little Elizabeth was confused by Zhou Ye's remarks. It sounded reasonable, but—but in this way, wouldn't she mean that the negotiation failed? ?

At this time, the atmosphere on the deck became more and more tense. The sailors, second mates, first mates, and captains of the Royal Navy on the Dreadnought all looked at the little loli in front of them. The captain's boy seemed to treat Governor Swan's daughter a little differently, at least - when facing little Elizabeth, the boy was very patient.

Now—their lives are in the hands of this little loli, and everything depends on how the little loli convinces the pirate captain...

"Then, for you... what is enough to let you spare their lives??" Little Elizabeth asked cautiously.

"Of course it's a priceless treasure..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"In your eyes, what kind of treasure is priceless??" Little Elizabeth has learned to be smart this time, and she plans to find a way after asking clearly.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye didn't answer Little Elizabeth's words immediately, but waved at Governor Swan, "Excuse me, this gentleman, please come over here!"

"Yes, yes, Your Excellency!" Governor Swan walked tremblingly in front of Zhou Ye. He didn't dare not to come. When Zhou Ye waved at him, he saw the black-dressed goddess of death standing behind Zhou Ye, looking towards him. He didn't want to try it at all. In the end, his head was harder, or the swordswoman's rapier was sharper.

"Don't be so nervous..." Zhou Ye comforted Governor Swan softly. The future old husband should have some preferential treatment. "Please, tell me, what is your priceless treasure to you??"

"Yes... yes..." Governor Swan couldn't figure out for a while what the pirate captain asked himself.

Just when he was hesitating, suddenly, a sharp gaze fell on him... Under the murderous gaze of Governor Swan, his mind was chaotic and in a panic, Governor Swan replied: "Yes, it's my daughter... Your Excellency... For me, my priceless treasure is my daughter!"

"Very good...Thank you, this gentleman." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then turned to look at little Elizabeth and said, "Then, I have decided that my priceless treasure is exactly as good as this gentleman..."


Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Governor Swan was immediately stunned - he thumped, knelt on the deck, and begged bitterly, "Please, merciful Your Excellency, don't take my daughter, she , she's still young... I beg you..."

In the face of Governor Swan's plea, Zhou Ye was unmoved. He smiled at little Elizabeth and said, "Choose now, little cutie, should you sacrifice yourself to save all the people on board? Or - protect yourself and watch They're going to die... In addition, I want to remind you that among [them], your father is also included..."

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290

As Zhou Ye's words fell, everyone on the deck was staring at Little Elizabeth. This was their only hope for survival...

"I...I..." Little Elizabeth was really terrified. She looked at her crying father in confusion. Apparently, Governor Swan, who was sad at this time, couldn't give her any hint and told her , in the end how to do it is right.

On the other hand, when she turned her gaze to the soldiers of the Royal Navy of England on the deck, she was almost frightened by the eagerness in their eyes, the fruit-eating eyes that scared the little Loli to Zhou Ye. close to the past...

Compared to those guys who looked a little grim at this time, Little Loli felt that it would be safer to be by Zhou Ye's side.

"Have you thought about it? Cutie..." Zhou Ye gently hugged her and put little Elizabeth in his arms, asking in a low voice.

"I..." The words that little Elizabeth wanted to refuse because of fear, when she saw her father crying on the deck, became... "I am willing... I am willing, exchange myself for me Father's life..."

"What a cute little guy!" Zhou Ye smiled and stood up holding the little loli directly. "Then, the negotiation is reached... I have grabbed the most unique loot in the world, and we can already go back..."

"No... Elizabeth... my daughter..." Governor Swan cried bitterly and waved to his daughter. He even twisted his body, trying to climb up in front of Zhou Ye and block Zhou Ye's footsteps... …

However, his move was stopped by the soldiers around him.

"Don't go there, Your Excellency Governor..."

"That is too dangerous, Your Excellency!"

"My condolences, Your Excellency!"

"You cowards, cowards... Aren't you ashamed to actually use my daughter in exchange for your hope of survival?" Governor Swan, who was dragged and unable to move, scolded angrily. "For the life you exchanged for a child, I curse you to live in guilt for the rest of your life, and I will never forgive you..."

Those sailors were ashamed when they were reprimanded by Governor Swan's words, but——their hands were still firmly pressing on Governor Swan's shoulders. Shame is one thing, life is another... Shame It's impossible to kill people, and Zhou Ye - really kills people.

"Wait a minute... can I have a few more words with my father?" Little Elizabeth, who was in Zhou Ye's arms, asked anxiously.

"Of course there's no problem..." Zhou Ye said, gently putting down the little loli in his arms.

"Dad..." Little Elizabeth rushed in front of Governor Swan, looked at her tearful father, and whispered, "Trust me, Dad, I will definitely run back... I will definitely come back to you Please don't be sad, just think I'm traveling far away..."

"Little cute is right, your daughter will come back to you sooner or later, of course... Even if she comes back to you, she will still be mine..." Zhou Ye said, glanced at the deck soldiers on. "Don't hit my little cutie, she is now under my protection..."

"..." At this moment, little Elizabeth really had the urge to cry...

One side abandoned himself without hesitation for their lives, and even stopped his own father for this reason - while the other side declared that he was under his protection and warned others not to make up their own minds... …

In comparison, the judgement is high and low...

Although little Elizabeth still didn't quite understand what emotion was and what was love - but at this moment, she felt that Zhou Ye's figure had left a deep imprint on her heart. In this life, she would never forget this handsome man. pirate boy.

"Really? Your Excellency..."

When he heard Zhou Ye's words, Governor Swan's eyes lit up. What he feared most was that he would lose his daughter forever in this life, and what would happen to the woman who was kidnapped by the pirates, no need to think about it...

However, Zhou Ye's words just now gave him infinite hope...

"Of course - just treat me as your daughter and experience the pirate life with me, she will come back one day sooner or later!" Zhou Ye didn't say the rest of the words, [after she becomes my woman...]

"Thank you..." This scene of twists and turns made Governor Swan feel a lot better... In fact, he wanted to beg Zhou Ye not to ruin his daughter's innocence, but this thought just swirled in his mind. After that, it gave up automatically...

First, because his life and death were in Zhou Ye's hands, he was afraid that he would annoy the pirate captain.

The second is because in the eyes of Governor Swan, the beautiful woman who has been standing behind Zhou Ye and never looked away from Zhou Ye [Huana] is definitely Zhou Ye's wife, he knows this kind of woman. Character, crazy love, but also deep love...

With a woman with such a personality by Zhou Ye's side, Governor Swan felt that Zhou Ye would never have the chance to eat his daughter.

According to Juana's character in the past, Governor Swan's idea was right at all, but - he didn't know that Juana had loved Zhou Ye to the point of losing herself. For her, as long as her man wanted Yes, she will never say a word.

This can be seen from the fact that Juana personally sent her two sisters to her man's bed...

Of course, Governor Swan didn't know about this. If he knew that there were still many women on the steel behemoth, he would probably change his mind.

"You guys still don't let me go..." Governor Swan broke free from the restraints of the sailors, then took his daughter's hand and kept explaining the precautions. Of course, most of them were like what to eat. Trivial things like being full and warm...

In the middle of the explanation, Governor Swan seemed to remember something again, and rushed into the cabin at a trot, quickly sorted all his daughter's things into a small rattan box, and then took it out... ... He was like a father watching his daughter getting married, he explained some trivial matters of his daughter's life with snot and tears, and handed over the box in his hand. "Elizabeth, my baby, in the future when your father is not by your side, you must take good care of yourself..."

"I know... Dad..." Little Loli's eyes were also reddened by this parting atmosphere...

Zhou Ye was not in a hurry to interrupt the conversation between the two fathers and daughters, after all—after we say goodbye, I am afraid that goodbye will be a few years later...

After half an hour—

The Umbrella super-dreadnought-class battleship carrying Little Elizabeth slowly drove away... Governor Swan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, waved his hand, and said goodbye to his daughter...

Right now, he could only hope to believe that Zhou Ye could speak his mind, so that their father and daughter would have a chance to meet again in the future.

Chapter 1291

Chapter 1291

Three days later————

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