It's just that compared to the almost incomprehensible steel beast, the resistance they can make is almost nothing - they are unwilling, but helpless.

Just as a bleak atmosphere enveloped the entire deck, a crisp loli sounded.

"Since, sir, you are a pirate, then according to the pirate covenant, I request to negotiate with you..."

Following the voice, Zhou Ye looked over... Ha - it was none other than the one who spoke, it was his goal this time, Little Loli, Elizabeth Swan. "Oh? Cutie, do you still know about the pirate covenant??"

Zhou Ye said with a smile as he sat back—

Following his actions, the housekeeper Catherine, who was standing behind him, waved his hand gently behind him, and a comfortable single-seat sofa instantly appeared behind the owner of the house, which would catch Zhou Ye's body as he sat down.

"Don't be ridiculous, Elizabeth..." Governor Swan didn't see this weird scene, and now all his attention was on his worry-free daughter. He scolded his daughter and walked quickly Arriving in front of Zhou Ye, he respectfully saluted Zhou Ye and said, "Dear Your Excellency, my daughter is just a child, she doesn't know any pirate covenant, please don't talk to her for the sake of her being a child. Comparing..."

"Don't worry, I'm just curious, what this little cutie wants to talk to me about, this gentleman doesn't need to be so panic, I won't hurt a child, especially if this child is so cute..." Zhou Ye smiled. He waved his hand, then looked at Elizabeth who had walked in front of him and asked, "Little cutie, do you want to negotiate with me? What are you going to talk to me about?"

"That depends on how you plan to deal with these soldiers..." Elizabeth didn't know why, but she didn't feel nervous when she looked at Zhou Ye. Perhaps this was the victory of appearance... Even if she knew that this handsome young man was a superhero The captain of the pirate ship holds the power of life and death for the entire crew of the Dreadnought.

"Interesting..." Zhou Ye smiled and looked at the little loli who was standing in front of him, talking eloquently, and asked, "What if - I want to kill them all? After all, I don't do slave business... ...and I also hate outsiders on my boat..."




Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the sailors on the deck, including the officers, couldn't help but panic. They felt as if they were fools, and lost their weapons of resistance... Now, they have become lambs to be slaughtered, to be slaughtered - unable to resist.

"Shut up, you scumbags..." Before Zhou Ye spoke, Juana, who was standing behind him, had already revealed bloodthirsty eyes to the captives. In her opinion, all decisions made by her own men were Yes, he said that to kill these guys, then these guys must obediently stick their heads in front of her man's butcher knife and obediently die.

Her love for Zhou Ye was so deep that she couldn't tell right from wrong—this was also the reason why Zhou Ye loved her the most...

If there is a woman who takes your likes as her likes, your dislikes as her dislikes, your words as her commands, and your love as her everything... what man would be willing to abandon this What about women?

Anyway, Zhou Ye was reluctant.

"Okay, baby, don't be angry... For these guys are not worth it..." Zhou Ye said and patted Juana's little hand on his shoulder. What happened to those sailors, he didn't plan to kill them at all... ... He is not a murderer who kills for the sake of killing... Generally, when he kills, he does so with a purpose.

"Well, okay, dear..." Under Zhou Ye's comfort, Juana instantly changed from a devil to a well-behaved little daughter-in-law. The speed of her face changing was outrageous.

" can't do this!" Little Elizabeth was really frightened by what Zhou Ye said just now, she said with a pale face: "According to the pirate covenant, they can use their belongings to redeem their lives..."

"Property?" Zhou Ye said lazily, "Okay, I'll give them an hourglass time - as long as they can come up with something that satisfies me, I'll spare their lives..."

Following Zhou Ye's words, Catherine, who was standing behind Zhou Ye, took out an incomparably delicate crystal hourglass from somewhere on her body, and then held it in her hand so quietly, as the sand in the hourglass kept moving. Falling down... All the people on the deck panicked, and it seemed to them that it was not grit that fell in the hourglass, but their lives.

The whole deck was in a panic, some people took out their treasured gold coins from their boots, and some people took out some smelly pounds from their crotch...

Some people even picked up a mallet and beat their cheeks hard. Who told him to have a few gold teeth inlaid in his mouth... In the face of life, all possessions have become less important - less than half a short period of time. At the time of the hourglass, in the middle of the deck, there was already a hill made of various valuables, including pocket watches, coins, and even women's clothes... and so on, to name a few.

Zhou Ye was amazed by this scene, Ma Dan's—what these guys think, it's really not easy to hide money anywhere.

Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289

As these guys took out the last copper plate from their whole body, everyone stood quietly on the deck, cautiously, looking at Zhou Ye with uneasy eyes... as if waiting Prisoners sentenced by judges are generally... poor looking.

"Sir, are these treasures enough to redeem their lives??" Little Elizabeth Swan asked Zhou Ye, looking at the pile of treasures thrown on the deck.

"Of course—!" Zhou Ye deliberately dragged his tongue, looking at the smile on Little Loli's face... Then, he said, "Not enough!"


"God... greedy pirates..."

"This is all my property..."

"No...I don't want to die..."

"I beg you, merciful Your Excellency, we have no more possessions..."

"Damn pirates..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the sailors and soldiers on the entire deck were in chaos. Some people cursed Zhou Ye in anger, some prayed for Zhou Ye's tolerance, and some complained about Zhou Ye's greed. A messy stance...

"The **** who insults my lover is going to die..." Juana's sinister voice sounded. Before her man could speak, she had turned into a black mist and disappeared behind Zhou Ye in an instant...

As she disappeared, a cloud of black mist condensed behind the swearing sailors, and before those people could react, the black mist condensed behind them turned into a man wearing a gorgeous black dress. Juana, just standing behind those people, Juana no longer has the small black umbrella held high in her hands. Instead, it is a black sharp narrow sword...

"Pfft-" sound.

Juana's rapier quickly plunged into the back of the sailors who were swearing, and then pierced through the eyebrows... The corpse fell on the deck with a thud...

"God...what is this?"

"No...she's the devil..."

"Help me..."

With the death of the sailor, all the people became a mess, they were hiding and shouting everywhere, as if they were trying to find a safe place, especially those guys who had just spit out dirty words, all of them wanted to hide in the sky go with……

However, their actions had no effect, even a guy who climbed onto the side of the ship and wanted to jump into the sea to escape, also under Juana's elusive figure, his soul returned to Huangquan...

"Okay, baby, just frighten these children, there's no need to kill them all..." Zhou Ye finally spoke up...

Those sailors who were hiding everywhere like panicked lambs to be slaughtered, they never felt that Zhou Ye's words were so beautiful at any time, just like the sounds of nature, just because his words could save their lives...

"Okay, dear..." As Juana's gentle voice sounded, her figure condensed behind Zhou Ye again, as if she had never left there.

"..." Captain Norrington, who had been waiting for an opportunity, wanted to hold Zhou Ye hostage. At this time, his teeth were itching with hatred. He kept scolding in his heart, why not let that woman kill more After a while, in half a step, he will be able to move to Zhou Ye's side... At that time, as long as he attacks, I believe that this weak-looking pirate is definitely not his opponent.

However, it was too late to say anything now, Juana had already returned to Zhou Ye's back - Norrington believed that he would not have any chance under the watch of the woman in the black dress.

", you don't mean anything..." At this time, little Elizabeth, who had never seen a real killing, finally felt a little scared. The blood that had just splattered on the sailor's body even got her clothes. On, the little Loli, who faced death, knew the feeling of fear for the first time.

"Speaking doesn't count?" Zhou Ye looked at the shivering little loli in front of him, and said with a slight smile, "I didn't say anything didn't count..."

"But, but you said... as long as the property they take out... is enough to satisfy you... you will let them go..." Little Elizabeth retorted a little unwillingly.

"That's right, I did say so..." Zhou Ye looked at the stubborn little loli and teased softly, "But what they brought out, in my opinion, is just a pile of rubbish... no of any value..."

"How is it possible..." Little Elizabeth walked angrily to the hill where the property was piled up, pointed at a gold coin and said, "Isn't this gold? Aren't these coins? How could they possibly be worthless? ...?"

"No, no, cutie... You made a mistake..." Zhou Ye waved slightly to little Elizabeth and said, "You have to know that the value of anything lies in whether it can be useful to certain people. It plays a certain role... For example, when you are dying of thirst, a glass of fresh water is enough to give you your entire fortune, and when you are dying of starvation, a piece of brown bread can make you do anything to exchange it... It seems to me that these gold and silver possessions are worthless, because—I don't need them!"



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