Movie black technology

Chapter 600 Something is wrong

Before the commander-in-chief finished speaking, he called the secretary back to his side, pressed it to his ear, and whispered:

Next, just as I planned before.

Arrange two transport ships, one to return to the mainland and one to East Asia, and then we found that the monster had been transferred by terrorists...

Next, you know how to operate.

The commander smiled meaningfully, and the secretary nodded despite being a little nervous.

I understand.



After half an hour.

The opposite national press conference was held.

The commander-in-chief appeared in front of the camera with a radiant face, full of enthusiasm, and officially announced to the whole country and the world with a smile on his face:

Just half an hour ago, our heroic soldiers had completely brought the disaster on Hawaii Island under control. It was a monster we named Fury. The dark clouds have dissipated, and Hawaii once again ushered in the light!

Times Square was crowded with people, and many people gathered here, looking up at the public screen in front of them.

Before the Grand Commander could finish speaking, the crowd had already started cheering and applauding.

So that no one heard the next words of the Grand Commander.

We have started the procedures for post-disaster relief in Hawaii, and all regions should cooperate. After the local state of emergency is declared in Hawaii...

From a procedural point of view, under the federal system, officials at all levels are relatively independent, and cities, counties, states, and the highest level of the federation cannot directly intervene in each other's work.

Even if it is such a major event as disaster relief, the officials of the disaster-stricken area must declare a state of emergency, indicating that they need support, so that other domestic rescue forces can enter the local disaster relief.

Otherwise, even if the national-level rescue team is stationed there, they cannot go out to rescue without authorization. There have been precedents showing that not only will there be no rewards for doing so afterwards, but they will be punished.

Same this time.

After the commander-in-chief finished his speech and returned to the office, he has been waiting for the news that Hawaii declared a state of emergency.

The result was just as he expected.

an hour passed...

two hours...

five hours...

It was getting dark, and there was still no movement in the disaster-stricken area in Hawaii, as if completely dumb.

In other words, the local officials are no longer dumb.

Instead, it has been completely dismantled.

After the first monster crisis, the governments at all levels in Hawaii were already in a state of disorganization, unable to do anything at all, and they were all supported by the army and other support forces on the island.

And in this crisis, it’s wildfires and monsters.

Under such a blow, the local officials could not even maintain the basic organizational state, and they flew away separately long before the imminent disaster.

Those who have the authority to declare a local state of emergency either hid in the mountains or went to find the legendary mobile army.

The people in the office are gone, so the program can't go away.

According to this procedure, the local area did not declare a state of emergency, and even his commander-in-chief did not have the authority to intervene directly...

Sir, when are we going to wait? Now many people outside are dissatisfied with our delay in launching rescue.

The secretary reminded his leader in time.

Although the procedure is stipulated in this way, sometimes the procedure is correct, but it does not mean that it is correct to do so.

If a life-or-death matter like rescue is delayed for a long time, everyone should scold or scold.

The Grand Commander looked at the time.

It's nine o'clock at night.

Wait until seven o'clock tomorrow morning, if Hawaii still does not declare a state of emergency, then I will personally break the procedure and send a rescue team to Hawaii as an exception.

This is enough to eliminate the dissatisfaction of most people.

For the sake of the people on the Hawaiian Island, he has already done special things and broke the rigid procedures, and he will go to the scene to express his condolences in a few days.

I've reached this point, and it's over when I'm moved, what else do you want?

For this kind of inefficiency, Chen Shen and others who were watching are now used to it.

No rescue team has been dispatched for five hours, so what's the matter.

They're not even surprised by it anymore.

Mental patients have a wide range of ideas, and this matter has to be taken care of by the deans and directors of mental hospitals on the Internet.

They can't control it anymore.

There is only one issue Chen Shen cares about now.

What do you want to do with that monster now?

He looked through the speech of the commander opposite, and found that there was no follow-up treatment of the monster in it.

Should it be dissected on the spot or transported back to the Monster Paradise to be a companion for the monster inside?

Director Qin shook his head: We have already communicated with their prevention and control bureau, and I believe we will get an answer soon.

However, I guess it will be transported back to Monster Paradise in the end, and the possibility of dissection is unlikely.

But if it is transported back to Monster Paradise, can the current financial situation on the other side afford it?

Chen Shen pondered for a while.

A new monster has been added to the Monster Paradise, so the various supporting facilities must keep up, anesthetics, anesthesiologists, logistics teams and supplies, and the park will also be expanded.

Most importantly, do I need to buy another mech?

The specifications of the previous three mechas were calculated based on one monster, but now there are two monsters, so buying one more mecha is not too much, right?

After all these things were finally figured out, the money required was not a small amount.

Chief Qin said:

I don't know, but the other party has not proposed to us through the United Nations to buy more mechas, and no one has come to do the early stage. Maybe they don't want to buy it.

Chen Shen clicked his tongue and said, Does the other side want to play with fire again?

Want to save money at a time like this?

They have already paid the price of two important city groups and one state, but their attitude towards monsters is still so...easy-going?

Chen Shen always felt that something was wrong.

In other words, since the appearance of the little monster, this matter has been very wrong.

Try out the opponent first, find the propaganda department, and ask them to start a topic on the Internet, discuss how the opponent should deal with the monster, and see how the opponent responds.

Chen Shen said to Director Qin.

It's okay, but if you do this, it may remind people of the previous monster...

The result of the little monster's disposal before has not been leaked on a large scale until now, and the news has been tightly blocked on the other side.

Basically only the high-level officials of various countries know this news. Under the guidance of deliberate propaganda, ordinary people almost forget that Boxer has also caught a monster before. Even some people who don't care about the follow-up of the incident think that the monster has been captured Dissected.

Chen Shendao: It's okay, how to continue to hide it is a matter for the other side. After all, the monster is on the other side and not in our country.

A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

The exposure of Monster Paradise is a matter of the other side, so what does it matter to them?

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