Movie black technology

Chapter 599 Send the monster to East Asia!

Hold it! Hold it!

The troops behind, fill up immediately!

Increase the power of the discharge!

The commanders on the back line were emotional and anxiously circled back and forth in front of the monitor, just like British fans who were behind the score.

But it was useless how loud he shouted.

Because the monster can't hear it.

On the front line, since the first wave of monster counterattacks, another wave began immediately.

The guide wire driven deep into the monster's flesh can conduct high-voltage current, but it is also the monster's fishing line.

With these guide wires, as long as the monster exerts its strength, it can pull the tanks and armored vehicles on the other side and fly over.

At this time, the soldiers who were selected by the monsters and dragged into the air could only hope that the guide wires were not strong enough to withstand the pressure and break.

It's a pity that the choice of guide wire is very wise.

They had carefully calculated and calculated all over the world before, considering that they were going to use it to fight monsters, so it was rare for them to have a conscience, and finally they spent a lot of money to choose the latest patented product of a domestic steel company.

That's a real great price!

It's not the kind of big money that buys goats with millions of dollars.

And the product they selected was mainly used to serve as the hoisting steel cable for the crimson storm!

Although the guide wires they use are not as thick as the hoisting steel cables of the Crimson Storm, it is no problem that the materials of the two are basically the same.

According to previous calculations, the guide wire made of these materials, after being pierced into the flesh and blood of the monster, no matter how much it is pulled, the possibility of breaking is very small.

And now it turns out that their calculations were correct.

In a short period of time, nearly 20 tanks have been pulled by the monster under its big pincers, smashed into a pile of scrap metal one after another.

These smashed tanks are like cracked soup bags, and bright red blood seeps into the ground from the cracks...

When dozens or hundreds of armored vehicles discharge at the same time, the monsters really can't deal with it.

But if the monster came out with a few armored vehicles alone, the situation would be different.

During the period, there were still some drivers who couldn't break free and watched themselves being pulled under the monster's pincers and wanted to escape from the vehicle.

But they forgot.

The densely packed guide wires outside are now passing high-voltage currents.

This thing can be transmitted through the air.

They just got out, and before they had time to move their legs, the other guide cables above their heads, as well as the guide cables on their own car, split out electric snakes and knocked them down directly.

But in a short while, the soldiers who ran out were completely cooked...

Just a few minutes later, a gap appeared in the armored unit that had surrounded the monsters.

my God!

The commander also expected this situation, and immediately directed the troops behind to continue to fill the gap.

We must catch the monster here. Behind us is... the people of Hawaii. We have no way to retreat!

Under the command of the commander, other soldiers quickly filled the gap and continued to send electric shocks to the monster.

Even if the monster's skin can withstand shells and its bones are many times stronger than steel, it can't last long in the face of electric shocks, which have their own paralyzing properties.

After several more rounds of struggle and crushing a dozen armored vehicles, the huge body of the monster collapsed into the steel ruins composed of tanks and armored vehicles.


They knocked down the monster!

The soldiers on the scene in Hawaii hadn't recovered from the thrill of life and death, but it was Chen Shen who reacted first.

Director Qin was amazed: I didn't expect that these tanks and armored vehicles are really useful!

It's a miracle, the monster was caught only by tanks and armored vehicles.

Chen Shen also sighed.

Although this time the stupid method of crowd tactics was used.

But it can also be seen that the opponent still has a certain strength now.

Director Qin said: I just don't know if their system is useful to the monsters with mature bodies.

Chen Shendao: It must be useless.

It's okay to use electric shock to deal with small monsters.

If you want to use electric shocks to deal with big monsters, that's just wishful thinking.

Two and a half hours in total.

The staff in charge of intelligence records reported the final time, The monsters should have been subdued by now, and their commanders have rushed up to plant the flag.

It seems that there will be another monster in Monster Paradise. Chen Shen looked at the screen, Now we can rest assured to wait for the good news from the other side.

After the drama ended, Chen Shen left the hall and decided to go to bed first.

On the other side, the drama has just begun.

The door of the office was opened with a bang, and the secretary walked in quickly, reporting the good news to the commander with great excitement.

Sir, we succeeded. We just reported in Hawaii that the monster code-named Fury has been captured by us!


The commander suddenly stood up, Get ready now, I want to hold a press conference to the people of the whole country!

The secretary immediately accepted the order, and before leaving, he asked: Then the communication control in Hawaii will be lifted?

The commander-in-chief thought for a while, Don't resume it yet, but the press conference later can be broadcast simultaneously on all TVs in the Hawaiian Islands.

The secretary tried to think back.

With the extent of the destruction of Hawaii now, can the average person on the island really still have a TV?

However, if the leader says to do it, then do it.

The commander-in-chief added at this time: From now on, we will devote all our energy to the post-disaster relief in Hawaii.

He knocked on the table and stared at his secretary:

This work is very important, and the whole world is watching us, so we must follow the process completely without any overstepping.

Understood. The secretary nodded, following the procedure.

It is to let the local disaster-stricken cities in Hawaii declare a state of emergency first, then the state of Hawaii declares a state of emergency, and then their federation sends a rescue team...

This is not easy?

This process only takes more than ten hours, and the rescue team can arrive in Hawaii in at most three or four days.


Bear with me, Hawaii.

By the way, prepare a special plane for me to Hawaii. After the rescue team arrives, I will go to the scene to express condolences.

As for monsters... monsters...

When talking about this, the Grand Commander rarely hesitated.

The secretary waited quietly without urging, and just assigned the task of preparing for the press conference through the mobile phone.

Finally, the commander-in-chief was determined.

The monster will be delivered to the scheduled port as soon as possible, loaded onto the ship, and transported to our East Asian base!

I can't finish the remaining chapter, I only wrote 1,000 words, I will continue to write at the company tomorrow morning, good night, I love you all

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