Monster Minotaur

Chapter 98 Sea Monster

A few days later, Mo Yan received a message that Yulin Bay was attacked by a group of pirates and suffered some losses. Mo Yan laughed angrily when he saw the news. He didn't know any pirates would dare to appear in Fish Scale Bay, which even the Salt people were unwilling to approach. And judging from the meaning of the news sent by Cordelia, she barely managed to hold on there after losing a lot of monsters.

Because of this situation, Mo Yan had to ride a black dragon to Fish Scale Bay to see what was going on there. Accompanying him was Claude as a valet. As Mo Yan's valet, his presence was never very high. Although he was by his side most of the time, he was not qualified to intervene in some matters. He couldn't speak, so he could only stand guard silently.

And when attacking Parliament City, because Mo Yan only brought Jones for reconnaissance, he did not play any role. This made Claude, who had been receiving his salary in vain, feel a little guilty. But this time, he made up his mind to take advantage of this pirate incident and make some achievements to make his heart feel more stable.

Claude, don't worry about whether you have any effect. When he was about to arrive at Fishscale Bay, Mo Yan said to Claude, who was caught in Jones's claws: Some things may seem useless when set up, but in fact It's not an easy position to be in. And nothing is the best thing about being a valet, and you don't have to apologize for those things.

I understand what you mean. Because he was far away and did not have a throat like a minotaur, Claude could only say as loudly as possible: But there is nothing to do, which makes me unable to accept the gift you gave me with peace of mind. What’s more, you don’t need to give me any compensation originally, and I have to serve you for one year, so please let me contribute some effort.”

Okay, then it's up to you this time. Mo Yan heard the persistence in Claude's words, and smiled instead of saying anything else: I'll leave those pirates to you, let them Let me show you your sharp sword. And I gave you the salary in order to keep you in Thunder Bluff. If there is such a high salary available, you should consider staying in Thunder Bluff, right?

I... will consider it. Claude thought for a while and did not reply directly to Mo Yan. Mo Yan did not particularly care about Claude's attitude. It would be best if such a fast swordsman could stay by his side, but if not, it would just be a pity, and there would be no special loss. Mo Yan, who had heard the rumors about Claude, did not dare to give his army to his command.

After several hours of flying, Mo Yan finally saw the buildings in Yulin Bay. From the air, it seemed that some damage had been suffered, and the gray dwarves who were sent to direct the construction were repairing the damaged houses. However, in general, it seemed that the damage was not very large, and the dock, which was the most important part, did not suffer much damage. After circling for a while, Jones slowly landed in the square of Fish Scale Bay.

Thank you for coming, great tauren. She had already seen the black dragon flying in the distance, and Cordelia, who was waiting in the square, lowered her bow to Mo Yan after Mo Yan got off the back of the black dragon. Said the head. Behind him, the fish monster Gal knelt on the ground and expressed his highest respect to Mo Yan.

What happened? Mo Yan walked towards the administrative hall of the town after Jones turned back into a human body and said, Why did a group of pirates cause you to suffer losses and let them attack the city. Even those The monsters haven't finished training yet, so they shouldn't be defeated by a group of pirates. After all, you are the overlords of the sea.

This is not our fault. Cordelia hurriedly explained after hearing Mo Yan's words: Those pirates were not ordinary pirates. They had two huge Okura sea monsters under their hands. Although our monsters There are a lot of them, but they are no match for the sea monsters, and it is already very difficult to drive them away.”

Ocula Sea Monster? What is that? Mo Yan asked, looking at Cordelia who was sitting on the giant crab and moving around. As a creature who was not born and raised in China, Mo Yan was not familiar with many things on the mainland. Words like Okura sea monster only let Mo Yan know that it was a monster, and it sounded very powerful.

It is a monster in the deep sea. It looks a bit like an acupuncture octopus, but it is many times larger than that. Cordelia explained: It has very powerful power and the ability to regenerate. It has eight... With its huge tentacles, it can easily drag ships into the sea. Even if its tentacles are cut off, it can grow back within a day, and for magic...

Through Cordelia's description, Mo Yan roughly understood what kind of creature it was. Such octopus-like monsters have appeared in various movies, and the most famous one is a certain pirate who is a bit girly. In the second part, he followed the monster and even the people and the boat were dragged into the sea.

That's a bit difficult to handle. Mo Yan sat on the main seat in the town administrative hall and said: If it is as you said, the monsters here are not enough to resist the two sea monsters. Moreover. As an important trading port in the future, it is not a good thing to have a group of pirates hanging around nearby.

Speaking of pirates, Mo Yan thought of his batch of supplies, the ship and magic materials he spent a lot of money on, but all of them were robbed by pirates! That incident almost made Mo Yan want to kill all the pirates. After all, it not only cost Mo Yan a lot of money, but also left him unable to do many things that required materials.

Before Mo Yan purchased another batch of materials and shipped them overland, Ruiz had complained many times that he couldn't do some very important things because of the lack of materials. Although Mo Yan didn't know this time whether these pirates were the same pirates who robbed him last time, Mo Yan was sure that they were dead this time!

Okula is really powerful. Jones put his index finger to his lips and raised his head to think for a while, then blinked his big black eyes and looked at Mo Yan and said, I seem to have remembered what kind of monster it is. If it is... Even I can't do anything to him in the sea. I only know a little bit of magic that can be used in water, and it's not lethal.

How do those pirates control such powerful monsters? Claude asked curiously: Those pirates are just humans. Do they have any special way to command monsters? Even the commander of Thunder Bluff Magic is needed to allow humans to speak the language of monsters.”

There must be some special method. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said, Now that the two Okura sea monsters are here, it will not be so easy to win. So we need to lure those two sea monsters away. Then directly attack the pirate ships. Once we kill all those pirates, the sea monster will not be a problem.

Master is so~~~ powerful. Jones asked strangely after hearing Mo Yan's words: The two Okura sea monsters shouldn't be a problem, why do you need to lure them away? Just kill them! It just so happens that their core can be used as the main material of the protective array, and the white-bearded mage will be very happy.

Jones' words made Mo Yan a little embarrassed. How could he have the nerve to tell Jones that he was actually afraid of sea water. If he were to fight those two sea monsters, as long as they restrained Mo Yan and dragged him into the sea, Mo Yan would have no choice but to wait to be drowned. The fear of sea water would make his body so stiff that he could not move.

This... there are some reasons. Mo Yan touched his chin, thought for a moment, and explained to Jones: Anyway, I can't fall into the sea water, otherwise I won't be able to use my power. We're in trouble. So the battle plan is what I just said. Gal is responsible for leading the monster army to lure away the two sea monsters, and Jones, you are responsible for sending me, Cordelia, and Claude to the ship. .”

At this time, on a pirate ship not far from the Yu Scale Bay Harbor, the pirates were also discussing the harbor they discovered a few days ago. It doesn't look like a wealthy place. A girl wearing a captain's uniform said: And the monsters in the bay are also very troublesome. It seems that a powerful monster already rules there.

First Mate Belika, take off my clothes. A one-eyed, older man with a black beard said to the girl: You are not the captain yet.

Don't be... stingy. After hearing the man's words, the girl reluctantly took off the captain's uniform and said, Sooner or later, I will kill you and become the captain. Sooner or later, I will wear this suit. What's the difference? Under the glorious leadership of you, an old fool, we haven't found prey for several months. I told you that there are no ships in this sea area.


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