Monster Minotaur

Chapter 97 Pirates

After the capture of Parliament City, prices in Elam gradually stabilized, and trade activities in Thunder Bluff returned to normal. In Thunder Bluff, a city with an increasing population, in addition to the industries founded by Mo Yan himself, there are also some wealthy or middle-class Salt people who have also begun to set up some small workshops and other factories in the city to produce some of the products on the mainland. Regular merchandise.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to own a store of your own in Thunder Bluff. The bank, which was initially ignored in the city, has become popular. Every day, many people exchange the gold coins in their hands for the rows of numbers on their passbooks, and banks have recently launched loan services.

As long as you have some items that can be mortgaged, you can borrow a sum of money, and the interest rate is much lower than those for private loans. Many people took the houses they bought at a low price at the beginning and went to the bank to borrow a sum of money as funds to open stores or small factories.

For these small industries, Thunder Bluff has always maintained incentives, not only exempting them from tax burdens for three years, but even rewarding them if they do well. These measures not only allowed business in the city to begin to flourish, but also made the Salters and gray dwarves in the city have a good impression of the monster city lord. Some people who lived here when Thunder Bluff was first established even He has begun to support the tauren city lord.

In the restaurant in the White House in Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan, who had already checked in, wiped his mouth, stood up from his seat and said to Emily and others: I'm full, you can enjoy it slowly, I have some I need to take care of things and leave first. After saying that, he left the restaurant, leaving only a few people with different expressions.

He seems to be eating very fast recently. Emily watched Mo Yan disappear behind the door of the restaurant, looked down at the roasted foie gras on her plate and whispered, And once the matter is dealt with, no one will I know where he went, is he hiding something from me?

Is this the newlywed lady worried about her husband cheating? Lilith, who has keen ears, put her chin in her hands and looked at the somewhat unhappy Emily with a smile and said, Your expression is really cute. Have you ever thought about becoming a real person? His wife? He is very strong, no matter in any aspect.

You... what are you talking about...? Emily's face immediately turned red, and she shouted angrily at Lilith: How could I be worried about those things! And you don't need to remind me. You know, that marriage was just a show, and there is no relationship between him and me! Also, don’t judge everyone with your dirty thoughts!”

Is this true? Lilith said teasingly: Then why didn't you immediately propose a divorce from him when you came back? You must know that the Parliament City has been captured, and your marriage relationship is no longer important. . If we don’t separate now, it will be difficult in the future.”

I...I... Emily was stopped by Lilith's question. If she really didn't like the wedding, then she should file for divorce immediately when she came back. Why would she How about putting this issue aside? But then Emily thought of an explanation and said: I just forgot for a moment. I am dealing with things in the city every day and copying so many documents. How can I have time to think about those things? Wait until tomorrow, I will bring this up with him!

After Emily finished speaking, she lowered her head and used the knife to cut hard into the piece of foie gras made by Mo Yan himself, as if the piece of foie gras was the abominable minotaur. Lilith looked at the girl in front of her and said nothing. She ate the food in front of her quietly with a smile, and occasionally fed some to Vivian who was leaning against her.

At this time, Mo Yan walked through the corridor and took a piece of food to the depths of the SS station. There, a short-haired woman with no arms or legs was lying on the bed, staring quietly at the ceiling above her head, not knowing what she was thinking in her mind.

Lucy. Mo Yan opened the door and walked in. He put a few pillows on the bed and let Lucy lean on them. He took out the food in his hand and started feeding her. Lucy also opened her mouth to eat quietly, without any resistance to the food fed by the minotaur.

It had been several months since she was brought to Thunder Bluff. In the beginning, she fought against Mo Yan all the time, and was unwilling to do what Mo Yan wanted. But after a few months, she had slowly learned to surrender to the monsters in front of her and quietly carry out some orders that were not excessive.

Because in the past few months, Mo Yan has been training the woman in front of him. Mo Yan, who had received special training in this area, knew how to make a prisoner lose his sense of resistance and slowly become obedient. After Aruba was captured by Mo Yan, it only took him more than ten days to make him become his brother-in-law.

A few months were enough for Mo Yan to complete a lot of the training he wanted to do, although it was not enough for the divinely chosen warrior in front of him to completely obey his instructions. But as she has begun to learn to obey, even some reserve cannot last long. In the end, she will become Mo Yan's possession.

I've been thinking about something today. Mo Yan fed the last bite of food into Lucy's mouth, then took out a napkin to wipe away the oil stains from the corners of her mouth and asked, If you're a little bored, I can give you some Bring some books for you to read, it will be boring lying down like this every day.

That's not because...because of you, Master, you cut off my hands and feet. Although she was still a little reluctant, Lucy finally called out the title Mo Yan requested. Because she knew that if she didn't do this, another painful torture would be waiting for her. Lucy, who already had a deep fear of Mo Yan, was no longer willing to endure the unbearable things just because of these trivial matters. pain.

Ah... that's why. Mo Yan looked at Lucy's limbless body, touched her head and said, But this is not because of my fault. If you hadn't taken the initiative to come to me at that time, I wouldn't even have You won’t even see me face to face. Now that the situation has become like this, it will be your fault if you are killed or have your limbs chopped off.

Lucy did not refute Mo Yan's words. In fact, it was exactly what he said. If it weren't for the fact that they wanted to kill the powerful monster in front of them, they would not have fallen to this point. As for the four people killed by the Minotaur, they don't know where their souls went or whether they entered the palace of the God of War.

Forget it, maybe I will try to find a way to restore your limbs by then. After all, this is a magical world. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said, Then let's start today's training. First, we will do the routine training. I said loudly, 'Master is my only one, I must obey the master's orders' a hundred times, and then...


At this time, on a seaside reef in Fish Scale Bay, Cordelia was watching the fish monster Gar, who had been equipped with a wooden prosthetic leg and a huge hook hand, training the monster. Now the port town built by Mo Yan is almost complete. All that was needed was to raise an army capable of protecting it, and Garr had taken on such a task.

As a seaside monster, the fish monster Gal has high intelligence. Although he is not as smart as the mermaid, he is competent enough to take command. Currently, he is following Mo Yan's request to integrate and train the nearby monsters as much as possible. As the top leader of the port town Fishscale Bay, Cordelia had to watch the fish monster she hated the most train all the monsters gathered on a vast beach.

Nowadays, the vast beach has been occupied by densely packed monsters, except for a huge number of sea goblins. There are also fish monsters that can simply use weapons, needle octopuses that shoot bone spurs and use tentacles, and giant crabs with huge pincers. Now according to Mo Yan's request, Garr has divided these monsters into dozens of squads and formed two legions.

What is that? Cordelia, who was a little bored, suddenly saw a few black spots appearing under the horizon. After a while, when the black spots got closer, she could see clearly that they were several human ships. On every ship there was a black skull and crossbones flag flying above the mast, and a group of bold pirates came to this monster-infested Fish Scale Bay.

Haha... Finally there is something we can do. Cordelia, who had been a little bored recently, laughed when she looked at the pirate ships, turned to Gal who was training monsters and shouted: Fish head! Yours The army has something to do, go and capture those ships and the men alive!


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I don’t have much inspiration today. Would you like to add some chapters?

Hmm...if it doesn't come out later, then there will only be one chapter.

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