Monster Minotaur

Chapter 92 The Art of Killing

Death is not terrible. The man kicked the woman's head out, staring straight at the minotaur in front of him and said: We who die will enter the temple of God, and dying in battle only means that her If her skills are not perfect enough, she will continue to hone them in the temple of God until she comes to earth again.

Treat your dead comrades like this. The tauren looked at the woman who had been kicked to pieces and said: You are really a ruthless guy. Are all the chosen warriors of the God of War like you? No wonder he would say such shameless things. Doctrine, do guys like you have no emotions at all?”

A warrior only needs to fight, and emotions will only make the sword dull. After the man said that, he rushed towards the minotaur again, and cooperated with the other three to fight with it. The sword and the battle ax intersected from time to time, and bright sparks burst out. Having lost one person made the Minotaur's battle much easier. From time to time, he tried to grab the opponent's weapon, hoping to kill him again.

The God's Chosen Warriors obviously also saw the Minotaur's intentions. They paid attention to the Minotaur's arms at all times during the battle and increased the speed of waving weapons. Although this cost them more physical strength, it also made the Minotaur's plan fail. After two failed attempts, the Minotaur also gave up its intention to implement it.

After blocking the man's sword again and dodging the spear beside him, the tauren jumped up hard and left the attack range of the four people, rushing towards the black dragon. The soldiers from the Parliament City who were just surrounding him saw the tauren being held back by four divinely chosen warriors, so they all rushed towards the unconscious black dragon.

The temptation brought by slaying the dragon made them forget the honor necessary to be a warrior. And at the moment when they were about to approach the black dragon, the tauren who were fighting with the God's Chosen Warriors obviously noticed this, and then they immediately stopped and returned to the black dragon's side, cutting off the few people who were rushing forward.

You really can't be careless. The tauren glanced at the black dragon beside him, turned and said to the God-chosen warrior who was chasing him: When did the Salt people do such despicable things? They put their so-called honor on the line every day. It's on the lips, but it will sneak up on people who are in a coma.

I am despised by their behavior. The man glanced at the soldiers around him and said, But our battle is not over yet. I don't think they will do such a thing anymore, otherwise they will not be able to enter God's palace after death. Palace. The man's words made the surrounding soldiers lower their heads in shame and remained silent. If there is anything that scares the Salt people the most, it is this.

In fact, I have won the victory. Suddenly there was a loud noise at the gate of the Parliament City. It was the sound of the dwarves using gunpowder bags to blow the gate open. The tauren looked at the city wall behind him slowly rising. White smoke, the roar of the Elan coalition forces and the monsters getting closer and closer, and said with a smile: Now that the coalition forces have entered the city, the Azera you supported has failed.

Whether Azera fails or not has nothing to do with me. The man said unmoved: The temple represents the glory of God, and everything that happens in the city has nothing to do with us. We just made the right choice. But this battle is about the dignity of God, and I will not allow the monster that killed God’s chosen warrior to still live in this world.”

In that case, there's no need to talk about it. The tauren shook off the blood that had just been stained on the ax head to make it less sticky and put it in a fighting posture. If it were normal times, I would think about it. Do you want to offend a god, but fortunately he can’t see what’s happening here now!”

As he spoke, the tauren casually grabbed two spears stuck on the corpse and threw them towards the man. At the moment when the spears were thrown, the tauren also kicked back violently, and the force that exploded made him stand upright. Amid the loud noise, a large pothole appeared. The Minotaur's huge body also flew forward because of this force. At that moment, a barrier appeared around the Minotaur's body, and a huge explosion was made.

ha! The sword in the man's hand flew quickly, and he quickly deflected the incoming spear. But he couldn't block the sword immediately. He could only watch the ax in the hand of the tauren following him, slashing towards his neck. Just when the battle ax in the Minotaur's hand was about to cut off the head of a divinely chosen warrior again, it was knocked away by a spear.

The chosen warriors armed with swords, shields and war hammers also attacked from the left and right of the tauren at this time. And the spear that knocked off the Minotaur's battle ax bounced back into its owner's hand and stabbed straight into the Minotaur's heart. But the tauren did not give up their intention to attack because the battle ax was knocked away.

His momentum remained unchanged and he just lowered his head. The two horns on the bull's head pierced the man's chest at the next moment, piercing the violently beating heart. With this momentum, the tauren pushed the man to the other side of the city wall, knocking out a huge crack in the wall used for shelter before stopping.

This... this is impossible... A mouthful of blood spurted out from the man's mouth. He looked at his chest in disbelief and said with difficulty: This... this is the metal armor given by the gods... , Just is it possible... And the other divinely chosen warriors whose attacks failed because of the tauren's charge were also stunned on the spot. Using the formula given by the God of War and adding armor forged from stars falling from the sky, how could it be penetrated by the horns of an ox so easily?

You can only go to your so-called temple to ask the God of War about this question. The minotaur pulled out the horns from the man's chest, punched the wound with force, and penetrated the man completely. Although I have known for a long time that my The horn is very hard, but I have never used it as a weapon, and you were the first person it killed.

The tauren pulled out his arm from the man's chest, looked at the heart that had been crushed into pulp by him, turned back to look at the three people who were stunned on the spot and said: Now you have three people left. Didn't you consider whether to surrender? This man should be the strongest among you. Without him, the three of you would be even less likely to kill me.

Stop joking. The God's Chosen Warrior holding a warhammer shouted loudly, raising the weapon in his hand and rushing towards the tauren. The Chosen God, armed with a spear and a sword and shield, also rushed up after him. Although they already understood how powerful their opponents were, they did not hesitate at all. The word surrender was not in their dictionary!

I hate enemies who don't make sense the most. The tauren used his battle ax to deflect the long sword, raised his left foot and kicked away the War Hammer God's Chosen from the left, and dodged it slightly sideways, not knowing how to get around it. He reached the spear behind him and said: Stupid people who only know how to fight will only die in the end!

When there were five of them, the tauren were just struggling, but now the strongest one and the woman are dead. The remaining three people seemed to be able to do it with ease in the eyes of the tauren. They originally hoped to get three good combat powers by persuading them to surrender, but obviously the brains of the warriors were different from ordinary people.

After dodging the spear, the tauren squatted down, turned around and used an ax to cut off the left leg of the God's Chosen Warrior who was still charging. Before Qi landed, he grabbed his neck, snatched the spear from his hand and threw it aside. He looked at the painful face and said, Don't keep trying to stab others in the back!

After speaking, the tauren pulled hard on the neck of the chosen warrior and pulled out his entire spine from the body. The spine connected to the head with a painful expression looked like a weird work of art. All the Salt warriors who were watching were frightened. They had never seen such a violent creature. Even the monsters only eat humans.

What the Predator does. The tauren muttered incomprehensible words to himself. He held up the spine in his hand and looked at the painful expression frozen on it. The bull's head, stained with blood, laughed and said, Use it for It’s really a good choice to make a piece of art, such a desperate expression is really great…and you…there are only two left now.”

Monster! The God-Chosen Warrior, who had never seen such a cruel killing method, was finally unable to maintain his aloof demeanor. Ferocity and hatred appeared on their faces. Their anger made them seem to have forgotten all their skills, holding hands with The weapon rushed straight towards the tauren. The Hammer God Chosen even let out a huge roar to vent the fear and anger in their hearts. After all, they are just mortals with fear...

A black shadow flashed past, and the tauren was already separated from the two divinely chosen warriors. The tauren shook off the blood on the axe, turned around and walked back slowly as if frozen, standing next to the motionless two people and said: This pretty good-looking one is cut into a human stick as a trophy, then the other one One would be of little use.”

As soon as the Minotaur finished speaking, the head of the Warhammer God's Chosen Warrior flew out, and a column of blood spurted out from the headless neck, forming a beautiful fountain. The limbs of the Chosen Warrior of Sword and Shield instantly cracked from the roots, blood flowed out, and a painful sound came from her mouth. With only her torso left, she could only squirm on the ground.

It turns out she's a woman. I thought she was a sissy with long hair. The tauren knelt down and looked at the divinely chosen warrior who was squirming on the ground, the wounds on his limbs slowly healing with the green light. Sorry, you Her chest is really too flat, I couldn’t tell.”


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