Monster Minotaur

Chapter 91 An unexpected battle

The light of countless magic arrays illuminated the entire cave. A pool of blood was rolling on the floor of the semicircular stone chamber. Mo Yan was lying on the ground, confused about the situation. His vision had never been so blurry, and his ears could not hear any sound. A short figure with blond hair was riding on his body, licking the heart that was still beating in his hand.

It seemed to be mine. Mo Yan touched his chest feebly. There was nothing in the big hole there. How did I end up like this? Mo Yan's mind had never been in such chaos that he couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Am I...going to die...I am obviously so powerful...


Blood and flesh piled up all over the city wall, and the black dragon collapsed on the ground and passed out. An hour ago, she was stabbed by a poison-smeared weapon. Although she was unwilling to do so, she still couldn't withstand the power of the poison. She fell into a coma after releasing the last spell. There were piles of corpses all around, and a blood-red tauren stood on top of it, protecting the unconscious black dragon behind him.

As for the Salt people who were originally on the city wall, no one knew that their death would come from the moment the black dragon was dragged to the city wall. The two hundred dragon-slaying warriors were killed after seriously injuring the black dragon. The tyrannical tauren was chopped into pieces. Various magic armors and weapons were scattered on the battlefield, and crossbow arrows were stuck on the ground like weeds.

The ax in the Minotaur's hand was no longer sharp. In just a few hours, he had killed nearly a thousand people. Any creature that came close to him had been turned into a broken corpse on the ground. The Salt people had never seen such a powerful tauren, or rather they had never seen such a powerful creature. The soldiers on the city wall were so frightened that they only dared to surround him from a distance but did not dare to step forward.

The Elam coalition forces outside the Parliament City are slowly approaching. The damage caused by the Minotaurs has made the defense of the Parliament City extremely fragile. Now is a good time to attack. What was originally just an investigation turned into this. The tauren who caused the killing did not expect that. Looking back at the still unconscious black dragon, the tauren felt that the decision to investigate was a mistake.

At this moment, five Salt people wearing blood-red robes came up from the stairs on the inner wall. After seeing the five people, the Salt warriors surrounding the tauren cleared the way and saluted respectfully to the five people. This might be the God of War's chosen warrior. After a little calculation, the tauren figured out the identity of the opponent.

The ordinary humans in the city were no match for him. The Salt people, who had already suffered many casualties, would not send useless warriors to die. Then it can only be the chosen gods in the city, and the tauren have nothing to worry about. In the dungeon, it was just because there was no way to sense the God's Chosen Warrior that I suffered at the beginning.

These God of War's chosen ones should not have the ability to become invisible, at most they would just be stronger. Although the number of five people will be a bit troublesome, the tauren are still confident of winning the final victory. After the five people approached, the tauren raised his battle ax and said, Although I have already guessed it, let's confirm it. Are you the chosen warriors of the God of War?

That's right. The five people took off their robes, revealing the armor that was different from steel. They took out their weapons and said, You are an opponent worthy of our action, so we decided to deal with you personally. Plus we’ve brought you a battle axe.”

As he spoke, the leading man threw a battle ax to the minotaur, and the seemingly large ax seemed to have no weight in the man's hand. All this is just as the tauren expected. Their strength is very huge, far beyond that of ordinary people.

You will also send weapons to the enemy? The tauren threw aside the ax in his hand that was so blunt that it could only be used for smashing, and then caught the thrown ax and said. This two-handed ax used by the Salt people looked like an ordinary ax in the giant hands of the tauren. However, the tauren is still very satisfied with the weight. It is not as big as his original axe, but it is almost as heavy as his original axe.

It's no fun to fight against an enemy who is too weak. The man looked at the tauren trying the ax in his hand and said: You are strong enough for the five of us to deal with you seriously, and I don't want us to fight because you don't have a good weapon. And for us to win easily, there's no honor in that.

Do you know? The tauren laughed and looked at the five people and said, Although what you said was very righteous, and I am also grateful to you for sending me a good weapon. But in fact, your behavior is not what I originally thought. The place is called 二X(bi)!”

Although I don't know what you are talking about, it is probably not a good thing. And you don't need to try to anger me. The five people assumed a fighting posture, and the leader of the man said calmly: Long-term fighting allows us to control ourselves. If you put your hope of victory in our mistakes because of our anger, you are already a corpse.

What I'm telling you is just the truth. The tauren lowered his body and said with his hands holding the ax naturally drooping: And I have never doubted myself in winning the battle!

Seeing that the Minotaur was ready, the five chosen gods immediately spread out and rushed towards the Minotaur. The leader, a man holding a two-handed sword, was in the middle, running straight towards the tauren. The stones of the city wall shattered due to his trampling. When he was about to approach the tauren, the man jumped and spun his body. He used the big sword in his hand to strike at the tauren.

Using inertia and the man's own strength, while the tauren blocked the giant sword, his feet sank into the ground as if he were stepping on mud. After holding the man's sword, the tauren used his arms to push away the blocking sword. The thick arm that was not holding the ax struck the man with a cracking sound, and punched him away.

But the man who attacked from the front was just a decoy, and the real killers were the four men who rushed in from the left and right. The moment Mo Yan knocked the man away, four weapons also rushed towards the tauren. Weapons were attacking from four directions at the same time, and his feet were stuck deep in the rocks, leaving the tauren with no place to dodge.

Facing such an almost blind-angle attack, the tauren did not panic. A huge roar came from his mouth, and he swung the ax in his hand hard to the left, forcing the Chosen One holding the sword, shield and hammer away. At the same time, his body twisted slightly and lowered his head to avoid the spear coming from behind. He also avoided the long sword that originally pierced his heart and let it pierce his shoulder.

The four people who did not suffer much damage immediately retreated, trying to distance themselves from the Minotaur. However, the woman holding the long sword was slowed down by half a beat because the long sword in her hand was stuck by the Minotaur's muscles. , was finally hit by the Minotaur's left fist counterattack, and flew out.

But her misfortune was not over yet. After a successful blow, the tauren quickly pulled out the long sword on his shoulder and threw it hard towards the woman who had not yet landed in the air. He stabbed her in the waist and nailed her to the ground. on the ground. After pulling out the sword, the wound on the Minotaur's shoulder spurted out some blood and healed quickly, which made the expressions of the chosen gods become more solemn.

Now there are only four of you. The tauren pulled his feet out from the ground and said in a deep voice with his blood-red eyes staring at the man he had just beaten away. No, there are still five people. As soon as the man finished speaking, the woman who was nailed to the ground by the long sword slowly got up and pulled out the long sword stuck in her body.

A burst of green light lit up her wound, healing the wound caused by the sword. Although the woman's face looked much weaker, there were no wounds on her body that would affect her actions. These God of War's chosen ones also had the ability to heal themselves.

Then I'll insert the heart next time. The tauren picked up the ax and waved to the chosen ones. I feel like my blood is already boiling! And the rhythm of the battle is good. I think I can fight ten now. Got it!

Arrogance will only make your death come early. The man said in a calm voice. Just as they had rehearsed, the five people rushed towards the Minotaur at the same time again without any greeting or eye contact. The long-term coordinated operations have given them a tacit understanding and coordination as if they were one person.

This time the tauren did not intend to stay where he was. Being at a numerical disadvantage, he quickly moved his body on the city wall so that the five people could not surround him. The originally flat stone ground slowly turned into gravel under the rapid movement of six black figures, and some places had turned into stone powder.

When the five chosen gods followed the Minotaur, they fought with it. They left some scars on each other's bodies, but they all healed again. Except for the bloodstains and damage to their armor, they almost seemed uninjured.

Ha! The running tauren saw that among the five people, the woman who had been nailed to the ground by him gradually showed signs of fatigue. The moment the woman rushed towards him again, the tauren put his palm on the woman's sword. Although his palm was pierced by the long sword, he controlled the woman. The minotaur did not give the woman any chance to dodge, and swung the ax in his hand to cut off her head!

Can she still grow another head? The tauren threw the woman's head with an unwilling expression at the man's feet and looked at him with an evil smile and said: If she doesn't die, then I will too. Nothing to say.


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The passion you want! Where are the asshole votes!

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