Monster Minotaur

Chapter 56 The battle is over

Countless large fireballs in the sky hit the ground, and the magic that the black dragon had prepared after Mo Yan jumped was released at this moment. The falling fireball bombarded the ground with black shallow pits and exploded countless rubbles. Although the Salt people have tried their best to disperse, leaving the black dragon without a main target to attack, but one or two thousand people do not mean that they can immediately widen the distance if they want to disperse.

Because there is a second army of monsters attacking, they have to be prepared for monster attacks while spreading out. Once they spread too far, they will be surrounded and killed by the monsters. The coalition forces in Parliament City were irrevocably defeated in the face of the powerful power of the black dragon, and could only escape from the battlefield with all their strength and flee to the rear.

This cannot be said to be that the command of Parliament City is weak, but because their opponents are too strong. In the eyes of many people, this may be the curse of their commander Claude, a curse that is not a curse. No matter how big or small any battle he directs, it will eventually fail for one reason or another.

Is this true again? The attacker gave up resistance and collapsed on the ground. Listening to the sound of fireballs bombarding the ground outside, he laughed helplessly: Why do I always fail? Ever since I became the squad leader. So. I've obviously done a good job, so why do I always fail for various reasons?

That only shows that what you did is not good enough. Mo Yan looked at the attacker in front of him who had his limbs and joints removed due to two more attacks. If your intelligence was more accurate, you would know my strength. Or if you know the black dragon in Thunder Bluff, then this war can be completely avoided.

Really? Is it because I didn't do a good enough job that led to the current situation? Claude opened his eyes and looked at the tauren talking to him in front of him and said: Then I will have to do better in the future. If If I can still cough...if I survive. Some blood foam spurted out from Claude's mouth. The attack by the minotaur just now damaged his lungs.

You were very fast just now. How did you do that? Looking at the attacker's broken sword on the ground, Mo Yan asked curiously: That speed just now should be the fastest I have ever seen. , and I feel that your strength is also very good, how many powerful warriors like you are there in Parliament City?

Fast? Haha... Claude laughed at himself when he heard the Minotaur's words and said: Maybe I could admit my speed in the past, but how could I still think that I am fast now? In battle, I am There wasn’t even a chance to fight back.”

City Lord, those Saltans have completely retreated. At this moment, a Carthaginian warrior came to the side of the pit and looked at the City Lord inside and a Salter who collapsed on the ground. : Do we still need to pursue them? Those people have already entered the forest.

Forget it. Mo Yan looked at the attackers, shook his head and said, Let the legions gather and clean up the battlefield. Clean up the corpses of the coalition forces in Parliament City. They can still have some effect. Monster corpses from the legions. If you want to clean it up, just pack it up. If you don't want to pack it up, just throw it away. It will disappear in a few days anyway.

Okay. The soldier nodded and left the pit.

So, what should I do with you? Mo Yan looked at the attacker in front of him with some difficulty. It would not be appropriate to kill him immediately. Mo Yan did not have the habit of killing prisoners. But it wouldn't be appropriate to let him go just like that. After all, he is a strong man in Parliament City and he is also very skilled in using tactics. Maybe he will encounter him again in future battles.

It's up to you. Claude looked at the tauren in front of him and said, I have been defeated. If you don't kill me, according to the rules of the Salt people, I will work for you for free for one year. Claude Although De was a little reluctant, he finally talked about the custom of the Salt people who believed in the God of War.

Sart people still have such rules? Hearing the attacker's words, Mo Yan was a little surprised and said: I have never heard of it. I have also defeated three hundred Salt soldiers. Why haven't I seen them like this? explain.

Defeat must be a one-on-one life-and-death battle. Claude explained: And it must not be killed after defeating to meet the conditions. On the battlefield, it can meet the rules of fighting alone, and monsters also Will kill those who are defeated.”

You are very honest. Mo Yan touched his chin and said with a smile: If you didn't tell me this, maybe I would let you go. I really don't like digging a hole to bury myself like this. Didn’t see it.”

If you don't kill me, one day you will find out from others. Claude sighed and said: By then my honor may be damaged. As a believer in the God of War, I will not Allow that to happen. And if you choose to kill me, then nothing earthly is of any value to me, and it makes no difference whether you say it or not.

boom! A black dragon shadow landed next to the pit, looked at the tauren in the pit and said, What's wrong? You haven't gone out since you jumped down, and now all the ants have escaped.

The ax is broken. Mo Yan shrugged and said helplessly: The wooden ax handle is too brittle, and I'm not here to carry out massacres. It would be fine if they dispersed. Only when there are still people alive can we let some big shots in the parliament city go back. You know, Thunder Bluff has a black dragon.

Hehe. Hearing Mo Yan's compliment, Jones laughed and said proudly: No matter how many they come, I can burn them to ashes! By the way, do you want to eat this man? Men's flesh is not It’s delicious, hard and has a strange smell.”

I don't want to eat anyone. Mo Yan shook his head and said, We will go back in a moment. The First Army and the Second Army will also go back after cleaning up the battlefield. After such a battle, the Parliament City should be Come on. Raider, I don't know your name yet.

My name is Claude. Claude said, Have you decided what to do with me?

I need a bodyguard. Mo Yan leaned over and connected Claude's joints and said with a smile: Help me deal with some people that I don't need to deal with at all. You know there are still many people who regard me as an ordinary person. Tauren, there will definitely be assassinations or something like that.

I don't have time to deal with those guys. You will be the one to swat those flies for me in the future. Of course, no matter what you do in Thunder Bluff, you can get a good salary.

I don't need any salary. Claude rubbed his sore shoulders, stood up, picked up his broken sword and said: I will only serve you for one year according to the rules of the Salt people, salary and so on. I don’t need to, after all I’ll be out of there in a year, so you still need to find someone to catch the flies.”

Let's talk about it then. Mo Yan jumped from the pit onto the black dragon's back, took out a scroll stained with blood from his arms and threw it to Claude: You can go back with the First Legion. , give them my order letter. By the way, tell them that this battle is really not good-looking, and the rewards at the end of the order letter have been cancelled.

I will send the order. Claude looked at the order book in his hand and said.

See you in Thunder Bluff then. Mo Yan patted the black dragon and said. The black dragon, sensing that Mo Yan had finished speaking, flapped its huge wings and took off into the air, flying towards Thunder Bluff.


In the city of Parliament, the castle in the city is preparing for this celebration.

Banners have been pulled up one by one, and orders for flower petals have been placed. Now the flower shops in the city are working hard to collect the flowers for planting. In order to raise the number of petals, even wild flowers in the wild were not left behind. A large number of utensils only used for the festival were taken out, bright red carpets and gorgeous festival costumes.

The blacksmiths are forging badges to give to the conquering warriors when they return to prove their prowess. The Speaker's aides were writing notes of celebration, writing them over and over again and tearing them up again and again. The floor was already covered with pieces of paper filled with words praising the Speaker.

There was a joyful scene in the city. Everyone felt confident in the strength of the coalition forces in Parliament City and never thought about whether they would fail. In their eyes, no city in Elam could withstand such an attack. All that was needed next was to celebrate. The merchants calculated how much it would cost to buy Thunder Bluff's technology from the Speaker.

The craftsmen are preparing materials and making various products to their heart's content. Once Thunder Bluff is destroyed, their orders will be like snowflakes, and almost everyone in the Parliament City has a smile on their face.

I will create a new era. The Speaker said while standing in front of the office window on the middle floor of the castle, looking at the various celebration items prepared in the streets of the city, as well as the laughing and playing children, and raised the wine glass in his hand.


Please collect and recommend. I can’t cater to everyone~ So I’m sorry for those who think my writing is not good~

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