Monster Minotaur

Chapter 55 Scumbag! (throws pen)

The monster army is still too weak, and Refola lacks experience in fighting with people. Mo Yan, riding on the black dragon, looked at the council city army retreating in panic below and said helplessly: Although the council city The soldiers of Elan are said to be the strongest, but the First Legion was beaten like this, which I really can’t accept.”

Originally, Mo Yan needed to stay in Thunder Bluff. Thunder Bluff, which had already sent all its strength, could be said to be at a time of weakness. If someone were to sabotage or steal confidential information at this time, it would be easy. Therefore, Mo Yan needs to personally guard Thunder Bluff to avoid any trouble. But the Black Dragon brought back a large number of human-faced birds. After temporarily handing them over to the command of the SS, Mo Yan got a chance to escape.

As the most powerful creature in Thunder, Mo Yan should be stationed on the defense line with the Legion. If he had appeared on the battlefield, the current First Legion would not be fighting like this at all. All he had to do was use Mo Yan's big ax and kill the Salt people in their formation, seven in and seven out, to completely disrupt their formation. , creating an opportunity for the monsters of the first legion to attack.

Not to mention that the black dragon, which possesses a lot of large-scale destruction magic, has lost the facilities to attack the dragons in Parliament City. The legion in Parliament City encounters the dragons in the wild, just like a flock of sheep encountering a wolf. They could only retreat helplessly and be chased by the black dragon all the way. It would be lucky if one tenth of them could escape.

But Mo Yan didn't do that. Because if the Salt people who have been nesting in Elam have no experience in large-scale actual combat with people, then the monsters who have been staying in the wild have even less such experience. Although Mo Yan has done a lot of training in these aspects, the difference between training and actual combat is still very big.

Therefore, the declaration of war in Parliament City gave Mo Yan the idea of ​​​​training the First Army. After all, Refola, a Salter, as the commander-in-chief of the First Army, was actually just like the person on the opposite side. Lack of such combat experience. If you can make them have some flexibility in their formation, they are already very talented people.

They have little understanding of the tactics that are currently popular on the mainland. Although the Carthaginians of the Second Legion knew how to fight, they did not understand the terrain of Elam and some of the necessary knowledge in Elam. If they were allowed to command the battle, the monster army would be defeated by the Salt Council coalition forces just like their ancestors.

When Mo Yan sent out these two legions, he was already prepared for losses, but he did not expect that the losses in the fight against Refola would be so heavy. Although it could be seen from the sky that the Second Army had bitten the rear of Salt's formation, forcing them to separate a group of people to block the Second Army, it was obvious that such battle losses were not what Mo Yan wanted.

The higher hillsides on both sides can be a good defensive position. Not only are they commanding, but the slope is also very steep. Collect some boulders and move them to the mountains. They can be released when the Salt people attack, causing a good killing effect on them. Moreover, both sides can shoot crossbows at the road in the hillside. If the Parliament City coalition forces do not take down the positions set up on the hillside, they will have to pay a huge price if they want to pass.

No matter which choice he made, Mo Yan felt that he only needed to pay a much smaller price than now to make the Parliament City coalition forces retreat. And it is impossible to organize an army within this year to attack Thunder Bluff. This period of time was enough for Mo Yan to form at least two legions. After all, monsters emerged from the forest much faster than humans who grew slowly.

Now that it's become like this, there's no point complaining. Jones hovered in the air and turned to Mo Yan and said: Let's go down and deal with these ants. Anyone who dares to go against the master will be burned to death!

We have no choice but to use Wushuang to save the situation. Mo Yan stood up from Jones's back, picked up his giant ax like a door panel, moved his limbs and neck, and made a sound like exploding beans. Said: Sure enough, sometimes in the face of strong strength, all strategies are rubbish. After saying that, Mo Yan jumped from the black dragon's body, aiming at the retreating Salt people.

Phew~~boom! Mo Yan's tall body fell into the retreating crowd, and the huge impact blasted away several Salt people who were running toward the camp. The gravel that flew into the air hit the armor of the surrounding Salt warriors, making a crackling sound.

Such a shocking appearance made all the Salt people clenched their weapons. Falling from such a high altitude, if it wasn't crazy, then it must be a powerful monster! But after a while, the very nervous Parliament City coalition soldiers discovered that after the monster fell, there was no sound coming out of any pothole.

One by one, the Salters clenched their weapons and slowly moved towards the pit to prevent possible surprise attacks. Finally, when they came to the pit, they saw a tauren holding a piece of cloth and wrapping it around the broken ax handle. It seems that the powerful force of the fall made the wooden ax handle in the Minotaur's hand unable to withstand the force of the fall and broke into two pieces.

Hey! Wait a minute. The tauren held a strip of cloth torn from his clothes and wrapped it around the broken ax handle. He turned to the Salter warriors who were surrounding him and said, My weapon is not durable. I'll fix it! It'll be ready in no time!

Go to hell, monster! Apparently after discovering that the so-called powerful monster was just a tauren and his weapon was broken, a young Salt warrior nearby held his own hammer. He jumped down the pit and hit the tauren who was trying to repair his weapon.

Bang! A half-figured figure flew into the air and landed ten meters away from the crater. The blood that flowed out poured on the faces of the others, allowing them to realize what had happened just now. Only half of the young man who had rushed over just now was still in the pothole, with a ferocious expression on his face. , as if still in the middle of a battle.

You are still too young. The great man looked at the broken ax handle that could not be fixed because the ax was too heavy, and sighed at the young man's body and said: I jumped from such a high place, you Do you think it's something you can solve? I'm giving up on repairing this thing. I'll just make it a full metal one next time. Jones should be able to carry it.

You...what the hell are you! Soldiers surrounded Mo Yan but didn't dare to take a step forward. No one could see clearly how the blow just happened. The young man who was intact one second was stunned the next second. Only the upper body is still there. This is not an ordinary minotaur. Even young people who have just joined the Parliament City Legion can easily kill several monsters like the minotaur.

Even if they were fully armed and trained tauren like the one they just fought, the Parliament City coalition could achieve a one-for-three battle loss ratio. The tauren in front of them was different from anything they had ever seen. He possessed incredible power. Even the brave Salt people felt a little timid in front of him.

You've already declared war on me, and you still don't know who I am? Mo Yan sniffed and said amusedly: I brought prosperity and prosperity to Elan, and I live in peace with you. And you ignore your honor and say I declare war, you are seeking death!

Why did you stop! Retreat quickly! A short man saw something strange next to the pit and ran over on horseback. He yelled at the Salt warrior who was stunned by the pit: Black Dragon The magic is almost ready! Everyone spread out! Don’t get together, spread out!”

Mo Yan smiled when he heard the man's words, grabbed the battle ax with only half the handle, and swung it at the dazed Salt warriors around him. Seeing Mo Yan start to attack, the Salter who had been completely stunned came to his senses, covered his weapon and attacked Mo Yan. But they were cut into pieces of flesh one by one, and the stumps, heads, internal organs and blood would instantly fill the pitted ground.

Just after Mo Yan caught up with the last soldier staying by the pit and turned him into a human stick. A dazzling flash of light struck Mo Yan from mid-air, and the unique roar of the Salt people revealed the identity of the visitor, a Salt warrior who wielded this long sword. The sword light was fast and steady, piercing Mo Yan's eyes straight.

Mo Yan didn't care about such an attack. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the sword was very fast, so fast that the thrust of the sword tip could hardly be seen, but in Mo Yan's eyes, this speed could only be regarded as normal. Mo Yan, who had been beaten to death by an instructor with a knife, didn't care at all about such speed.

Mo Yan turned his head to avoid the stabbing blow, then held his fist and hit the opponent's abdomen. And it was obvious that the opponent was not an ordinary person, and he had a very accurate grasp of the rhythm of the battle, at the moment when the long sword in his hand pierced the air. He immediately pushed away the long sword in his hand, twisted his body at the same time to avoid Mo Yan's fist, and took advantage of the inertia to rush towards Mo Yan's back. He intended to catch the sword just sent out and attack Mo Yan from behind.

It's so sweet! Mo Yan yelled after being dodged by the fist, and he lifted his knee hard and hit the attacker's abdomen. The huge force caused blood foam to spurt out from the attacker's mouth, and he hit the slope of the pothole. If Mo Yan hadn't been curious about his speed and had enough strength left, he would have smashed him into pieces with just that one blow!


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Haha~Yao Ming’s face~

Thanks for all the rewards~ (I raised three thousand words, three thousand words)

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