Monster Minotaur

Chapter 42 Come out, black technology!

Recently, Mo Yan has left everything to his men to do, so what is he doing himself? In fact, Mo Yan was not lazy. In the past few days, he was dealing with some things about the future. Let's go back three days.

After sending the black dragon to deliver the letter, Mo Yan continued to handle official duties in the office. Although it was boring, it was something he had to do. Currently, the winery in the city has begun construction, and the drawings of brewing equipment have been handed over to the blacksmith workshop, allowing those skilled gray dwarves to build brewing vessels. At the same time, the city's granaries also began to clear up space in preparation for the purchase of grain.

In Elam, or the entire continent, winemaking technology is a tragedy. The Sartes do not know what distillation and purification is, let alone how to preserve wine. Mo Yan discovered the huge business opportunities in the mead sold by the Salt people, and although it had a different name, it was still mead.

Wine purified by fermentation is a good thing, and purified liquor can become a high-end drink. Anyone who loves drinking cannot resist its temptation. As long as such wine is packaged and sold to various parts of the mainland, it can bring huge profits to Thunder Bluff. At the same time, alcohol is also a good fuel and an important strategic substance.

What's more important is that if alcohol is a fuel, then Mo Yan can make do without discovering oil and make an internal combustion engine that can be used reluctantly. Once something like the internal combustion engine is available, many things that could not be done originally can be put on the agenda, such as Gundam, Gundam, Gundam and the like. Okay, I was just kidding.

Recent reports from the dungeon say that there is some instability among the families in the city. Lilith handed a document in elven script to Mo Yan and said, This is a report submitted by Ai Xi personally, and it ends with Gill's signature and assessment of the situation.

Are those drow in contact with a certain demon in hell? Mo Yan finished reading Ai Xi's report, touched his chin and said, If that's the case, Lilith, you know what methods the devil can use to send things from hell to To the main plane? I think there must be some way in hell to remove that mark.

If you are not a living demon, you can do it, but it requires a lot of magic power. It is not the rainy season right now, and the barrier on the main plane is very complete. Even if you are well prepared, it is impossible to do it. Lilith said: So. Now, even if they contact the devil, they will have to wait at least until the next rainy season to get the materials needed to remove the mark.

Give Ai Xi an order. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said, Ask her to gather the heirs of all the families in the dungeon and send them to Thunder Bluff. Just tell her that I need to send ambassadors to other cities. I heard that the drow Families generally have many heirs, so let her choose the strongest one in each family.

Almost all children born to the mistress of Zhuoer's family have the right to inherit the family. Unlike the elves who are few in number and low in productivity, these drow who escaped underground have become very productive. This is a gift from the goddess of pain and an inevitable necessity to adapt to the underground. Therefore, almost every change in power of these drow who are good at conspiracy is accompanied by huge changes in the family.

A sister kills her sister, and a daughter kills her mother. This happens almost every day in the drow city. As a drow who controls the entire family, the mistress will not let any daughter in the family be too strong for her own safety. They are good at balance, allowing the daughter she loves to maintain the advantage, but not so powerful that it threatens herself.

Most of the time, other daughters in the family are suppressed by their powerful older sisters or younger sisters, and they can only fight against the person chosen by the mistress through alliance. Most of these drow families maintain an extremely delicate balance. Once the strength of any party expands, the other party will face great danger.

Once a strong daughter is forced to leave her family, the other suppressed daughters will gather together to divide the power she has left, leaving her without any support even after returning to the family. A big bone hangs in front of everyone, and the occupying vicious dog has been taken away by its owner. Will the already suspicious alliance still unite? The chaos among the other families in the city will leave Ashe to deal with the family that is trying to move in Santos.

It's a very good idea. Lilith said with a smile: In this way, those families can only be busy dealing with internal affairs, and will not worry about other things and let Ai Xi get the opportunity. But if she fails to seize How about taking advantage of this opportunity and stabilizing the next situation?

Then I can only consider changing to another agent. Mo Yan shrugged and said, Such a stupid person has no value in living.

After finishing his routine business, Mo Yan came to the research center of Thunder Bluff Industrial Zone alone. This research center was opened next to the process confirmation center in the original industrial area in order to develop black technology. The things inside can be said to be the most confidential things in the entire Thunder Bluff, so it is guarded by three teams of monsters from the First Legion.

Lord City Lord! The horned demons standing upright at the door saluted Mo Yan as he approached. The red fist slapped his chest extremely loudly.

Yes. Mo Yan nodded and walked into this, the largest building in the industrial zone, to continue the work he had not finished yesterday.

Lord City Lord! You are here! The busy gray dwarves in the research center stopped what they were doing when they saw Mo Yan arriving, and looked at Mo Yan who put on a leather apron with admiration, and their voices were full of respect.

How was the iron furnace doing yesterday? Mo Yan came to a machine full of holes, picked up a roughly forged wrench and asked a gray dwarf, I remember when I left yesterday, let You make those levers. The problem of steel forging was solved yesterday, wasn't it?

Yes, sir. The gray dwarf, who was called the Iron Furnace, quickly brought a few iron plates over and said, These are the parts we made last night. We have tested them in terms of hardness, and they can all reach your level. Something to ask for.”

It's not bad. Mo Yan looked at the parts in his hand, compared them with the holes in the machine in front of him, and said, Now that the main body has been completed, all that's left are some details. The parts will be as given by me. The drawings are produced and prepared for mass production. Now I will assemble the next parts, and you all can come and take a look.

As he spoke, Mo Yan began to assemble the parts on the machine using the parts that the dwarves had just made. The gray dwarves in the research center gathered around Mo Yan, watching Mo Yan use his big hands to dexterously fix the parts one by one and assemble them onto the unfinished machine, and kept taking notes with pen and paper. With.

These gray dwarves are considered the most outstanding personnel in each blacksmith shop among the gray dwarves of Thunder Bluff. In the past, they had their own arrogance, thinking that they were masters, and there would be nothing they could not understand about any weapons and equipment in their hands. But after Mo Yan threw a bunch of drawings in front of them, their original pride turned into a joke.

They call themselves masters, but they don't even know what the machines in the picture do. There was once a gray dwarf who was unwilling to admit defeat. It was useless to question such things. Then the gray dwarf was torn into pieces by Mo Yan in front of others and fed to the monsters guarding him.

Mo Yan used his actions to tell these gray dwarves that here they only have to study and work, and no one can question what he has done. Otherwise, that gray dwarf would be the fate of all of them. So in the silence, the research center began to operate, and strange things were produced from here.

Mo Yan, who worked with a group of gray dwarves, quickly made them understand that he was a mechanical expert. When the gray dwarves encounter unsolvable difficulties, they can be solved in Mo Yan's hands in a few clicks. Within just five days of starting operations, Mo Yan improved the way he made iron and produced something called steel. Steel is not only much harder than iron, but also extremely tough due to its special formula.

For gray dwarves who love blacksmithing, this is undoubtedly a miraculous existence. With this excellent metal, the performance of forged weapons and armor will be greatly improved, and some things that were originally impossible to create and only existed in design can also be created.

That's it for today. Mo Yan said after spending half an hour installing all the parts forged by the dwarves on the machine: The production of parts needs to be accelerated. I want you to finish the production of the parts. Streamline all the processes you see.”

Is it like making weapons? Iron Furnace asked after hearing Mo Yan's words: But I'm curious about what such a strange machine is used for. Such a big iron lump doesn't seem to have any sharp points, and I can’t even wear it.”

This is an internal combustion engine. Mo Yan looked at the dwarf and finally explained: You will know its function by then. Once this thing is completed, it will even change the entire world!


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There is only one chapter on Monday. Unless otherwise informed, I will keep it like this.

Speaking of which... once I write about the protagonist, I feel nothing at all. I want to write about the war between Carthage and Maro~

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