Monster Minotaur

Chapter 41 The end is coming

Regal and Matthew are members of Maro's Shadow Force, an organization whose members are mostly made up of orphans. Reger and Matthew lost their parents in Marlow's coup ten years ago. They were only eight years old at the time and were sent to an orphanage in Maro City after the turmoil ended.

If it was still the era of the last King Nero, they would never have been adopted by the orphanage so easily. At that time, most of the orphans in the Maro Empire were taken over by unscrupulous businessmen. They were either sold as slaves to mines, or they became the targets of perverted nobles because of their beauty.

And a very small number of lucky orphans will be recruited by some dark organizations and trained to become the dead soldiers needed by the organizations. Although the endings are mostly tragic, they are countless times luckier than those who die quickly in the mines or are played to death.

Nero's son Caesar was a different king from his father. He was young and charming, and worked hard to build the country into a powerful nation. In the second year after taking office, he discovered that there were a large number of orphans in the country due to his father's tyranny and incompetence.

So Caesar passed a law that all these orphans would be used to form an army, and all raising funds would be paid by the state. After rigorous training, they became Caesar's eyes in the dark, ears to eavesdrop on other countries' secrets, and daggers to assassinate traitors and enemies. This force, named Shadow by Caesar himself, secretly killed many corrupt officials who could not be moved on the surface during Caesar's subsequent domestic purge.

They operated in Carthage, gathered Carthage's military and economic power, and instigated important officials to rebel. When the royal capital was besieged, it provoked conflicts among the nobles in the south of Carthage, leaving them unable to support the royal capital. As an organization in the darkness, they developed into a force in just ten years, making all kingdoms vigilant.

When Regel and Matthew were fifteen years old, they joined the Shadows after leaving the orphanage and received all the necessary training. After graduating with honors, Matthew and Regel officially began to act as shadows and began to move among the darkness. The two people who had known each other in the orphanage were assigned to the same team after graduating from the training center.

After the direct war between Carthage and Maro broke out, the two of them died in an assassination operation because of their superior performance, as well as the captain and deputy captain of the squad. So he was promoted to captain and vice-captain, and a month later he led the team into Elam to pursue the fleeing Carthaginian royal family. His whereabouts are unknown since then.

Have you finished meeting the City Lord? Matthew, who was staying in the office, watched Regeer walk in and asked, What did the City Lord say? If it was him who did it, then everything would be easier. Let's just make up some suitable ones. Reason, if we find a few scapegoats, everything will be fine.

Then your wish will come true. Reger loosened his collar a little, sat back in his seat and said, The city lord doesn't know anything about this matter because it involves leaking secrets. Even if we catch After killing the prisoners, we also have to investigate the unstable blacksmiths. And while doing that job, we have to start our training.

Ah, I really don't know what else we need to train. Matthew said weakly on the table: We are good hands in good hands. Except for the mission that failed because of the dead captain's stupidity, we are No experience of failure at all!”

If you don't fail, why are you here? Then. Reger threw a weapon that looked like a dagger to Matthew and said: This is a special weapon for our SS. It is said that it also has a uniform uniform. , but it seems that it hasn’t been made yet. Because I was checking this thing recently, the city lord sent the weapons to us first.

All black, knife? Matthew pulled out the weapon, which was only half the length of an ordinary long sword. Looking at the straight and slender blade, he asked strangely: What is this? If it is a short sword, it has only one blade. , and the top is obviously the curvature of the knife. Although the all-black design is very good, it will not be spotted due to reflection.

Well, this is what the weapon looks like. Regel said: I didn't even ask what this thing is called. It's similar to a knife. I tried it when I got it. It's a very good thing. It's for attacking. It’s fast and perfect for just those of us.”

By the way, the man named Glock just sent something, which seems to be some clues about the case. Matthew put away the weapon and hung it on his waist, handed a document to Regel and said: Well, because it's useless to watch it anyway, I didn't read the content.

The body of the werewolf was found. Regel turned a few pages and said: The goblins who were cleaning the sewers found the body of the werewolf when they were cleaning the blocked water outlet. A patrol team was there. , they have all been chopped into pieces. And that Glock is really capable. The tavern where the murdered spies from Parliament City last haunted has been found.

Are you going to that tavern later? Matthew asked: If it were me, I wouldn't go to that tavern after I heard that the person who bought the information was killed, and the food in the tavern is not good at all. eat!

Don't go there yet. Regel looked at the still bright sky outside and said, Let's go see those werewolves first. Maybe we will find something different. The things in the document are too vague, so we still need to Just use your eyes to confirm.

The place where the corpses were piled was temporarily opened in a very remote place outside Thunder Bluff. At the beginning, Mo Yan didn't think about stacking the corpses. After all, the corpses could just be eaten by monsters, and there was no need to waste energy burying them. The Salt people in the city all have their own family cemetery in the original village, so the dead will be transported back there for burial and will not have anything to do with Thunder Bluff.

But this time, the murderer was a spy who claimed to be an envoy of the Parliament City. Therefore, these corpses still need a place to be piled up and some simple repair work should be done before they are returned to the Parliament City. So a dark house near the city wall was used as a storage place for corpses.

Asshole! Don't eat corpses! Hearing the voice coming from the house, Regel pushed open the door and walked in, where he saw a group of goblins piecing together corpses. And a gray dwarf who was whipping a goblin with blood on the corner of his mouth with a wooden stick.

Oh, it's you. The gray dwarf saw someone coming in. He squinted at Regel and Matthew and said, You guys came too fast. The werewolf corpses were just delivered at noon. They haven't arrived yet. It can’t be repaired at all, they were chopped to pieces. And from time to time, goblins working on them would eat them, which is really troublesome.”

Do you know what kind of weapon caused it? Regel looked at the minced meat piled up on the long tables and asked the dwarf in charge of repairing it: Since you used to do this in the dungeon, you should have Are you quite experienced? What kind of weapon can cause such damage?

It's not a long sword, it's not a knife, it's not a blunt instrument. The dwarf picked up the wine bottle on the table and took a sip. And these werewolves also have a lot of bite marks on their bodies, and some of the traces of weapons have been destroyed. I can roughly It was inferred to be a long-handled weapon.

Is it a long-handled weapon? Is it a long scythe? Matthew looked at the slash marks on the pieces of meat and said, If this is the case, it is possible to cause such wounds.

There is a werewolf whose hair has been stripped off. The dwarf pointed to the fragments of a werewolf and said: The werewolf's hair at the scene must belong to this guy. Haha... It seems that it was plucked while he was alive. All the hair on my body is gone. It hurts just thinking about it!

Such a style... Matthew, have you remembered anything? Regeer seemed to have remembered something and asked, About a certain shadowy crazy woman.

Hey... this joke is not funny at all. Matthew, who was asked, said with rare nervousness: She will not be in Ellan! And she is not the only one who uses a scythe!

Well, I'm just talking casually. Regel looked at the nervous Matthew and said with a smile: She couldn't have done this. If she was doing this, she would have done it on the first day she came to the city. He will be stared at. Such a swaggering way of action doesn’t look like a person in the dark at all.”

Huh... Matthew breathed a sigh of relief and said, Don't scare me with this kind of thing in the future! If such a crazy woman knew that I was here, she would chase me to death. I don't want to marry a woman like that...

Let's go. Regel shrugged and walked out and said, We can call it a day after visiting the guy selling the information. When the time comes to arrest him, the city will probably be in chaos for a while.

Do you already have a clue about the prisoner? Matthew followed up and asked.

Of course. Regel smiled and said, The guy with the scythe and the obvious bite marks... this is a demon. A guy who went crazy after eating monsters.


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