Monster Minotaur

Chapter 30 Santa Fe at Night

The three-color moon slowly climbed up into the night sky, illuminating the city of Santa Fe at night, surrounded by stars. The night was already a little deep. Most of the shops on Santa Fe Street have been closed, while some special industries have also begun to open. The tavern was filled with Santa Fe citizens who had worked hard all day. They drank gulps of mead and talked about the wonderful performance or other gossip during the day.

Some people who have not seen it or are not aware of such a thing, after listening to the viewers' description of the performance, often ask questions and exclaim, thinking that they must go to see that special performance tomorrow. The mercenaries talked about the possibility of catching such a monster and training him into it. Businessmen gathered together to discuss how much money they could make if such a show became bigger.

The Horse Tavern, which should have been equally lively, was silent tonight. The mercenaries who were still drinking there in the evening had all left there happily. After all, getting free drinks and getting some small money is not something that happens every day. It's not like there's just one tavern in Santa Fe, the Horse. You can drink at any other tavern.

Then that's it for today. Kimball stood at the door of the bar and said, Miss, if you have anything, you can ask my two men, they will help you. Because he needed to go home, Kimball Only two men were left to help look after the monsters in the bar. Although I know the strength of the girl in front of me, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

When the girl heard what I, Kimball, said, she nodded and led the monster to go upstairs. It seemed that she planned to let the monster spend the night in her room. Such an unwise move made Kimball a little surprised.

Does the lady plan to let the monster spend the night in the room? Kimball hurriedly stepped forward and said, It is very dangerous. If the lady falls asleep, the monster might do something. I think it is better to leave this Leave the tauren downstairs and let my men take care of it, and I will hand it over to you intact the next morning.

He is well trained. The girl said nonchalantly: And this is the safest way. My training method is to stay with the monster at all times, otherwise his ferocity will relapse. What happens to me? It can also be dealt with immediately. If you kill him when he goes crazy, then I will have to catch another one and train it, which will take a long time.

That's it. Kimball looked at the quiet minotaur, then at the girl, sighed and finally compromised: Okay. Then Luther, you two will guard the door of the lady's room at night. I can help you if anything happens.

Okay. The two soldiers nodded and said. The girl led the monster upstairs, while the two warriors ate quickly, planning to guard the door after dinner. Kimball stood at the door and watched the girl enter the room with the monster, feeling that nothing would be serious. So he took the other soldiers and left the Horse Tavern.

When he arrived at the room assigned by the tavern owner, Jones saw the woman cleaning it. This fairly spacious and bright room, although the furniture is a bit old, is probably the best room in the tavern. Mo Yan listened carefully and confirmed that the two soldiers were still downstairs, so he moved a little and relaxed and said, I can finally talk. It's really uncomfortable not to talk for so long.

What are you doing in the city? The woman looked at Mo Yan, who lay down on the bed and pressed the not-so-strong wooden bed until it creaked. I said I would send the money outside the city. .”

When I just came in, I saw that your finances seemed to be in some trouble. Mo Yan looked at the nervous woman and said, I can probably guess something. Your father must have spent a lot of money to save you. It’s less money. By the way, I don’t know your name yet.”

My name is not important. The woman said: I don't want to have anything to do with you. Once I pay you the money, we will be settled! Although the money at home is only twenty gold coins, But I will find a way to make up for the rest.”

Okay. Mo Yan said nonchalantly: It's completely understandable that I don't want to get involved with a monster. There's no need to worry about money, and I don't care about the money. If you really can't help it, you can consider my initial proposal. . I can return this favor once and for all. Although women are not as good as succubi. But she is also considered beautiful among humans.

Don't try to seduce me, you devil. The woman put away the cleaning tools and said angrily: You are like those scoundrels. Once you have the first time, I will be completely finished. And I feel it when I look at you. nausea!

Apparently the woman had misunderstood Mo Yan. Many loan sharks in the city were like this, slowly turning a woman of good character into a prostitute. It started just once, then it was endless insults and coercion, and finally the woman whose shame disappeared became a prostitute in a tavern. In the experience of growing up as a woman, we have seen the same thing happen countless times.

What's more, doing it with a monster? There may be some women who like this taste, but women are not among them. As a typical Salt woman in the city, although she does not hate monsters, she also hates them extremely.

Miss. The soldier who came upstairs knocked on the door and said, We are right outside the door. You can rest peacefully. If anything happens, we will come in immediately.

That's it for today. After the woman said that, she walked to the door, opened it and walked out. While at the door, she was teased by the two soldiers. But a woman in a bad mood. Instead of joking with them as usual, he stepped on one of the soldiers hard and then strode away upstairs.

I have released the soundproof barrier. Jones read out a few strange bytes, and then said to Mo Yan: People outside the door will not hear our voices.

Yeah. Mo Yan looked at the room that seemed to have remained unchanged and said, I wonder what effect this magic will have. It seems to have remained unchanged at all.

It's just that the surrounding magic elves blocked the sound. Jones climbed onto the bed and said with a smile: This is just a little magic trick. Strictly speaking, it is not magic.

Really. Mo Yan asked with some interest: What do the magic elves look like? Can they be seen with a microscope? Are they biological or energy?

I can't explain this clearly. Jones said with some embarrassment: I can only feel their existence. If you want to explain it specifically, I don't understand it. Right... By the way, can I ask a question? ? There was a blush on Jones's face, and his speech became less fluent.

What's going on? Mo Yan asked strangely.

That kind of thing... is just... the kind of thing you mentioned just now. Jones' face became increasingly red as he said, Is it really that interesting?

What's the matter... Uh, okay. Mo Yan understood what Jones said, scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: It's quite interesting. Have you never done this with a female dragon?

No... not at all... Jones said, Because I was not yet at the age when I... was... in heat. Don't talk about... let's not talk about this! What are we going to do tonight!

Although entering Santa Fe City was just Mo Yan's temporary idea, it was not without things to do. The failure to establish trade with Santa Fe still made Mo Yan slightly concerned. If we can talk to the city lord here, there may be some opportunities for change. Santa Fe City still has several resources, and Mo Yan is more concerned about things such as magnetite.

Mineral resources are very rich near Thunder Bluff, and a small gold mine was even discovered. But no sign of magnetite was found, not even after exploration of the underground city. Magnets are an important material for generators, but they are something that must be obtained.

Going to visit the city lord? Jones asked: Will they accept negotiations from a monster?

You have to try things. Mo Yan smiled and said, It doesn't matter if you are rejected again. When the time comes, you can just transform into your original body and we can fly away.

We're going to burn the city down! We can set off a big fire before we leave! Jones shouted excitedly after hearing Mo Yan's words: Turn all these disobedient ants into ashes!! Ouch...fuck it! Hit me again.

Don't think about killing! Mo Yan said: Violence is only used as a last resort. If you use it indiscriminately, you will only stand on the opposite side of everyone. Destroying Santa Fe is easy, but you have to deal with it after it is destroyed. It’s extremely troublesome, so it’s best not to do it if it’s not necessary.”


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