Monster Minotaur

Chapter 29 A beast tamer comes to Santa Fe

Is it possible for a very weak girl to twist an iron sword into a twist? Kimball wouldn't believe it if he heard it from others, but with such a thing happening in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but not believe it. After checking the iron sword that could only be remade, he made sure that it was not faked from another soft metal.

Kimball, who was sweating slightly on his forehead, confirmed that the girl in front of him was a more dangerous person than a monster.

Can I continue on my way? the girl said with a smile, I hope I can make a fortune in the city before dinner. The travel expenses were all spent on the way here.

Okay. Kimball looked at the nervous subordinates behind him, but said with some embarrassment: But obviously it is not a good thing for a monster to appear in the city, so we have to follow you, Miss, to avoid Causing unnecessary panic. Of course, this is not because I don’t believe in your strength, young lady, it’s just that it will be much more convenient if we follow you.”

Hmm... Okay. The girl looked back at the tauren standing quietly behind her, and said as if to confirm something: Then I will let you follow, but if you want to watch the show then, you will have to pay. Oh!

Well... Okay, if it's not much. Kimball breathed a sigh of relief and said, Then please go this way. After saying that, Kimball moved out of the way behind him and let the girl walk between them.

Under the leadership of Kimball, a man who was familiar with the roads, the girl quickly arrived outside the city gate of Santa Fe. Because Kimball had already sent people to greet the defenders when he approached the city wall, the appearance of the monster did not cause much panic.

Just some people entering and leaving the city gate exclaimed a little when they saw the tall figure of the tauren. However, under the explanation of the city defenders, the panic of the crowd quickly turned into a spectator mood. The monsters who can perform at least No one in Elam had ever seen it.

There are very few entertainment activities among the Salt people. Apart from some traditional dances that can hardly be considered dances, only the gladiatorial games that have just emerged can still be seen. So the girl trainer entered the city without any obstruction, she was just told to watch out for the monsters. Kimball was also dispatched with five people to maintain order during the performance.

A beast tamer came to the city to conduct monster performances, and word quickly spread throughout this small city. A large group of people who got the news began to gather in the square, hoping to be the first to see what performances the beast tamer could make the monsters do.

Is it really okay? In a house not far from the square, the girl asked the monster with some worry: There was no performance as promised.

No problem. The tauren smiled and nodded and replied: I'm pretty good at some little tricks. I guarantee they won't raise any suspicions. After the performance is over, I just need to go to the bar to find the woman. I'll be there then. Stay in the bar room for one night. I have something to do in the evening and I want to talk to the city lord in person.

Okay. The girl nodded and said, After the performance, I will ask those humans about finding a tavern.

Mo Yan said that he only knew a few tricks, but these tricks were obviously a novel and fun thing for the inexperienced Salt people. The gold coins disappeared, five or six wooden sticks stood crookedly one after another, a dozen apples were thrown in the air to form a circle, and a large stone was broken into the chest! Well, that last one is just plain brute force.

The performance was very successful. A large number of copper coins were thrown into the barrel borrowed by the girl, and some people even threw some silver coins into it. In just half an hour's performance, the girl earned two months' salary of an adult warrior. Moreover, there were many people who came late and crowded around the outside and did not see the performance. They asked if there would be another performance tomorrow.

Some of the entourage of the city's dignitaries also came to inquire after the crowd dispersed, if they wanted to perform at their master's home. Some curious warriors and some discerning businessmen wanted to find out how the girl came up with these tricks and let the monsters learn these performances.

It's really hot. Kimball looked at the minotaur holding the small log full of coins on his shoulders, and said with admiration to the girl holding the rope: The money I make right now is more than what I made in two months. It’s a lot more money. But it’s worth it, the performance is wonderful. If there is another performance tomorrow, I will take my daughter to see it.”

I don't know. The girl paid the price for the small bucket to the fruit seller in the square who lent her the bucket. But he should be a performer, but if I can save enough travel expenses, I will go Next city.”

Miss, I won't accept the money for the bucket. The fruit seller said with a smile: For a girl as cute as Miss, just think of a bucket as a gift to Miss. If you come to perform again tomorrow , Uncle can also give you a bucket. (I don’t think anyone really thinks that Uncle is a good person, right?)

Yes. The girl nodded and said, Probably she will come again tomorrow. By the way, I want to find a pub. Which place is better?

We often go to the Horse Bar. Kimball's soldier said: But it shouldn't meet the requirements of the young lady, right? Because there are many mercenaries gathered there, the environment will be relatively chaotic.

Did you lose your daughter in that bar? the girl thought for a while and asked.

Well, it was lost some time ago. The soldier asked with some confusion: Why do you know, Miss? You have never been to Santa Fe, right? This thing happened not long ago.

I rescued a woman who said she was the daughter of a bar father in the wild. The girl said, She was being chased by robbers, so I rescued her. Now I want to see if she got home safely.

That's right! After hearing the girl's explanation, the soldier said with a smile: That really helped a lot. The owner of the bar has already asked many people to find his daughter. It is said that the person who found his daughter, You can even give him the tavern.

After walking through several streets under the leadership of Kimball, we arrived at what they called the Horse Tavern. This is a not very big tavern. The wooden building is full of traces of life. There are some dark stains in some corners. There are some cracks in the wooden pillars of the house. An old horse-head signboard reads: Due to the peeling paint of Horse Tavern, only the word horse can be seen vaguely on the signboard.

In the manger in front of the tavern, a mercenary covered in vomit was sleeping inside holding a wine bottle. From time to time, he muttered a few nonsense words, which made people a little concerned about why he was already drunk and unconscious in the evening! The door of the tavern was slightly open, and the noise inside could be heard.

Faintly hearing some inappropriate dirty words and rough yelling, the girl had an idea of ​​the level of chaos in this so-called chaotic place.

Haha... Kimball scratched his head and laughed and said: Because they are all places where mercenaries gather, it is like this. If you don't want to go in, miss, I will go in and see the boss's daughter when she comes back. Are you there? If she is here, I will help you call her out.

No need. The girl shook her head and said, I'll stay here tonight. It doesn't matter if I'm not here.

Live... live here? Kimball said with some worry: This is not a comfortable place to stay. Only those mercenaries with little money will choose this place. Such a noisy environment will last until at least the early morning of the next day. It will disappear, even if you are in the room, you won’t be able to sleep, right?”

It doesn't matter. The girl shook her head and said, I will take care of this place.

Haha Kimball said with a wry smile: I probably know why your travel expenses are consumed so quickly. Judging from the girl's ability to make money, the money she earned in two or three days was even enough for her to leave Elland, but she was The girl said it was only used for travel expenses to the next city, and Kimball had an understanding of the girl's consumption point of view. But in fact, these were all things the girl said casually, but fortunately Kimball figured it out automatically.

After entering the pub, the girl saw a woman talking to a middle-aged man. There was also a money bag on the bar. It seemed like there was some money problem.

The tall figure of a tauren appeared in the tavern, which silenced the various mercenaries chatting with each other and the resting garrison soldiers. But then they remembered the rumors of an animal trainer coming to the city, and that Kimball was following them, and they began to talk about their own affairs again, only occasionally casting their eyes on the girl.

Why did you come here! The woman's eyes widened and she rushed to the girl and shouted, Didn't I ask you to wait outside?

It's okay. I told you there's no need to worry about monsters. The girl said, Look, I've already come in, which means there's no problem, right?

The woman looked at the minotaur, then at the girl who was smiling and glaring at her, and finally realized the meaning of the girl's words and said along the way: Ah, if that's the case, then it's no problem. Living in a tavern for a long time A woman is still very good at observing words and emotions.


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Thanks to Fool 009 (the name is so weird~) for bringing up the words I dropped in the first chapter

Sure enough, the review was not careful enough.

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