Monster Minotaur

Chapter 283 The Maze War Begins

The army of monsters was already in front of them, and the time was much faster than Mo Yan calculated. The combat strength of the entire legion was not at the same level as the group under Mo Yan's command. After all, the intelligence of Mo Yan's monsters has just begun, and these monsters have been on the mainland for a long time. They have restrained the power of the gods on the continent for hundreds of years. It is normal for them to be excellent in terms of training.

Fortunately, Mo Yan had already explained his planned battle plan to the Salt people last night because he wanted to make early arrangements. And it has been approved by most people. The stage that has been set up must of course be used. Sooner or later, you will have to face those monsters while escaping in the wild. With advantages and well-planned plans here, it is of course an excellent time to fight. Well-constructed mazes and traps can greatly reduce personnel losses. In conjunction with the battle plan proposed by the Minotaur, victory is not a dream if the operation is good.

The Salt people who had rested for the night also received news of the enemy's attack after a while. After eating hot food and getting equipment supplies, they put on their armors and picked up their weapons. The weapons gathered around their squad leader, waiting for them to make arrangements. As early as when the Salt people were facing the danger of extinction, Emily had already numbered the survivors into teams. Everyone, male, female, old and young, had a team leader in charge, and used this as a unit to distribute supplies.

The so-called team leaders are the people Mo Yan met yesterday. They are the middle-level backbone of this escape team. Most of them are middle-aged. They will not be as impulsive as young people, and at the same time, they will not be as impulsive as older people. People who are too conservative are the most ideal group of people who shoulder the responsibility of the entire society. They had learned everything they needed to know from the weird minotaur last night.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation where the enemy suddenly appeared, they were not at a loss like headless flies. Teams of people rushed to the predetermined place with their soldiers, intending to act according to the original battle plan. There are about two thousand survivors of the entire Salt people. In fact, excluding the children who cannot fight and a small number of elderly people, there are more than a thousand people who can take up arms to fight.

And among these thousand people, nearly half are women, as well as a small number of young people who have just been able to hold weapons. There are only less than a hundred experienced warriors in the elite, and some of them are not even fully injured. It's so transparent, and the state is far from what it usually is. In order to destroy the production of Mordor, the gods squeezed out the last value of these Salt people who could still support them for two or three years.

The hundreds of Salt warriors who attacked Mordor were the last fighting force that the entire group could use. The recently temporarily deployed and trained warriors were far from being worthy of the name of the Salt warrior race, and even A slightly larger number of Central Plains warriors can defeat them, but facing nearly tens of thousands of monsters and wanting to confront them head-on is not much different from dying, so they will always choose to escape instead of defeating and pursuing them. Their monsters.

However, there are many cases in which the small defeats the large and the weak defeats the strong, no matter in which world. In order to be able to better kill their own tribesmen, human beings often invent things called strategies to reduce their losses in wars, or to make up for their own shortcomings in combat effectiveness.

Although Mo Yan, a guy from another world, is not a wise man like a strategist, if he sees some things too much, even if he doesn't create new ones, he can still do it simply by imitating them. of. Mo Yan still has some ideas on how to reduce his own losses and consume the enemy as much as possible, and his maze was built for this purpose.

The entire maze is not very large, but its internal structure is very complex. If the twisting passages are straightened, there will be no problem in fitting 20,000 to 30,000 people into it. According to Mo Yan's assumptions, the complex terrain, coupled with the battle plan he designed, should be able to disperse the enemy's strength well, allowing the Salt people to take advantage of the traps and temporarily reduce their numerical disadvantage. Eliminate, ambush the scattered monsters in the maze, and eat these monster soldiers one by one like eating big buns.

That's what I thought. Mo Yan, who had eaten and drank enough, quietly came to a commanding point outside the maze and looked at the Salt warriors not far away who were setting up in the maze, as well as those who were ready outside. He saw the attacking monster, touched his chin and thought: But the enemy will not act as I thought. As an important red dragon that intercepts air power, I don't know where it ran. If these monsters can If the flying monsters drop a group of soldiers directly into the maze to massacre the old people who have little fighting ability, the whole plan will be ruined.

As a group capable of three-dimensional combat on land, sea, and air, the monsters would certainly not simply get into the maze and lose their numerical advantage. When he first laid out the maze, Mo Yan thought about how the monsters would crack it, and tried to figure out how to fill in these loopholes. In the air, he planned to use the powerful red dragon to stop the monster's aerial power, and also made special construction on the structure of the maze to prevent the entire maze structure from being visible from the air.

As for the defense of cannons and other heavy weapons, even if Mo Yan estimated that these were dispatched urgently, the monsters chasing the Salters would not bring them with them. But he still found a way to strengthen the red dragon, so that the walls of the entire maze could withstand some bombardments, even the blows of the magic cannon that he didn't understand. But later I learned from Red Dragon that Mo Yan didn't need to worry about heavy weapons. The stone materials in the entire dragon ruins were somewhat special.

Under the influence of the runic power that can float the entire Dragon Island over the years, they have slightly acquired the characteristics of runic power. Although the power of magic is not as capable of destroying them as scratching an itch, it is still quite resistant. When the Demon Lord brought his new toy to attack Dragon Island, there was a situation where the magic cannon could not hit the Dragon Island. If the Demon Lord had not relied on his own strength and used a strategy to remove the guards at the core of the Dragon Island , led his magic warriors into the depths of Dragon Island, destroying the rune equipment there, and Dragon Island would not fall down and become a ruin.

Groups of monsters with wings flew out from the groups of monsters and flew towards the inside of the maze. The commanders of the monster army are obviously not fools. Although they also know that the remaining Salt people are not worth mentioning compared to their strength, they still conduct a reconnaissance out of caution to find out what the strange maze in front of them is planning. The flying monsters were hovering in the sky, looking at the small maze below, and some even flew directly into the maze.

At this time, the advantages of Mo Yan's design were revealed. The monsters flying in the sky could not be seen clearly at all. At that time, the maze that was sometimes obscured and revealed. How to pass through it, I could only reluctantly draw a rough drawing. They flew back to report to their commander.

After a moment, the entire demon army began to take action. A large group of monsters rushed towards the entrance of the maze, entering directly to search for their target. The flying monsters that returned also took off again and flew toward the back of the maze with some lighter monsters. Sure enough, as Mo Yan expected, he planned to block the two entrances and exits and completely surround the Salt people in this maze designed by Mo Yan.

Since Mo Yan had guessed this situation, he must have taken measures to deal with it, but the sacrifices he had to make were even greater. There was still no shadow of the red dragon in the sky, and the flying monsters were getting closer and closer to their target. But just as they were hiding in the maze, watching the flying monsters, and planning to implement the solution plan given by Mo Yan, something appeared in the distance. A magical beam swept across, directly vaporizing many monsters in the air into red weapons.

A loud dragon cry rang out from the distant mountains, and a strong red dragon fanned its wings and flew in with unrivaled momentum. The unique intimidation of the dragon clan makes the weak monsters tremble, and even if other strong guys are not so afraid, they are actually affected to some extent. There are no magic warriors in this monster army, and a dragon has nothing to do with them. The threat is considerable.

But monsters are well trained and must keep fighting even if they are afraid. They knew that a single force would not be their opponent, so they adopted the tactic of a sea of ​​people. The black flying monsters rushed towards the red dragon. Even the magic of the dragon clan could not kill them all instantly. If there was only one dragon, they could pile up their lives to death. When they besieged Dragon Island, they A few dragons were consumed alive by hordes of monsters and died.

David, who had participated in the battle on Dragon Island, certainly knew what these monsters wanted to do. He flew quickly in the sky, turning into red lightning and rushing left and right. From time to time, he released some not-so-powerful magic to stop them. The possibility of those monsters trying to get into the back of the maze. Mo Yan had told him his accusations a long time ago. He only needed to hold these guys back now, and he didn't need to expend too much power in a battle of annihilation.

When the monster troops on the ground are defeated by the Salt people and flee, these monsters will retreat on their own. The purpose of this battle is to defeat the combat power of Mordor and lure the demon king here in person. It is the most correct choice to save the precious power for use at that time.

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