Monster Minotaur

Chapter 282 Fearless

More than ten days passed quickly. Although he knew that the Salt people had no other choice, Mo Yan was still a little surprised by the long wait. He even gave birth to some gods who were not as nasty as he thought. Damn, it’s actually the idea of ​​a group of very benevolent people. Fortunately, after nearly half a month passed, Mo Yan, who had nothing to do in the ruins of the Dragon Clan after the transformation, finally met the person he wanted to see.

Groups of Sartes appeared outside the ruins, dragging their families and their small supplies. Mo Yan, who was already impatient with the waiting, put away some of his smiley face that his plot had succeeded, and with a straight face, he led these exhausted Salt people into the ruins that were almost fortress-like. Lead them around the traps he carefully designed and into a safe inner area.

There is a lot of food and daily necessities in the hall. Mo Yan took Emily to the place where he stored supplies, pointed at the small mountain of supplies and said to her: I think you must be very tired now, and you will be tired on the way. I haven't had a good meal. Don't worry about making fires and the like when you get here. Let your tribe get some hot food to eat. I see you have a lot of wounded, and many tribesmen don't look too good. Okay, I have prepared a lot of medicines, you can ask your doctors to treat them.

These supplies were all looted by Mo Yan while he was waiting for the Salt man, and he went to a small town far away with the red dragon David. Those small towns where there were no strong men stationed, in front of the red dragon and Mo Yan, they looked like themselves. Just like his backyard, he forced his way in and took everything he wanted. The reason why the red dragon can fly is because Mo Yan's attack is randomly selected. There is no way to avoid the vicinity of Dragon Island. At the same time, there are some very far away from the ruins of Dragon Island.

Even Mo Yan himself would not be able to find out where the two bandits were stationed in this situation, so Mo Yan would not worry about those monsters being led to the ruins of Dragon Island in advance. For people on the verge of despair, a hot meal and a safe place to live are more valuable than real money, so Mo Yan prepared this gift in advance, not to mention alleviating these people's hatred for monsters, at least not at all. What kind of surprise will happen in the next action because of the anger in my heart.

If the Salt people, who are not that large in number, want to defeat a large number of monsters, they must use the maze created by Mo Yan and David. The most important thing is that the personnel obey the dispatch and will not be given constant orders. Looking at the small mountain of supplies, Emily nodded and didn't say anything. After seeing that Mo Yan didn't have anything else to say about the loss, she left here directly and went to her tribe to arrange for people to pick up the supplies. supplies, and also took care of those injured in the monster pursuit.

For those who were forced to come to seek refuge with their enemies and unite their race with their enemies, they had nothing left to ask for. If the tauren in front of them gave them these things, then what they asked for must be a hundred times more precious. Everyone was using the Salt people to fulfill their ambitions, so there was no need to thank Mo Yan for giving these things. Now Emily can only do her best. As for whether she can lead her people to survive, even the gods cannot predict.

It's really rude! David, who had been squatting at a high place looking at these Salt people, jumped down from the half-broken pillar high up, and said angrily: These are the great dragons. They brought it without even a word of thanks! If they were still needed in your plan, I would have used magic to turn them into rubbish!

Now is the attitude I want. Mo Yan smiled and said to David: At least they didn't exchange a few words of thanks for these things. I can understand their eyes. Some people are willing to use actions to Express their thoughts. After eating what is yours and taking what is yours, they will be willing to obey your orders for you, and their performance on the battlefield will not be bad.

They're just a bunch of guys who are being chased and have no place to hide. The red dragon still disdained these weak creatures. After muttering a few words of contempt, he transformed into a dragon and flew to nowhere. Mo Yan shrugged and ignored him. He returned to his temporary residence and looked at the drawings on the stone table, recalling the battle he originally expected to make sure there would be no mistakes in the next battle.

Now that the Salt people have arrived, the army of monsters chasing them should not be far away. This is another one's own rear area, and the confrontation with many races on the front line will not be easy, so the current army of monsters chasing the Salt people should be able to use most of the force. As long as this army can be completely annihilated, then the Demon Lord will come here in person. Of course...if those Salt people can withstand it and Mo Yan has to play in person, maybe he will come here earlier.

I will not personally participate in this battle until those monsters are dealt with. After night fell, Mo Yan invited Emily to his residence and said to the girl who was already quite tired after working all day. : In other words, this army of monsters still needs your own hands to deal with them, and it's up to you to deal with their annoying weapons.

If that's the case! What's the point of us coming here! Several soldiers who followed Emily heard Mo Yan's words and shouted loudly: Didn't you say you came here to kill the Demon Lord? ! Even if you can't deal with his men, then what shame do you have to say that you can kill the Demon Lord! We are here to be protected, not to die in vain as a bargaining chip for you to consume the monster army.

In a small space composed of several broken stones, the roar of the Salt people was amplified, and the sound waves echoed each other and spread far and wide. Even the elderly and children resting in the distance could hear these roars clearly, and their mood, which was slightly better due to the late arrival of hot food, instantly dropped. Their hopes for the future were slowly being exhausted in the past few days of pursuit. Every day, people took the initiative to stop the chasing monsters, but no one ever came back alive. Even the eyes of the Salt people's children are no longer bright.

Keep your voices down. Emily opened her mouth and said. The voices and tone were calm, but they had undoubted power. The tall and strong Salt warriors who were shouting suddenly became quiet and looked at the girl protected by them in the middle, what words they were going to say next. The leader's intimidation is not reflected in the so-called physical strength and muscle strength, but the degree of everyone's belief in him. It is obvious that Emily has unprecedented prestige among the existing Salt people.

Think about the impact your words will have on our people. They will feel uneasy. Emily looked at the tauren in front of her and said, I'm sorry for their rudeness. But their worries are not the same. No exception, we are not your consumables. If the Salt people cannot survive the battle, we cannot agree to participate. I hope you will tell you your plan and let us consider whether it is feasible.

If you don't agree, does that mean you won't agree? Mo Yan squinted at the girl in front of him, and said with a dangerous aura about him: You know that since you are already here, life and death Isn't it your decision to die? I can kill you all at any time, you know I have this power, the bones of the Saltans are not harder than those of the monsters in Mordor.

Mo Yan's threatening words made all the Salt people draw their swords and block in front of Emily. Even if they looked at the dangerous eyes of the tauren in front of them and their bodies were trembling involuntarily, it could not stop their desire to fight. Although the Salt people would also feel fear, they would not let them retreat. A heroic death in battle is The best way for them to die.

Then we would rather fight... until we die! Emily pushed away the soldiers blocking her. Although her body was trembling, her eyes looked at Mo Yan without fear and said, Since death is unavoidable, Then we would rather choose a heroic end. The world may forget that we were born in this world, but our souls will be worthy of facing the ancestors of the Salt people!

Well... I just like such warriors. At least I won't worry about you running away in battle. Mo Yan put away his pressure, handed Emily a white silk scarf with a smile, and asked her to wipe the sweat on her forehead and said: Don't plan is perfect, and I won't let many of you die. I guarantee that your tribe will not become extinct, least it won't be exterminated by monsters. Now let's talk about the specific plan, I will Tell you how to do it, and you can judge the possibility of success, first outside the maze...

The night passed quickly. Mo Yan, who had been discussing with several Salt warriors all night, emerged from his residence. He stretched out and moved some muscles. Just when he was about to go to the nearby water source to wash up, there was a slight vibration on the ground under his feet, and some dust fell from the ceiling.

Mo Yan listened carefully and understood the reason for the roars of various monsters in the distance. The monsters chasing after the Salt people finally arrived outside the ruins of Dragon Island, and their number was several times greater than what Mo Yan saw at first.

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