Monster Minotaur

Chapter 269 Escape

In the underground prison of a fortress that Sarasin has become, slave soldiers are resting there. Nearly five or six days have passed since they were deceived and imprisoned here. They didn't know where this place was, and they couldn't see the sun outside to judge the time. They could only roughly deduce how long they had been locked up based on the number of times the prison guards came to deliver food.

Generally speaking, being imprisoned is a serious blow to morale. The pain of losing freedom and poor food can make people feel depressed and lost. But for this special group of warriors, being imprisoned and eating bread as hard as bricks is nothing. The situation they experienced as slaves was even several times more miserable than it is now. Those black-hearted people The businessmen never regarded them as human beings. In addition to working day and night, they were imprisoned in dark cells and the food they ate was even worse than that of pigs and dogs. Now the treatment here is considered good. The only thing they were worried about was whether the girl leading them would be too hard. After all, she had not experienced slave-like suffering.

It's impossible, those nobles can't betray us. Several knights who were imprisoned in the prison, after several days, still couldn't believe that they had been betrayed, and fell weakly in the corner Whispering to himself. Some broken bread was scattered around them, and some people even had some vomit beside them. Even though the knights could only be regarded as low-level nobles, the high-quality life their family brought them was unacceptable to them. With the current treatment, the only thing that can be done is to complain.

Eating bread is at least better than eating grass and bugs. Bond, who was sitting in the corner as if nothing happened, slowly soaked the hard bread with water, then put it into his mouth bit by bit and said, I remember I During the training of the SS, that was the real painful moment. By the way...why didn't your god save you? Did he just let you be burned to death, or was he imprisoned like this? Or was it? Seriously as others have said, your god is nothing but a false pretense.

As Bond spoke, he looked at the girl sitting in the center who was doing the same thing. She was the person he risked his life to save. Although the flames that day had burned her body, the magical thing was She was not harmed in any way, which made Bond, who originally thought she was a fake, now a little unsure of what she was. There is no doubt that there is some kind of power in her body that protects her from harm in the mortal world.

How can a person who works for a monster figure out the temperament of a god? The female knight who was guarding the girl heard Bond's words and said: Even the gods have their own preferences and principles, and not all gods have the power. All are suitable for fighting. Just like the Carthaginian goddess of wealth, we must sacrifice our own income to receive help, and the more money you are willing to pay, the greater the chance that your prayers will come true. The gods of Liya There must be a reason why things turned out the way they did now.”

That's right. Another knight who seemed to be in good spirits said: At least the god was not injured. I think even if we didn't save her, the flames wouldn't be able to burn her to death. Maybe that way It will be better. We may have done bad things with good intentions, and the god may want to use this opportunity to show his miracle. The knight's words were recognized by most people after everyone thought for a moment. Now this is the only way it can be explained.

It's not like that. However, the girl who had remained silent all this time said slowly while looking at everyone's reactions: Originally, my life should have ended. Some things that happened recently made my god want to I die. And as a subject of Carthage, I cannot resist the princess's orders, even if she wants to kill me.

Is this the so-called foolish loyalty? Then it seems that it is impossible to convince you to serve Thunder Bluff. It seems that I have to find a way to leave here. I originally thought about whether I could take advantage of this period of time. I'm trying to persuade you. Bond shook his head mockingly and said, But before I leave here, I still have some doubts that I haven't clarified. You said that your god wanted you to die, but why did he protect you in the end? What about you? And...who is your god? If it is really the existing gods, how could the Inquisition sentence you to death?

Things are always changing. The girl pondered for a moment and said: To be honest, I don't know why. My god finally gave up the idea and asked me to stay in the mortal world and continue to serve him. Maybe it was because of some situations. It has changed, and as for who my god is, I don’t have his permission, so I can’t tell you his...

The girl's words were interrupted, not because someone said anything, but because she stopped speaking on her own initiative. Some silver light appeared in her eyes, shining as brightly as the sun in the darkness. The guards who were originally guarding the outside world saw this situation and picked up their weapons one by one, but they were a little confused. What is going on. In their opinion, the girl with silver eyes must be a magician, but this is different from what they know. There is no magician among these prisoners.

After a moment, the silver light dissipated from the girl's eyes, and everything returned to normal. It was as if what just happened had never happened. Apart from the slave warriors who had witnessed everything and the stunned knights, there were not many people who actually believed that the girl was an angel. They just thought that she was a proficient Tactical people, the current situation makes them a little at a loss.

My god just told me something. Liya, who came back to her senses, glanced at everyone and shocked everyone. Finally, she stopped at Bond and said, I can go to Elan with you to help you fight. , and the only thing you have to guarantee is that you will spare the civilians of Carthage during the war.

Your transformation is really fast. Bond said with a smile after hearing Liya's words. He had been recharging his energy and stood up. He quietly pulled out a steel wire with two rings at both ends from the collar of his clothes. He caught the cover of the soldiers who stood up and walked away. When he arrived at the iron pillar of the cage, he wrapped the wire around it and pulled it hard, breaking it easily. He used the same method to break the other end of Bond, put away the wire, held the iron rod, and discovered the abnormality. And the five guards who rushed over...

Just when the imprisoned slave warriors were making trouble with Bond's help. In a gathering place of nobles in Saracin City, a group of young nobles were discussing the recent events. Since the last time the slave army attacked the execution place, these people's gatherings have become more secretive, and they are searching internally. There could be a traitor, and just yesterday they found that person.

We were tricked by those old guys. It's also our fault that we didn't carefully review the members who joined. We can't allow this to happen in the future. Bok, who was sitting at the long table and was in charge of presiding over the meeting, said: Of course... those are all losses in the future. What we have to solve now is the matter of the captured slave warriors. As an army capable of fighting well, Carthage needs them.

Now the entire continent has declared war on the Demon King of Elam. The red-haired noble on the side heard Pok's words and said: A group of soldiers who have gathered have also gone to the front line, and the entire kingdom's power is placed there. If we can get the support of this army, we can launch a coup in the royal capital to gain power and force those old guys to change the treaty. We haven't been completely defeated yet, so why should we bear such humiliating terms!

The words of the red-haired nobleman resonated with the whole community. Most of these young people believed that Carthage has not yet failed. If they continue to fight, they will definitely win. The terms arranged by the temple are, in their view, a threat to Carthage. The ultimate insult. Although they cannot challenge the temple, they can at least use the power they can control to mobilize the power of the entire royal capital to change the temple's decision.

In this world where gods exist, although the power of the divine power is very powerful, the royal power is not without any room for resistance. Even the current emperor of Maro once said: Give to the gods what belongs to the gods, and what Caesar wants To Caesar. The proud and arrogant king did not have much favorable impressions of the gods who were superior to him, especially when those gods stopped the war that was about to be won and asked him to send troops to attack a difficult bone.

After the young nobles had been noisy for a while, they finally got down to business and started discussing how to rescue the captured fake envoy. After they had almost reached the point of discussion, they came up with a feasible method. , the guard who was responsible for keeping watch outside ran in and brought him unexpected news. There was a battle in the fortress outside the city, and the people who were capturing the fortress were the slaves they were discussing to rescue.

The Carthaginians are really good opponents. Bond, who originally just wanted to kill them, saw that forty slave soldiers could chase them, and there were nearly five or six times more enemies running around. He changed his mind about running away without taking anything with him. He could get a lot of good things by seizing this fortress!

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