Monster Minotaur

Chapter 268 The result was already known before the battle

Considering Mo Yan's body, maybe even if he sits on the bench for ten thousand years, he won't get hemorrhoids. What he said now was just nonsense. Mo Yan has always had a habit of chattering. During a battle, as long as he is not in a tough fight, he will talk non-stop. The result of this is that he often gets into hard fights because of his chatter. He is really a guy who won't shed tears until he sees the coffin.

As for the habit of chattering that has killed countless bosses, Mo Yan also seriously reflected on it in his spare time, but in the end he was still unable to change this habit. In face-to-face battles, he could not control his mouth at all. This made Mo Yan miss his original world a little. Battles on Earth rarely happened anymore. Shots of two people facing each other with guns fired at each other. To assassinate others was just sniping from a distance or setting off a trap bomb. matter.

At this time, the abnormal noise in the office alerted Claude, who was in charge of guarding outside the door. As a close servant, if Mo Yan did not go to rest, then he would not be able to leave his post. This made this Salt man who was originally in good spirits , seems a bit sluggish recently.

Claude, who was holding a sword, slammed the door open and barged in, but with the faint light outside the porch, he could only see Mo Yan standing in the center, but could not see any enemies who could attack. Because Mo Yan made his office very large, once the light from the large chandelier on the dome was lost, all the darkness in the office could not be dispelled by relying solely on the light coming from outside the door.

Response very quickly, Claude. But the enemy is just a little bat. Looking at Claude standing guard at the door, Mo Yan smiled and waved him away and said, Leave him to me. Let's deal with it. You go tell Regel and the others to check whether the sentry posts and some important storage points are safe. He probably didn't come alone. There may have been other enemies infiltrating the castle. Hearing Mo Yan's words Ordered, Claude nodded and exited the door. Only Mo Yan and the enemy still hiding in the darkness were left.

Darkness can make people feel scared, because it is difficult for many people to see through the darkness. After Claude left, Mo Yan, who was standing there with no intention of taking out the magic sword, stood in the center of the office with his arms folded and said: But that's only for ordinary people. Your strategy is of no use to me. Demons have a deep understanding of the soul. They have invented a way to look directly at the soul, so that the naked eye is actually of little use. , and happened to have been to hell once.”

Mo Yan's loud voice echoed in the room, and a moment later a burst of blood-colored smoke condensed not far away from Mo Yan, slowly forming the shape of a man. Dressed in rich clothes, he looks like a nobleman. His long white hair on his slender head is slightly curled. The skin exposed by the tightly covered clothes is more bloodless than a girl in her prime. A pair of eyes like willow leaves are full of scrutiny. He looked at Mo Yan as if he was looking for something.

I am the Count of Casa, Dracula. The man looked at Mo Yan and said the first words of his arrival: I'm sorry to break into your castle under such circumstances, but for the future of the tribe, I need to see him. See, the monster trusted by our ancestors has been imprisoned for too long. This world is no longer what she knew before. It is difficult for me to believe whether her judgment is correct.

Ah...then it seems that Ellie has found you. Looking at the man in front of him, Mo Yan said with sudden realization: I was still thinking that she might be spending some time, after all, you have been suppressed to that extent. So. The current situation is that because you doubt Ellie's vision of people, you decided to experience my power for yourself? This is what a young man should have, not to be superstitious about the power of pedantic authority.

I just don't want the tribe to perish inexplicably, and I don't doubt the vision of the ancestor. After listening to Mo Yan's words, Dracula said with some contradictions: The return of the ancestor is a good thing for us, I am just worried about her being deceived by others. . We know that the entire continent is preparing to attack here, and we must be cautious when dragging the whole clan into a battle of this scale. But I feel a little relieved after seeing your performance. Since you can find my location, it shows your own strength. You are not weak, so please let me see more of your power, so that my heart can be more stable.

I like your name very much, it fits your race very well. Mo Yan looked at the vampire in front of him and nodded, Now for me, every bit of power is precious. Although I can ask Ellie to force I ask you to serve me, but I don't think that will convince you. Then just come here and I will show you the rightness of following me.

When he first heard Dracula's name, Mo Yan had a familiar feeling. After all, this is a very famous name on Earth. It has appeared in both movies and novels. Although the man here has nothing to do with the famous vampire, in Mo Yan's eyes, his strength is It's still good, at least worthy of Mo Yan taking it seriously.

After getting Mo Yan's consent, Dracula, who had been waiting for a long time, turned into a pool of blood and rushed towards Mo Yan. If there is anything that is best to deal with an enemy who is good at brute force, it is undoubtedly to turn into a liquid that cannot be attacked. No matter how sharp the blade is, it cannot kill water. Facing the blood pouring towards the cow's face, Mo Yan had no intention of dodging. A black flame rose from his body, and the pitch-black color was even deeper and weirder than the surrounding darkness.

The clothes on Mo Yan's body rotted and withered under the black flames. He was dressed like a gentleman-like tauren, returning to the state of his kind in the wild. Only a piece of red cloth was left around his crotch, guarding the last piece of clothing. Shameful position. The black flames that suddenly appeared on the Minotaur's body were obviously beyond Dracula's expectations. He had to stop and restore his original body while charging in mid-air.

He instantly took off the slender blood-red stabbing sword from his waist and attacked Mo Yan in a Z-shaped path. Everyone who has fought with vampires knows that trying to compete with vampires in speed is almost courting death. In the eyes of ordinary people, they come and go without a trace. If they are not specially trained warriors, it is difficult to stab these vampires, let alone It is said that every time they kill one person by sucking blood, it is equivalent to an extra life. Even killing them once has no effect. The only change that can be made is to seal it, such as piercing the heart with a wooden stake or something. of. .

boom! A heavy punch with black flames hit the handsome face hard. Dracula, who was charging quickly, was punched far away by the huge force. The corrosion of the black fire stained his body, constantly eroding his life and soul. In just a few seconds, he had lost more than a dozen lives. If Mo Yan hadn't ripped away the power from him, he might have died. He must be slowly burned clean in this black fire.

This is the gap between us. Mo Yan looked at Dracula lying on the ground, stepped forward and pulled him up and said, Although I am a bit arrogant to say this, maybe only demigods can compete with me now. After fighting, your strength is really too weak for me. Of course... this does not mean that you are not important. I am not really strong enough to face tens of millions of people. The gods have controlled the entire continent for so long. Their power will not just be as simple as the God-chosen warriors, regular power is still very important.

The instant battle ended with Mo Yan's victory. Dracula, who appeared seemingly mysterious and powerful, was quite powerless in the face of absolute power. Just like Mo Yan said, after being tricked by the goddess so many times, he is no longer the original tauren. After briefly understanding Ellie's situation with Dracula, Mo Yan watched him turn into a group of bats and disappear into the night. In a few days, Ellie will return to Thunder Bluff with her family members. Mo Yan needs to do a good job It would be better to accept this group of hundreds of vampires.

As early as Mo Yan confirmed Ellie's loyalty to him, he had been looking for opportunities to bring the vampire student to Thunder Bluff. The long-lived and powerful vampires are very useful both as elite warriors and as commanders. After all, they have command far beyond that of humans, and their long lifespan allows them to accumulate very good knowledge. Compared with the seemingly powerful dragon clan, the vampire clan is more suitable as the commander of the monster army.

However, because Mo Yan had been busy with some things and needed Ellie to guard Thunder Bluff when he left, he did not send her to find his family members. Since Mo Yan returned from the Anas Islands, Mo Yan, who would not leave for a short time, finally sent Ellie to find this helper to enrich his own strength and fill the vacancy of the command staff of the monster army. Under the power of the goddess, although the intelligence of the monsters began to improve, they were still far behind the vampires.

With the help of the vampires, the calculation is one more thing. Walking on the way to the bedroom, Mo Yan said to himself in a happy mood: But unfortunately, the real difficulty is not the battle on the main plane, but the battle with that A group of gods with divine support. Even the once powerful goddess will be defeated. I really don’t know how to fight them...

As the days passed, the monsters who rushed to Thunder Bluff from all areas of Elam received pieces of high-quality equipment. The Headless Horseman, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief of the monster legions, formed legions and sent them to various areas. The rebellious city fell under the powerful offensive of the monsters. Those who opposed Mo Yan were picked out one by one by the SS, and then brutally executed in various ways. Under Mo Yan's iron-blooded rule, the entire Elan silenced all opposition voices and became an iron plate.

At this time, the mainland's coalition forces also showed their appearance on the border of Elam. This force, which combines the strength of all races and countries, once again stood on the front line against monsters like their ancestors. Although they have multiplied on the continent for a long time and are very powerful in terms of population and economy, they have been lost. With the originally powerful technology, only two people in this world know who will be the final winner...

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