Monster Minotaur

Chapter 151 The Strongest Sword and the Strongest Armor

Just when Lex told Roger that he had heard from other pirates that the Blackbeard pirate group was surrounded and suppressed by a large number of Carthage naval fleets in the waters near Elam and Carthage, the two After finishing the last drink and preparing to leave the tavern, the door of the tavern was pushed open with a bang.

A large number of heavily armed pirates walked in, making the entire noisy tavern instantly quiet. Only some extremely drunk guys were still talking nonsense while holding wine barrels. After the entire tavern became quiet, the old wooden bed on the ceiling of the tavern shook violently back and forth, and the creaking sound became extremely loud. Apparently, the people busy upstairs did not know what was going on.

Hey...should I say you have a crow's mouth, or should I say you are lucky? Lex looked at a man wearing armor and walked in with the wooden floor creaking, and whispered He said to the confused Roger: The first time you come to Shipwreck Bay, you will meet two big figures. This is the armored Kurad when I was with you just now. He is a big pirate now. ”

Armored Kurad Lex had already roughly told Roger just now. In the legend, no one has seen Kurad's true face. He has always been wearing a pair of heavy armor, making it impossible to see his appearance at all. He does not take off his armor even when sleeping, which is why he is called Armor Kurad.

Armored Kurad's pirate group has a total of ten ships, large and small, and there are six large ships that can sail out for naval battles. The special crossbows loaded on the pirate ships can kill even some medium-sized sea monsters with one shot. Not to mention the ships that had no protection at all. When everyone saw Kurad's armored skull and crossbones flag, the only option was to surrender.

The other four ships in Kurad's fleet are medium-sized ships used for supply. The fleet usually spreads out to plunder everywhere. After a certain time, it will gather at the agreed place and replenish the loot on the supply ship. Put it on the supply ship, and then set off again to find prey. The supply ship will return to Anas under the protection of one or two pirate ships to process the stolen goods.

There are nearly 700 pirates under Kulade's command, and there are many pirates with good strength. Even among the seven pirates, their strength can be ranked in the upper middle. No ordinary pirate would dare to mess with them. That would be equivalent to sending half of themselves into the mouths of sea monsters.

With the arrival of Kurad, the pirates in the tavern hesitated for a moment because of shock, and then quickly stood up and left through the other door. These usually careless pirates. Now, even when she got up from the chair, she seemed cautious, like a noble lady trying not to make any noise, so as not to attract the attention of important people who should not be in this tavern.

Looks like they're looking for Blackbeard. After everyone in the tavern ran away, Lex, Roger and many pirates crowded at the door, looking around at the situation in the tavern. The tavern owner, who had a sharp mind, brought several cups and a medium-sized wine barrel before running out, and continued to sell ale to these pirates who were watching the excitement at the door, and it was a little more expensive.

Is there a problem between them? Roger pushed away a man who was close to him and his tone was like a toilet. Lex smiled when he heard Roger's words and said: How could the mutual swords who were pirates at sea not have a festival, but since even Kurad came in person, it should not be a small matter. This Blackbeard is really going to It's unlucky that he's just at the very moment when he's down and now his enemies are coming to visit him. I don't know if he can walk out of the tavern alive.

Armored Kurad walked to Blackbeard, looked at the man who was still drinking ale, and said in a dull voice due to the echo and obstruction of the armor: It's been a long time since I saw Blackbeard. There shouldn't be any differences between us. That's right. I don't know if you are old and confused, or if you are crazy because of your failure and dare to challenge me.

I heard that your armor is very strong. Blackbeard did not explain that he went to the property under Kurad's name during the day and made a fuss when he did not find Kurad. He raised his head and looked at the mighty and tall man in front of him. The armor said: Even the weapons of the God's Chosen Warriors cannot penetrate it. Can you tell me this is true?

No weapon can hurt my armor. There was a hint of pride in Kurad's voice, but then he said with anger: In order to verify the power of my armor, come to me His territory smashed it into that place? Then you can try his power today.

The mysterious armor excavated from the ancient ruins on the island. Blackbeard stood up and opened his long skirt, revealing a black long sword with a gray aura around his waist and said in a deep voice: And the ancient Among the magic swords made by the great alchemist Solomon, which one is more powerful? In other words... both are of the same level of power.

Magic sword! Kullard shouted in disbelief when he saw the sword on Blackbeard's waist. Kulade's men who were surrounding him were all shocked and talking to each other in low voices: No wonder Hill has never appeared in Booty Bay. Has she been killed by Blackbeard? Then this This was really dangerous.

Wow! This is really explosive news! Lex took a breath and said: The down-and-out Blackbeard has not only killed the magic sword Hillna, but now he also wants to challenge the armor Kurad. He Does he want to become the pirate king? If he succeeds again this time, there will only be five of the seven pirates left.

Since the magic sword has been given an unusual prefix, it really shows how extraordinary this weapon is. The magic sword that was once in the hands of the great pirate Sherna but now hangs on Blackbeard's waist is said to have been created by the ancient great alchemist Solomon. Seventy-two powerful beasts were imprisoned in this magic sword. The devil's soul, regardless of any armor, will be like ooze in front of it.

Moreover, the sword itself has a powerful ability to absorb life and soul, and will turn any creature it cuts into fly ash. The extracted soul will satisfy the demon sword's own desire for it, and that life force will also be used for Repairs the user's injured body, allowing the sword holder to continue fighting.

But since it is a magic sword, it does not only represent powerful power. Anyone who uses this magic sword will instantly gain power and at the same time impose a powerful curse on its user. Every creature that uses it will not have a good death, and after death, the soul will be swallowed by the magic sword. It will slowly affect the holder's body, making his power continue to grow stronger and weirder, until he completely turns into a monster controlled by the sword, setting off a crazy killing and then exhausting his life. For dry bones.

Sirna, who was originally a normal human being, became extremely ugly after using this magic sword, and her behavior became increasingly weird and cruel. If Blackbeard had not taken away the magic sword in her hand, even if no one destroyed her pirate group, she would have destroyed the fleet she had built with her own hands.

The power represented by the magic sword is extremely powerful, which is why everyone is shocked that Blackbeard can take out the magic sword. Even if the other seven pirates want to take away Sirna's sword, it is not that simple to solve. things. What method did Blackbeard use to obtain this sword?

Hmph! Do you think I will be afraid if you have the magic sword in your hand! Kullard shouted and swung his left arm towards Blackbeard's head. The spikes on the armored arm were Kullard's killing move. Without using the long sword at his waist, he knew that no mortal iron would be an opponent of the magic sword. Only the armor on his body was his support.

The black sword blade collided with Kurad's armor, and sparks burst out so bright that no one could open their eyes. However, such a flash did not make Blackbeard stop. After he stopped Kurad's attack, he quickly swung the magic sword in his hand at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, making the silver armor continue to flash. Spark light. What will be the outcome of the first confrontation between the sword known as the strongest among pirates and the armor known as the strongest.

Whether it is Kulade's men in the tavern or the many pirates who sneaked outside the tavern, everyone wants to know the final result. At this moment, the harsh chirping of steel stopped, and Blackbeard, who had slashed hundreds of swords in an instant, kept holding the sword and breathed a little heavily.

I said... Kurad, who was intact, looked at some blackbeards with contempt in their words: No weapon can hurt my armor! Even the so-called strongest magic sword is nothing more than this. It's just scratches on the surface of the armor. Now Blackbeard, you can die in peace!

Kurad punched the already tired Blackbeard, but he dodged it. Blackbeard, who had slightly distanced himself from Kurad, looked at Kurad and said: He is indeed the strongest. If the armor wants to defeat that monster, this is the power I need. So... hand over your armor.

Swarms of tiny black bugs crawled out of Blackbeard's body, swarming along the wooden floor toward Kurad, who was wearing armor, and got into his armor during his panic struggle. There is never a so-called absolute defense. Even in the toughest armor, there are gaps. Although a long sword may not be able to penetrate them, these tiny black insects are not one of them.

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I have a lot of free time today, so I should update twice.

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