Monster Minotaur

Chapter 150 Shipwreck Bay

While Mo Yan was busy with the Thunder Bluff Sailor Academy, the Anas Islands in the northwest sea of ​​Hill Continent also welcomed a large number of pirates day and night. This is the largest pirate gathering area in the entire Hill Continent. All the famous pirates on the ocean have their lairs here, and the small islands are their hiding places.

The area of ​​the entire archipelago is very huge, almost comparable to that of a medium-sized country. There are extremely complex ocean currents here, and under the waves of sea water are outcroppings of reef rocks. This has become the best defense facility in the Anas Islands. If there is no one who knows the route to lead them into the archipelago, the most likely thing they will face is the ship being destroyed and people dying.

In the very center of the Anas Islands, there is the largest island in the entire archipelago, and it is the most peaceful place in the entire archipelago. The entire island is stipulated as a public area for pirates in the pirates' often flexible and flexible code.

All pirates can sell stolen goods and supplies here. In addition to the pirates who haven't bathed for months and months, there are also a large number of cheap women engaged in special professions gathered there, as well as some businessmen who come to redeem their robbed goods.

It's much more cost-effective to come here and buy back what was robbed at a low price than to buy the same product again at the normal price. Although in most cases these pirates will not rob these poor businessmen again. But the facts are not absolute, and some unruly new pirates will appear, guarding these merchant ships in the waters near Anas, and plunder them completely again.

Although the code stipulates that this is not allowed, the pirates only need to kill all the insiders, then they have not violated any rules. No matter which pirate they are, they know that they are only real when they are caught. When mistakes are made, these are usually within the scope of flexibility.

But only newcomers who have just debuted can do this, and any respectable pirates will not violate this rule. They are the makers and protectors of this system. They know the importance of protecting the businessmen who sell stolen goods for them, so once these rule-breakers are caught, what awaits them is not just death. In the wailing cave full of blood-sucking insects used for execution, the wailing of the pirates who were thrown into it could be heard all the time.

The most prosperous place on the entire island is the port called Shipwreck Bay, and the most distinctive place here is the buildings here. The entire Booty Bay is made up of ships that cannot sail. It is unknown what kind of force these ships were lifted to the island. Ships that have been modified beyond recognition are piled together one after another.

All the areas originally used for stacking goods have been transformed, some have become commercial areas for sales, and many more are taverns that provide entertainment for sailors. Anyone who first sees Shipwreck Bay at night will be shocked by the lights on the dark ship that are lit like stars.

How is it? A pirate who got off the boat on the beach at night said to a companion who had just become a pirate next to him: It looks shocking, right? Haha... Welcome to the paradise of pirates! My friend !You can find anything you want here, of long as you have money.

The pirate who spoke was called Lex. Although he was not very old, he was already a senior pirate. He was born in Booty Bay, known as the pirate paradise, by an unattractive prostitute, and his father didn't know that he was the pirate who might have died.

He has been a pirate since he was a teenager, and now he can be considered a veteran. He has a good command of distributing stolen goods on the ship. If he hasn't died due to various reasons next year, and if the pirate group he is currently in has not been destroyed, then he will likely become the youngest boatswain in the entire pirate group.

The rookie pirate next to him is called Roger. He was originally just a resident of an unknown island, but he has been yearning for the sea since he was a child. He especially likes the legendary pirate stories with huge treasures. As an adult, he has traveled around Find out about pirates. After passing the pirate captain's test not long ago, he finally joined a small pirate group.

The entire pirate group felt that this man was a weirdo. After all, no sane person would aspire to be a pirate. No one wanted to do such a dangerous and extremely dangerous profession. Even Lex, whose life was saved by him, also wanted to become a pirate. I still can't understand what this friend is thinking.

It's a nice place. Roger looked at the pirates who were passing by him with their arms around each other's shoulders, holding their wine glasses high and singing loudly. His slightly mustachioed mouth showed a generous smile. Although the people here looked It sounded very chaotic, but it gave him a taste of the free and unrestrained life he pursued.

You're not dead yet, old guy. Lex greeted an old man who was blind in one eye on the roadside. Lex, who can be said to be the boss here, took Roger to visit Shipwreck Bay. Their captain and the captain The deputy has already gone to find buyers for the goods they have grabbed, and they will stay here until the money is almost gone.

Can you tell me about any famous pirates here? Roger glanced at the old man's left hand with two fingers missing, and pointed his middle finger at Lex who said hello to him, and avoided a silly smile. A drunken man chasing a sow asked Lex: I want to hear about those big pirates. Who are they?

What's the use of asking about this? Lex glanced at Roger and said: Although the words are a bit ugly, you are just an ordinary sailor now. Even if you know the names of those big pirates, it is of no use, as long as the captain It would be nice to know their flags and ships, so at least we won’t fight the wrong people and lose our lives in vain.”

I prefer those pirate stories. Roger said with a smile: Maybe one day I can become a famous pirate in the history of pirates. There is no harm in listening to more stories about these predecessors. Maybe I can learn from them. Something. If possible, I would also like to see with my own eyes whether these people really have weird appearances like octopus heads like the stories I have seen before.

That's all nonsense. Most pirates are human. Lex kicked a dirty kid away who was trying to get close to him and yelled at the little bastard who was trying to steal his money bag to get away. Roger said: Although there are some pirates of other races, they don't have the exaggerated appearance you mentioned. At most, they are just some orcs, elves, or advanced undead.

Have elves also become pirates? Roger and Lex had already reached a tavern. They opened the door and walked in. They asked in surprise: Didn't those elves always stay in the forests of the Central Plains of the mainland? And they have always been there. Everyone has said that they are a peace-loving race.

Peace? Haha... Lex laughed and said: That woman can be the most cruel existence among the big pirates. If you fall into her hands, you won't be able to die immediately even if you want to. She will know it little by little. I’ll tear you apart! The so-called peace-loving thing doesn’t apply among pirates.”

Oh... It seems you are in good luck. Lex looked around the tavern, ignoring the pirates who were holding fat women and dancing to the messy music. At a glance, he saw half a dozen The man sitting in the private room with the door open patted Roger on the chest and said, Your wish to see the big pirate will come true soon.

Roger followed Lex's gaze and saw a man sitting there drinking silently. This man was already very old. The most obvious thing on his face was his big black beard. There were a pair of extremely sharp eyes in his wrinkled eye circles, which showed that its owner was not in a good mood.

Generally speaking, such characters do not appear here. Lex ordered two glasses of barley wine from the bar of the tavern, handed one to Roger, and walked toward the man and said, But recently Blackbeard's ship It can be said that the whole army was wiped out, even one of the sea monsters under his command was killed, and his most beloved daughter was also snatched away, tsk is extremely miserable~haha...

Although Lex said tragic things, his mouth kept smiling. The tragic experiences of others can be said to be the best condiment. It can make the foaming ale in your hand more pure and beautiful. Isn't there a saying like this: If you are unhappy with anything, just tell me and it will make me happy.

Lex and Roger sat not far from Blackbeard, pretending not to observe him and said: Since you want to hear the story of the great pirate, then I will tell you some of what I know. Now the whole There are seven most popular pirates in the Anas Islands, namely Armored Kurad, Demonic Sword Sirna, Flame Bill, Giant Fist Bas...

It really sounds like a story that makes people's blood boil. Roger drank down the ale in the glass, wiped the foam on his mouth and said: So... what happened to that black beard? When you started , doesn’t it mean that he is also a big pirate?”

That happened before. Lex glanced at Blackbeard not far away and said, Maybe a few months ago he could barely be considered a big pirate, but now he can only be considered a good pirate. His men, his ship, and the most important sea monster have all been destroyed by others.

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