Guangzhou Gymnasium.

When the continuous notification sounds of pentakills and other spectators rang out.

The tens of thousands of spectators at the scene, the commentators from major regions around the world, and the global fans who were watching the game on their mobile phones and computers... at this moment, they were all completely crazy!

Every notification sound seemed to stimulate everyone's nerves and impact their three views.

A blue steel shadow with only a little health turned the situation around several times, kicked five people at the most critical moment, and finally got a pentakill...

No one can stay calm under such an operation.

No one can be as calm as water...

This is in the S game! This is a life-and-death game to advance to the semi-finals of the S game. This is the grandest stage held in the home court of Guangzhou, China G!

"Pentakill!! The godlike Shen, the godlike Cheirsh! Oh my god... Can anyone tell me what happened?!"

Wawa was shaking with excitement:"Too scary! This wave of Cherish is so strong that it's suffocating!!"

"This time, Shen is not close to being a god, he is a deity. Cherish, after this game, he will be a deity!"



"Qiu Daddy!!"


"Oh my god, Shen, pentakill?!"

"I was stunned by the sight... Dad Qiu, I love you!"

"I've never seen such an outrageous Shen...shocked my whole family!"



Tens of thousands of viewers cheered earth-shakingly, and the comments on major live streaming platforms around the world were filled with all kinds of 666 and ??? It was so shocking, really so shocking. After these waves, everyone's adrenaline was soaring!

"WTF……"In the LPL commentary booth, Miller was so excited that he didn't notice that he was swearing. He let out a long breath, his voice a little hoarse because of the roar just now:"It's really god-like, this wave of Shen is simply too strong, how many times has he turned the situation around? How many times has it been?"

"Too many to count!"

In this desperate game between IG and SSG, the two sides fought from the beginning to the end, and Qing Gangying also showed his best from the beginning.

Is SSG weak?

Not at all!

This was originally the rhythm opportunity for Samsung to find a fatal blow to IG. During this period, Master An changed tactics several times, and achieved absolute results.

The game situation was also IG's advantage in the previous second, and SSG gained momentum in the next second. After several reversals and three or four changes, whether it was awareness, operation, or temporary adaptability, Master An did it to the extreme, and IG also did it to the extreme!

Even if it was any other team in the world, Samsung in this state would definitely lose this wave!

But... the existence of Qing Gangying directly and fiercely extinguished the momentum of Samsung's rise..

A wave of TP to trick the skill consumption, a wave of one-kick to kill 55... Shen stood up twice, and Samsung's two chances of winning were shattered.

Bai Qiu proved with practical actions that IG, he, is stronger than Samsung!!

And this kind of game is far more exciting and more interesting than those crushing ones!

Because IG is playing against Samsung, the LCK team, the runner-up of S6 last year!

The sense of accomplishment, honor and various other emotions of winning against such an opponent are far greater than those of ordinary teams!

This is the main reason why the audiences and commentators in major competitions around the world are so crazy!

It's so satisfying to watch!

"It was so exciting. Both sides fought to their limits. It was just like a fight between gods!"Miller said sincerely:"SSG…Really not weak"

"Yes, but in the end we still had the advantage, and...SSG was wiped out in this wave! They were completely in a disadvantage, the kind that could not be reversed!"

Wawa said excitedly:"Cherish, I really love this player too much, he has already created this situation, after the five kills, the Blue Steel Shadow, now - who can stop him?!"

In the game.

Although everyone can see that Samsung is in good shape today and very strong, the disadvantage is inevitable after losing this team battle.

After the show, the Blue Steel Shadow and the other IG players went home to replenish supplies. When they came out again, the Blue Steel Shadow, who had seven kills, really killed anyone who stood in his way.

The top lane was already impossible to fight, and at this moment, there was no need for the Blue Steel Shadow to take the initiative. Everyone knew that it was completely broken.

In just two minutes, Bai Qiu alone pushed down the top lane tower of Samsung and took the first tower of this game.

After that, the Blue Steel Shadow waited for the TP to turn around, and directly TPed to the bottom lane, cooperating with Ning Wang and his own bottom lane duo, and launched a wave of four-on-two attacks with complete dimensionality reduction.

The SSG bottom lane duo was both killed, and a dozen seconds later, the bottom lane tower was also lost.

When the game time was 17 minutes, all three outer towers of SSG were pushed down, and IG was already 6,500 economically ahead of Samsung!

Before the big dragon refreshed, this economic gap was basically a crushing defeat.

More importantly... after the five kills in the mid-term, IG's overall momentum has reached an unprecedented peak, as if a switch was turned on. Now IG is like an angry oriental giant lion, the king of beasts, whoever stands in its way will die! Momentum is really hard to explain. The IG players in the game have not realized it yet, and the audience outside the field has not seen anything. Only the Samsung players who are struggling in despair feel the difference in IG.

It has changed, and the change is too big.

Now IG has lost what it used to have. The inferiority complex of the third seed of LPL is gone, because they have never had the honor and experience of international competitions.

They dare to fight, show off and be reckless.

This is a completely inadvertent change in mentality.

It's not just Bai Qiu, the other IG members are like this too!

To use the words of Miller in the official documentary interview after the end of S7:"Perhaps from that moment, when Cheirhs turned around and Shen kicked five groups to wipe out SSG, the final form of IG has begun to show its edge..."

The stronger the momentum, the more daring to look for opportunities, the more suffocating the rhythm of the game, and the more desperate Samsung becomes.

By the time the big dragon refreshed one minute, Samsung was already more than 7,000 economic points behind IG, and was completely crushed in terms of equipment level.

All the members of Samsung looked ashen, and Chidi, who had the worst mentality, turned pale and even began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Don't panic, we still have a chance... I'll find another chance, we... will definitely be able to fight back!" Master An said this with a bitter mouth and red eyes.

At this moment, the big dragon was about to refresh, and IG took advantage of this to force a team fight with Samsung. They had no choice but to come over.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, Master An did find a chance. This was his last attempt before he died...

Unfortunately, the goddess of fate did not have mercy on him this time. The huge equipment advantage could not be compensated by any operation.

Master An's prince EQ had just entered the field, and before he had time to look up at the scenery in the sky, he was melted by IG's terrifying damage a second later.

"IGCheirsh killed SSGAmbition!"


Perhaps it was the will of heaven that made An's last highlight of the year end with a single kill by Qing Gangying.

Qing Gangying successfully surpassed the god, and set off An who was desperately falling to the ground.

On the S stage this year, Bai Qiu defeated this"old rival" who performed well in three games for the last time.

IG has Cheirsh, and SSG also has Ambition.

The beginning and the end gave the greatest respect to this veteran.

All the results were settled. Samsung without An quickly collapsed and was wiped out by IG again.

After that, IG got the big dragon, and the advantage directly reached 10,000+. After pushing all the way, Samsung was not SKT and could not turn the tide.

In the end, the game time was fixed at 24 minutes.

IG flattened SSG's crystal base.

So far, in the BO5 quarter-finals of the 2017 World Finals, IG successfully advanced to the semi-finals with a score of 3/0!

Completed the amazing feat of shutting out Samsung!

The world was boiling and in an uproar.

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