The Steel Shadow is back!


When he saw the Blue Steel Shadow who had returned at some point and flew into the air with his E, Master An was stunned for a moment.

This was the only reaction he could make... because everything happened too fast. Now the five Samsungs were just halfway through their flight, and hadn't even flown out of IG's jungle yet.

The next moment - a pair of exquisite cyan high heels kicked down elegantly!

It kicked not one person, but... five people!

The five Samsungs who had just taken off halfway all paused, like a plane that had just taken off and suddenly crashed. They hadn't completely flown out yet, and they were shaking in the air in a neat and orderly manner.

Then they fell directly to the ground.

The five"Dizzy" words on his head hurt his eyes!

The Blue Steel Shadow, who was at the bottom of his health, kicked five people in the air with his E skill, interrupting the explosion fruit of the five Samsungs who had almost escaped!


"Holy crap! Holy crap!"

"Steel Shadow!! Cheirsh is back! He kicked five people! Five people!!"

"Oh my god!!"

The commentators from all major regions around the world, who were originally screaming wildly because of the perfect cooperation of the five Samsung players in the extreme escape, were all stunned at this moment, staring at the big screen in disbelief:"OMG!! What did I see?! Cherish! The Blue Steel Shadow, who was at the bottom of his health, kicked the five Samsung players who had already escaped back in the air!"

""Dizzy! Can't get away! The five Samsungs can't get away this time!!"


Hearing the sound, tens of thousands of spectators in the Guangzhou Gymnasium finally came to their senses, and the shocking sound instantly swept the entire stadium.

But at this moment, there was no time to say more. The five Samsungs were kicked down by Qing Gangying on the field. While they were still dizzy, Bai Qiu's Qing Gangying had already kicked the most weak and trouble-making Prince AQA three times.

Without any surprise, the troublemaker An died on the spot

"IGCheirsh killed SSGAmbition!"



The prince is dead!

"No more! The prince was killed instantly...…!"

Before he finished speaking, the Qing Gangying on the field kicked the prince to death with three kicks, and at the same time, he turned his gun around. Timayat canceled the back swing of the basic attack and used the second stage of the Q!


A critical hit occurred, and the terrible damage burst out, and the low-health Taliyah was also killed!

"IGCheirsh killed SSGCrown!"



Double kill, rampage!!

"Ahhhh!! Taliyah is dead too! Taliyah is dead too! Double kill, Shen actually got a double kill this time!!"The shocking change in less than two seconds caused a brief blank in the brains of all major regions and all the audiences around the world.

Wawa's eyes were red, and he screamed in a trembling voice:"Cheirsh! Kicked down five Samsung players with one kick! Killed Jarvan II first, then Taliyah, got a double kill, and successfully went berserk!!"

"A true man, he saved the day and saved the building from collapse! Cherish! This operation is amazing! It's amazing!!"

"Others can’t escape either! All IG members are here, we can kill them this time! No one from Samsung can escape!!"


" Ah...

"IGCheirsh killed SSGCuvee!"



Triple kill, dominating the game!!

At this point, Samsung, which had shown off countless times before, began to completely collapse.

Three of the five people died in less than a few seconds, and the remaining two big brothers were dumbfounded.

The ruler, who had a weaker mental quality, saw a blue steel shadow with only a little blood, but full of the momentum of a tiger, and even trembled in fear.

The dead souls were scared out of their wits, and they were completely dumbfounded!

Bang bang...

Three seconds later, the ruler's big screen went dark.

"IGCheirsh killed SSGRuler!"



Quadruple kill, unstoppable!

"Oh~!! Quadruple kill! Rat fell to the ground, and Shen got a quadruple kill!! Quadruple kill!!"Miller was already lying on the commentary stand, his eyes fixed on the big screen, his voice trembling with excitement:"Did he get a pentakill?!"

"Can I get a pentakill this time?! One more Tam! Cheirsh!!"



"Pentakill, Pentakill, Pentakill!! Give Pentakill! Give Qiu Pentakill!!"

Ning Wang shouted very fast. As an OB warrior, he was more excited than anyone else!

"The other side wants to switch! Be careful!!"Rookie shouted at this time.

But it was too late.

After Rat died, CJJ knew that he couldn't get away this time. Since he couldn't get away... he definitely couldn't give him a pentakill!

A pentakill in the S game is enough to make an ordinary player a god, not to mention that this is the most critical game of life and death for the LPL team against the LCK to advance to the semi-finals!

Can't give it!

Although Qing Gangying killed four people at this moment, his state is still very dangerous. Tam resisted the output of the rest of IG and began to throw skills at Qing Gangying who was approaching!

In just a moment, Bai Qiu was directly beaten to a shred of health.

Tam was also focused on by the rest of IG, but CJJ's tongue had already licked it out.

With Qing Gangying's state, he would definitely die if he went down!

But at this moment, Qing Gangying raised his foot and W fell.

With a swish.

Under the effect of W's lifesucking, Qing Gangying recovered a little, and Tam's tongue fell, but he didn't die!

Bai Qiu's heartbeat suddenly stagnated, and at this moment, it seemed as if time had frozen.


The next moment, Qing Gangying kicked down.

Tam's health bar was instantly emptied.

He fell to the ground.

"IGCherish killed SSGCoreJJ!"




Near God——Pentakill!!

"Ahhhhh!! Dead! Tam is dead! Pentakill, Shen got this pentakill!"

"Cheirsh is a god in this game!"


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