"Dead! Shen is gone! Shen, got the kill, successfully crossed the tower and killed Shen alone!!"

"Level 2 tower dive! OMG...Cherish! This show is so awesome!"


As the kill prompt sounded, the Guangzhou Gymnasium went completely crazy!

It actually worked!

Level 2 tower dive, and a single kill!

Because...Blind Monk didn't touch this Shen at all, it was completely Shen who was operating and dealing damage alone!

Even Ning Wang didn't even have an assist!

This scene that broke logic and routine instantly raised the emotions of all the audience, and then boiled!

"Cherish! Qing Gangying!"In the LPL commentary booth, Wawa, Miller, and Shenchao looked at each other in shock.

After realizing what was happening, Wawa was instantly excited:

"It's so scary, the reverse predicted E! Cuvee was actually killed!"

"In this wave... Lee Sin is still defending the tower, and Shen is also at low health... He won't be replaced, right?!"

In the game.

This wave of tower diving is complicated to talk about. Bai Qiu and Cuvee are also scheming against each other, but it actually happened in just a moment, a single operation.

Now that Shen is dead, Qing Gangying also immediately walked out of the defense tower.

His body is in a very bad state. As long as the defense tower locks on him at this moment, Qing Gangying is basically dead.

But Ning Wang on the other side is still holding the tower. At this moment, he is standing on the edge of the defense tower. From beginning to end, he has no intention of coming over. He just watched the show the whole time.

The first laser has fallen, and the second laser of the defense tower has also locked on Blind Monk.

Qing Gangying's reverse E flash was originally flashed outside the defense tower, so he was very close to the outside of the defense tower. Taking advantage of this time, Bai Qiu walked out directly.

Almost at the same time, Ning Wang saw Qing Gangying leave safely, and he stopped pretending and also retreated from the edge of the defense tower.


The second laser fell, and Blind Monk was directly beaten to a sliver of health.

But... he didn't die!

Not only did he not die, he didn't even use his flash!

Perfect tower diving! Perfect cooperation!


"He didn't die! Lee Sin took two hits and covered the low-health Shen's retreat. This time... IG's top and jungle cooperated perfectly and completed an almost impossible level 2 tower dive!"

"Oh my god..." Wawa said loudly:"What the hell is this Shen, it's too scary! This wave of Cherish was actually a single kill! Blind Monk came here the whole time, and his only role was to help him resist the tower!"

"Yes, Ning Wang didn’t even get an assist in this wave!"


"Is there anything more outrageous than this?"


The excitement at the scene continued.

This wave of extreme tower dives by Shen and Lee Sin took everything to the extreme, turning the impossible into the possible. On this global stage, is there anything more exciting and crazy than this?

"Really... Cheirsh really showed off this time." Even Shen Chao, who had been extremely calm, couldn't help but say at this moment:"In fact, Cuvee's operation in this wave was also very exciting. He waited for Shen's E before flashing, and the flash position was…"

"I don't know if you noticed that Shen was leveled up before he died. Cuvee might have deliberately gone to this position, as that position was the maximum distance to gain experience. If Cheirsh hadn't predicted Shen's flash position, when Shen reached level 2, Shen and Lee Sin might have died here together.…"


To be honest, everything happened so fast just now. With such a lively scene, no one really paid attention.

But it doesn’t matter if you didn’t notice it. When the director played back the video, everything in the slow-motion replay, the two top players’ wonderful game and confrontation in a few seconds, all confirmed what Shenchao said.

Cuvee, he really has an idea!!

He died not because he was bad, but because the opponent was... too strong!

"Oh my god... it's so scary." Wawa and Miller looked at each other and sighed:"It really makes my scalp tingle."

"This is the world's top laner. In the game between the two sides, if he falls behind by one step or makes a mistake, the outcome will basically be different."

"But fortunately, Cherish proved himself to be stronger! In this wave, we got another kill. Now, Shen has two kills at the beginning of the game!!"

""Fuck, brother! Is this even possible?!" At the same time, in the IG team, as a qualified tower defender, Ning Wang witnessed the whole process of this outrageous operation and was dumbfounded.

"Fortunately, fortunately... Mainly because you are good at resisting the tower."Bai Qiu said perfunctorily


Why does this sound so wrong?

"Turtle, that's two kills, Daddy Qiu, take off!" The atmosphere in the team was lively, and Rookie called Daddy as soon as he opened his mouth.

Bai Qiu:"……"

In the game.

After this wave, Shen is really going to take off.

For Cuvee, this wave is a fatal blow, but for IG and Bai Qiu, it is pure profit! It is very difficult to cross the tower in the early stage, but as long as you succeed, the rewards are also great.

Shen died again not long after he came online. Cuvee used TP in the last wave, and this time he couldn't even TP to the line.

After Bai Qiu came out of the tower, he began to push the line frantically. The line of soldiers, which was originally pressed forward, quickly advanced into the defense tower.

Then return to the city to replenish status and status.

As for Cuvee, this wave is expected to lose at least one wave of lines, counting the fact that he didn't replenish many knives when he went online before...

In the top lane, less than a few minutes after the start, there was a trend of collapse again!

It is no exaggeration to say that after this wave of operations, the top lane Shen has already occupied a very large advantage in the line!

When Cuvee saw Shen come online again, with two luxurious Doran's Blades and a small longsword on the equipment bar, he was numb

"Shit! What kind of equipment is this!"

The head of the sect, An, said faintly,"When are you going to buy a piece of tofu?"

"…Brother, this wave is really not my fault, the opponent is too outrageous."Cuvee is in tears.

"Sigh... Just play steady, we really can't afford to lose this game." Master An ignored Cuvee's cry and sighed faintly.

Upon hearing this, Cuvee and everyone at Samsung all looked serious.

Yes... we really can't afford to lose.

In the past, a little disadvantage in the early stage would not be a big deal for Samsung, an old hand at operations and the later stage.

But now... Master An can say such words, which proves that he is really a little nervous.

"I will hold on!"

Cuvee gritted his teeth and said, feeling more determined than ever.

He didn't dare to think about what kind of horrible situation would happen if they were really defeated by IG 3-0.

Then he would have to try his best to hold on to the top lane!

"But... if you want to be safe, have you asked Cherish?!"

Wawa looked at the tragic scene on the field and said with great momentum:"Shen can't beat this Qinggang Shadow at all!!"

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