Seeing the top laner Shen approaching the top lane tower of Samsung without stopping, the audience was stunned for a moment. Is he going to... tower dive at level 2?!


"This is too outrageous!" Wawa looked puzzled, and said anxiously:"No... What is Qing Gangying going to do this time? He is going to walk into the tower!"

In rank games, there are often some level 2 catching or tower crossing.

However, these are low-end games. Generally, those with a slightly higher segment will not start from level 2... or even level 1 even if they want to conduct so-called military training!

Because of the terrifying damage and mechanism of the early defense towers in the game LOL, this factor is determined.

In the early defense tower, a laser output will take away half of the blood. For the more fragile ones, it is not impossible to lose half of the health.

In this case... whoever crosses will die!

What's more, Qing Gangying himself is only half of his health now. At this time, he doesn't need to be careful when entering the tower, the defense tower can kill him!

"That shouldn't be the case... In this state, Shen didn't even need to deal damage when entering the tower, and he was killed by the defense tower. This wave should be... Shit!" Miller cursed before he finished speaking.

On the field, when Shen was about to reach the bottom of the defense tower, Ning Wang's blind man also came around from the other side.

He appeared directly behind the Samsung top lane tower, blocking Shen's retreat.

Looking at this posture, even a fool can see that this time, IG's top and jungle are going to cross the tower!

Or cross it at level 2 with low health!

"What the hell?!

Cuvee's Shen was stunned when he saw this scene, but after he realized what was happening, he was not angry but happy.

"The opponent must be crazy. He dares to cross me now and there is no military line yet. This is giving him a chance!"

"Are you okay?" Master An, who was clearing the jungle in the lower jungle area, glanced at him and couldn't help twitching his mouth, but he still asked.

"No matter how bad my condition is, I can't be killed by the opponent's level 2 low health and no soldiers!" Cuvee said speechlessly:"If I really die, I will buy a piece of tofu and kill myself"

"Don't be careless…"

"Here it comes, Lee Sin is coming around, IG is really going to make a move this time!"Outside, the commentators from major regions around the world have also been aroused by various emotions.

Although his heart was very complicated, Miller still stared at the big screen:"How should I say... Lee Sin should be the first to resist, but although Shen's state is poor, Cuvee has flash, and IG has no troops in this wave…"

"Isn't this wave too much of an opportunity... Go! Blind Monk is entering the tower!"

On the field, as soon as Ning Wang's Blind Monk came around and got Bai Qiu's reply, he was the first to enter the defense tower.


The defense tower instantly turned red, and the hatred was directly locked on Blind Monk, the foreign invader.

Seeing this, Cuvee immediately retreated forward to prevent Blind Monk from touching him. After all, Shen's current state was not good, and there was a Shen not far away.

Yes... Shen...

Shen also entered the field!

When Blind Monk attracted hatred, Bai Qiu also entered the defense tower as soon as possible.

Because Shen was afraid of being touched by Blind Monk, he also came very close to this side, so as soon as Shen came in, he was very close to the low-health Shen.

In Shen's current state, once Shen was EQed by Shen, he would probably be dead.

However, the more it comes to this kind of time, the more the psychological quality and state of the international top players can be revealed.

In this case, Cuvee not only did not Although he was panicking, he was extremely focused, his eyes fixed on the approaching Shen.

He would only move when Bai Qiu used E.

Otherwise, if he moved first, he would be dead.

Bai Qiu, who was entering the tower from the opposite side, seemed to know that in this situation, crossing the tower must not be delayed.

Even if he delayed for one more second, Shen and Lee Sin might give a double kill.

So less than a second after entering the tower, Shen moved directly!

He started with the first part of E, directly hooking the wall above at a right angle of 90 degrees, and then the second part of E flew into the air...

It was this moment!!

Cuvee, who had been staring at Shen's movements, suddenly had his pupils shrink.

His hand speed and reaction were almost at the limit. Cuvee pressed the flash key in seconds!

With a bang, the next moment, Shen flashed out directly from his original position.

The flash direction was not to the back, but to the opposite direction, directly in front of the defense tower and behind the Blue Steel Shadow!

Not far from the defense tower, the blue side melee soldier, who Cuvee had hit with a knife before entering the tower, was completely at low health...

Shen used this flash to avoid the Blue Steel Shadow's E, and the Blue Steel Shadow would definitely die.

After he flashed over, he could just get experience. As long as this melee soldier died, Shen would immediately reach level 2!

By then, Blind Monk would also have to die!

That's right, Cuvee was not trying to escape this time. IG's top and jungle gave him such a big opportunity. Yes, he wants to kill the enemy under the tower, double kill!

Only a loser will run away when he is being caught by others. As for a skilled operator, he only has one thought in his mind - I want to show off!!

Unfortunately... all this was frozen very quickly.

At the moment when Shen just flashed in the opposite direction, before he could raise the knife in his hand to attack the nearby soldier, a pair of cyan high heels came like a god.

Coming towards him, almost at the same time, they kicked Shen in the face!

With a bang, Shen was kicked, and Cuvee's endless fantasy was also shattered!

The severely disabled Shen was kicked and the word"dizzy" appeared on his head.

He was stunned on the spot by the second stage of the Qinggangying's E!

"??!"Cuvee's brain, which was still thinking quickly a second ago, went blank in an instant.

"Ouch!! Shen! Predicted E flash!! Kicked Shen who flashed!! This wave was predicted!!"The commentators from major regions around the world were also stunned for a moment.

But the next moment, Miller reacted instantly and said excitedly:"This wave Shen was stunned! Shen is going to die! Can we kill it?! Shen!!"

"I go……!"

Inside the defensive tower.

Cuvee was stunned for a moment, but the audience with a bird's eye view saw it clearly.

This time, Shen used the second stage of E to predict and kick in the air at the same time as Shen flashed, accurately predicting the flash position of Shen!

After stunning Shen with a kick, the already severely weakened Shen's condition dropped a lot.

Bai Qiu had already followed up with AQA and kicked him three times.

Shen's condition was completely reduced to a sliver of health.

However, Cuvee also recovered from the stun at this time, and his eyes almost subconsciously stared at the low-health soldier not far away.

The next moment, the soldier died.

Shen's body flashed white... Level 2 upgrade!


At the same time, Shen's second stage of Q had also kicked down. Shen, who had just recovered some health due to the upgrade, had his health directly emptied!

The timing was just right, and the damage calculation was just right.

Not a point more, not a point less.

Fell to the ground!

"IGCherish killed SSGCuVee!"

Successfully killed a single player by crossing the tower at level 2!


The audience around the world went crazy instantly!

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