
"Luo entered the game!! Using IG's top and jungle as a medium, Clockwork pulled three people!! Pulled them all!"

"It exploded! Samsung exploded! OMG…what did I see?! Perfect teamfight! IG played a perfect teamfight that was almost impossible to operate!!"

"Oh my God……!"

Guangzhou Stadium.

When I saw the four IG players, one after another, cooperated, the tacit understanding of extreme trust in teammates, the beautiful mutual operation, and finally treated the three Samsung players as acrobatics.

The whole world was crazy!

This was really crazy.

Because the visual effects of IG's team battle were too much, from the beginning when Fiora sacrificed her life to save Blind Monk, to the current extreme reversal, Clockwork was big enough for five people...

It is no exaggeration to summarize it with the word perfect!

The same scene also reminded the global audience of SKT's perfect team battle at the beginning, which was also a famous scene of ascension.

This time is different from ascension, but the visual effect is stronger than ascension!!

I saw it in the game.

At this moment, the team battle just started, and it has come to an end.

Being lifted up by Luo and pulled down by Clockwork, Samsung has doomed itself to a tragic end.

Although Rookie's Clockwork has not yet reached the power period, after all, the development is not much different. With a big move, the three Samsung players were knocked away, and their status also dropped.

When they landed, Fiora and Blind Monk had already rushed over frantically.

At this time, Lee Sin, with his punishment and medicine, had recovered to half of his health. Fiora was not hit much by Samsung.

At first glance, the two of them were in a better position!

It was not until this time that everyone noticed that Fiora, who had just performed so well, had not been hit by Samsung at all!


Wawa couldn't help but swear, but he couldn't think of that.

Because... the three stars on the field have been defeated!

With the entry of Fiora and Lee Sin, Luo and Clockwork took the perfect initiative to start the team fight.

As soon as the three Samsungs landed, Gragas was focused by three IG players.

With Fiora, the fattest point in the field, after a few seconds, Master An was in a state of low health.

At this time, Gragas couldn't even run away!

He had already used up his flash when he was on top, how could he run?

It's over!

With Master An's brain buzzing, Fiora also slashed the last knife.

"IGCherish killed SSGAmbition!"


Killing Master An!

After taking away Master An's head, Fiora took a few shots and her health was about halfway down. She immediately directed IG to focus on Noxus.

At this time, Rookie's Clockwork finally arrived at the front battlefield.

Without any suspense, Noxus, who also had no flash, didn't take a few steps before being killed by Fiora with one blow!

"IGCherish killed SSGCuVee!"



Double kill, rampage!!

"Dead! Noxus is dead too!! Fiora gets a double kill! Cherish is already going berserk!!"

"Still killing! Still can continue to kill! No one from Samsung can escape this time! There is another Alistar, coming up!! Fiora is coming up again!!"

At the river.

The deaths of Gragas and Noxus were the last straw that broke the camel's back for Samsung. Alistar, who just rushed over and didn't even have time to hit the control a few more times, was focused on by four IG players with a confused look on his face.

CJJ did have a flash.

But now... what's the use of flash?

Being stuck by four IG players, Alistar, who wasn't even level 6 yet, didn't hold out for long, and in the end was killed by Bai Qiu's Fiora.

"IGCherish killed SSGCoreJJ!"



Triple kill, dominating the game!!

"Minotaur! Fiora killed Minotaur and got another kill, triple kill! Fiora got triple kill this time!!"

"Samsung is dead! All of them are dead in this wave!"



"Cheirsh! This wave of killing is on! This Fiora with a triple kill is invincible!"

"I was stunned!!"



"what happened??!"

"Oh my god... this is too scary"

"What kind of team battle is this? Ascension?!"

"Ascend to G2, this is Zhan Xiao! When he kills the immortal who has never been seen before!! So damn handsome!!"

""Little IG, go! Little IG, come on!"

The audience was boiling, and the global audience was in an uproar.

After this wave, Samsung was completely blown up!!

A wave that was originally seen as further expanding their advantage and trying to break IG's rhythm turned into a pseudo-team wipe. This was fatal to Samsung, whose rhythm had just improved!

That's right, this wave was a pseudo-team wipe.

Except for the ruler who was not present, four of the five people died. This was already a disaster at this critical point in the rhythm of the game!

Of course... more important than these,——

"IG, the momentum is already there! Our momentum is completely up!" Miller shouted excitedly:"Now IG feels like they are completely excited!!"

We had a blast.

We really had a blast.

Some people say that in professional competitions, is momentum important?

Momentum is something that is invisible and intangible, but it does exist.

In professional competitions, once momentum reaches a certain peak, it can really accomplish miraculous teamfights and operations.

All kinds of extreme or perfect teamfights and operations in history all rely on this momentum.

Now that IG's teamfight is over, combined with the victory in the first game, the momentum has reached the peak in their team's history!

With the addition of a fat Fiora with a triple kill, Samsung couldn't hold up whether it was a solo or a teamfight.

IG's momentum also foreshadowed Samsung's collective autism after being shown off.

Momentum fell to the bottom, and IG made a concerted effort to wipe out Samsung again in a 20-minute dragon fight.

Then a mid-lane push flattened Samsung's mid-lane high ground.

At this point in the game, Samsung felt that there was something wrong with their mentality, and the final result did not disappoint everyone.

The game time was set at 26 minutes.

IG, for the second time today, pushed down Samsung's crystal base.

They won this game!

They also got the match point in this quarterfinal BO5 match that hundreds of millions of people were watching!

They were only one step away from breaking the best result of LPL in recent years!

The whole audience was almost crazy!

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