In the game.

Fiora counter-killed in a desperate situation, and finally paused to wait for Samsung's jungle to appear, and then showed her mark to click the explosive fruit, which instantly detonated the whole scene! In the noisy and crazy scene, Fiora had already bounced out of the wall.

But the IG team logo on her head was still shining and dazzling.

It was like a slap in the face of Samsung. The moment they saw this logo, everyone in the Guangzhou Gymnasium was moved!

Samsung was also moved.

So angry!

No one can understand the frustration of being killed, shown off, and finally being run away.

Especially on the world's grandest S game stage!

How many things did this Fiora do in one wave?

Extremely saved the little health blind man, and the extreme W perfectly blocked Syndra's ultimate move, and then counter-killed.

Finally, when she escaped, she didn't forget to wait for them... just to show her brother's mark at them...

As the saying goes, killing people also requires breaking their hearts.

But how can this be breaking the heart? This is simply heartless!

Bai Qiu, you have no heart!!

"Kill him! Dodge immediately!"

Even a steady leader like An was furious at this moment.

He shouted directly in the team voice chat, and the barrel was the first to flash down!


"Flash! The barrel flashed directly!!"

"Master An is going crazy! This time he wants to keep Sword Lady, and the three stars are very murderous!"

"But this time... Noxus didn't flash!"

On the field, Gragas flashed to chase after him, but Noxus was speechless, because he was forced to flash by Fiora in the previous laning, and this time he couldn't keep up with Gragas at all.

Noxus didn't follow, and Gragas just used Q in vain. He couldn't catch up with Fiora alone for the time being, so he could only drive her to the river.

It happened that Noxus went out directly from the exit and could directly block Fiora!


"Are you there yet? Just shoot him!!"

Master An shouted.

The auxiliary Alistar who had roamed to the middle lane and came to support was about to block Ning Wang's low-health blind man, but after hearing Master An's words, he immediately turned around and rushed over here.

The auxiliary support is coming!

In an instant, the three Samsungs gathered again, and the barrel chased after the sword girl, driving her to the position of the Alistar!

"Minotaur... CJJ is here to support! So... Samsung is determined to keep Cherish's Sword Princess!"

The outside world, watching Samsung's crazy pursuit, all major regions around the world were stunned.

To be honest, this wave of fuss... is it really profitable?

"It seems like... we'll win if we kill Sword Lady! Master An's thinking is still very clear..." Miller's excited expression instantly turned anxious again:"In this case, Sword Lady has no flash and no ultimate, so she has no way to survive... Huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, a sound wave of heavenly help suddenly appeared, accurately hitting a river crab that had just been refreshed!

The next moment, Ning Wang, who had recovered some of his status after taking medicine, flew over with the second stage of Q!

Blind Man, is he back again?!

Blind Man's sudden return stunned everyone instantly.

Because even if Blind Man had taken medicine, his status was still precarious!

This time, because of Fiora's cover and sacrifice, Ning Wang had actually escaped long ago. Coming back now... isn't it a gift?

Just as the global audience was stunned, they saw that when Blind Man's second stage of Q was still flying, Fiora, who had been running forward, also used a Q to move forward.

It was not to hit people - it was also Q on the river crab that had just been refreshed!


After a Q fell, Fiora was no longer running away, but turned around and continued to output to the river crab.

AEA made three strikes.

At the same time, Blind Monk's second stage Q landed.

With the damage stacked, the River Crab was instantly half dead.

Ning Wang saw this and immediately took the punishment.


The River Crab died, and Blind Monk's body lit up - he had been stuck at level 5, but now he was at level 6!!


"Oh my god?!"

Wawa opened his mouth wide instantly:"IG top and jungle want to..." Before he could finish his words, the three-star chasing Gragas on the field had already arrived, and was close to Fiora, and was about to use the Q skill!

Ning Wang didn't say anything, raised his hand and kicked!

One Ku!

Bang bang.

Before An Zhangmen could press the Q skill, he was kicked away by the blind man, and at the same time, he knocked down Noxus and Minotaur behind him at a tricky angle!

Three people from the three-star took off together. Taking advantage of this time, IG top and jungle continued to run forward without looking back!


A light circle fell.

That was... Baolan's redemption!


"Oh my god! IG! IG!!"Wawa held his head and went crazy instantly:"This is right for Ueno!! I just want to ask, who else?! Who else?!"

"Ning Wang, Cherish! IG's top and jungle cooperated perfectly, helping Lee Sin reach level 6 and kicking people, and Baolan gave redemption…"

"You protect me, and I will protect you forever! I cried at this, how about you?!"

""Health is back! IG top and jungle can leave now! We can all run!""


Who said to run?"

"Are we there yet?! Let’s go, brothers, get back and kill them!!"

The IG top and jungle duo, who were running away from the river, had no intention of running away at all. From the beginning to the end, they had no intention of running away!

"I have arrived!!"

"I'm here too!"

Rookie and Baolan, who had been rushing here since the beginning of the battle and even flashed to get there, finally arrived!

They hadn't reached the river yet, and were still far from the front battlefield.

But... as long as they were there, it was enough!

Rookie's Clockwork passed the ball directly to Luo beside him.

Baolan said nothing, they were still far from the front battlefield, but it didn't matter!

Luo flashed directly to close the distance.

At the same time, Bai Qiu, who was running in the front, had his Q turned, and immediately used a Q to close the distance again, adjusting to the best position.

The next moment, Baolan reached the maximum distance and EE to Fiora! It was a fleeting moment, and not a single leaf was touched!

In an instant, Luo came in front of Fiora, and Ning Wang on the other side had already used a W to touch the ward, and took the initiative to approach the three Samsung players who were rushing here madly!

""Not good!!"

Master An shrank back in pain, but it was too late.

Baolan Luo's second stage E directly hit the blind man who also adjusted his position for him.

Another super long displacement.

In less than a second, Luo came directly in front of the three Samsungs!

Without any pause, W made a grand appearance and lifted them over!

It all happened too fast. The three Samsungs had nowhere to hide. Noxus and Gragas, who had no skills, had no chance to hide!


The three people were lifted up accurately by Luo and knocked into the air!

Before they landed, Rookie, who was at the extreme distance, had already pulled out his ultimate move!

Swish swish swish!!

The three Samsungs were like bungee jumping on the spot. They were still in the air and had already jumped into the air twice!

The terrifying damage of Clockwork's terrifying ultimate skill exploded instantly, and it was huge enough for three people!

In an instant, a perfect team battle that could not be more extreme was fought.

The scene... exploded!!

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