I was really dumbfounded.

Among the audiences at the Guangzhou Gymnasium, most of them are local audiences from China, and they came here today to support IG fans.

As audiences in the LPL region, we have always been aware that as long as our top laner doesn't die suddenly, we win.

To use a joke, it is:

Marin: This proves that we are the world's number one top laner.

Smeb: Because I am Smeb...

Cuvee: I will protect everything about the LCK top laner.

Khan: It is our duty to restore the glory of the top laner!

LPL region top laner: As long as we don't collapse, we win……


It’s true and cruel. Except for the few times before S4 when it rose, the top laner in the LPL region has always been a derogatory term, whether it is a civil war or an external site.

By S7, everyone has regressed to being proficient in only three heroes: Maokai, Maokai, and Twisted Treant...

You can see that the two LPL teams ranked higher than IG, the top laners are A Guang Rang Di. From this point, we can see that this inferiority complex of being weak in the top lane is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So after seeing such an intense and bloody high-level fight in the top lane, all the audience, including the commentators from major regions around the world, were stunned.

When playing against other regions, Bai Qiu was also very fierce, but everyone thought it was nothing at that time.

But when it comes to LCK... I was really shocked.

"Cehrish, the top laner is too aggressive, are they really not going to help once they get there? They just go straight in and attack?" Wawa's blood boiled as soon as he saw this:"Isn't this too bloody?!"

"There's a bit of a desperate trend..."

Even Shenchao, a former professional top laner, couldn't help but twitch his lips at this moment:"This... Are you sure there won't be any problems if you play like this?"

"Both sides were in very bad condition in this wave, but... Fiora is much more flexible than Noxus!"

In the game, the top lane battle seemed extremely fierce, with a 50-50 chance, but in fact, Noxus's biggest weakness in the laning phase was that he was too bulky.

Under normal circumstances, Noxus' summoner skill is to bring sprint, and it is also for this reason.

But in the professional arena, if you bring sprint, you will really be caught in the sand in the early stage, and the line will collapse before the start.

So Bai Qiu brought flash in this game. He is very bulky.

On the other hand, Fiora, with Q, is much more flexible than Noxus.

At the end of this wave of confrontation, when both of them are in a very bad state, Fiora can rush over and kill Noxus in one second as long as she seizes an opportunity.

Everyone has no doubt that Cuvee has this ability

"It's true... it's a bit dangerous. I can actually go back now, but it's a bit disadvantageous to go back now. If Noxus goes back, the opponent will suppress my level." Miller took a breath and said,"It seems... it's really reckless."

"It feels like something bad is going to happen. How will Noxus fight next? Judging from Cherish's movements, he has no intention of going home."

Top lane.

Things that can be seen by the outside world, the top players on both sides naturally understand it.

However, even if they understand it, they will end the fight at level 1. If they go home now, it will be too much of a loss for Bai Qiu, so he did not choose to go back to the city. The same is true for Fiora on the other side. He is not afraid of Noxus, so what is he afraid of?

Not only is he not afraid, but he is also afraid.…

"This guy is dead." Cuvee looked at Noxus who was still last-hitting, and couldn't help laughing:"I was too greedy. This time the opponent went all out to fight me, and now it's hard for me to fight in the lane."

"Kill back once, and keep pushing until level 6. After level 6, Noxus is basically unplayable, and you have to be your son for the whole game."Master An, who was clearing the jungle, also laughed.

This is the situation he wants to see. He must let Cuvee play to his full strength to win this game.


Cuvee's chubby face also smiled, but soon his eyes focused and began to stare at the big screen without blinking.

Looking for an opportunity.

After the experience of being tricked last time, he would not be careless this time.

"Really didn't come back!"Outside, seeing that Noxus really didn't come back, although they had expected it, the LPL crowd was still a little anxious. If he didn't come back, it would be too dangerous.

"Cuvee is not the opponents Cherish encountered before. This guy is very exaggerated when he shows off. Is Noxus really not going to fight back?"

"He is using Q to farm, he probably doesn't plan to come back this time..."

On the field, Noxus just walked forward, pressed the Q skill without paying any attention, and threw it up

"In that case, Cuvee might have to... move!! Fiora flashed directly!!"Just as the voice fell, it was seen on the field.

After seeing Noxus coming to Q the soldiers without knowing whether to live or die, Cuvee, who had been looking for an opportunity, had his eyes lit up, and finally moved!

The Q skill was used instantly, aiming at the flaw refreshed by Noxus on his side, and the next moment, he pressed the flash in a second!

Fiora Q flash!

At this time, Fiora can still Q flash, and the speed is so fast, combined with Cuvee's hand speed, it has reached the peak!


Under the visual effect, even Fiora's Q skill did not appear on the screen, and she appeared in front instantly.

But... the visual effect is almost invisible, but Bai Qiu, who has been closely watching Fiora's movements, saw it!

Almost at the moment when Fiora's Q was used, Cuvee's finger had already pressed the flash, and bang... With a thud, Noxus, who was still swinging his Q, also pressed his flash!

Not forward, nor to the left, but directly to the side and rear.

The next moment, two yellow lights lit up in succession.

Fiora's Q passed by, but it stabbed nothing. The scene that Cuvee expected of Noxus being killed in an instant did not appear.

Instead... bang.

Noxus's outer circle Q was at the extreme distance and time, and it instantly chopped over Fiora's head.

Fiora Okayama, who was also in a very bad state, came over, and didn't even have time to react, and her blood line was emptied in an instant.

Instant death!

"IGCheirsh killed SSGCuvee!"

Noshou's ultimate reaction Q flash - killed in seconds!!


"Holy shit! Noxus! Noxus!"

"Fiora was killed instantly!! Noxus used Q flash... and killed Fiora who was flashing over with Q instantly?!"


The alarm sound that shook the entire canyon rang out, and the commentators from all major regions around the world were instantly stunned.

Wawa's eyes widened, and he shouted in horror:"Oh my God! What's going on? Can anyone tell me what happened? How did Fiora die?!"

"Oh my god..." Miller was completely dumbfounded:"Cherish! What kind of reaction is this?! He actually reacted to Fiora's Q flash... Is he still human?!"

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