"Hey... Noxus! Sword Lady missed the target twice! ?"

Outside, Wawa was shocked and said,"What's going on? ?"

"This wave... is wrong!"

In the game.

Cuvee's heart jumped, and he immediately felt something was wrong.

This person... was deliberately blocking his flaw!

He had seen people blocking Fiora's flaw before, but the best way was to lean against the wall.

This operation was very dependent on the location where Fiora's flaw refreshed.

But... what the hell is this now?

This person's flaw was clearly in front of him, but he was blocking it by moving around!


Cuvee was very confused, but his strong strength still allowed him to react quickly.

No matter if you are stuck or not, you will die in this wave! You can block the flaws by moving, but can you block the flash?

Cuvee's finger was already on the flash, and he was ready to flash over and attack the flaw in the next second.

But he was still a little careless. The damage of Noxus who was bloody at level 1 was very high.

And... no one noticed that after blocking the fatal flaws of Fiora twice before, Noxus's position had unknowingly pulled away from Fiora.

Although this distance was very small, for Noxus... it was enough!

The Q skill was used a long time ago, and when Fiora was about to press the flash, the axe swung down.


Before she could flash over and attack the flaw, the bloody and injured Fiora was hit and flew away by Noxus's axe!

"IGCherish killed SSGCuvee!"


First blood!

"Solo kill!! Noxus, solo kills Fiora, gets the first blood of the game!!"

"Oh my god...this time, Fiora died first!"


The first blood prompt sounded, and the commentators in major competitions around the world were instantly excited, and the entire Guangzhou Gymnasium erupted in terrifying cheers.

No one expected that the first blood of this game would break out so quickly.


Wawa Miller looked at each other and couldn't help but asked in astonishment:"No... Can anyone tell me what the two moves of Noxus just now meant?"

"Can you block Fiora's flaws by moving? When Fiora first appeared, she almost had to get close to him!"


The other two were speechless.

This wave of single kills was very sensational, but the positioning of the two that most people didn't notice just now was the real core.

If it weren't for those two hitches, it would probably be Noxus who is dead now.

Most of the audience outside didn't notice these, they only saw Noxus and Fiora fighting each other, and Noxus won in the end.

It wasn't until the director replayed it and in slow motion that everyone clearly felt how thrilling this wave of first-level game between the two sides was.

Fiora was frantically sticking to Noxus from the beginning to the end, guarding against the opponent's Q. Noxus, who blocked Fiora's flaws twice at the last moment of life and death...

Everyone's scalp tingled when watching it in slow motion.

"Oh my god... this Noxus's positioning is too scary. Visually, Fiora had clearly chopped down, but she didn't hit the flaw!" Wawa smacked his lips and said,"This... is too outrageous, right?"

"It's too extreme." Shen Chao couldn't help but say:"If you play like this, I feel that if you are unlucky, you may lose it."

"No, I don’t think it was luck… because Cherish seemed very calm the whole time, this guy…his expression never changed!"


Everyone was puzzled, and then they saw the director replaying the video. The operation was over, and Bai Qiu was replaced with a close-up.

His face was stern, without the slightest smile, and his eyes were focused and serious...

There was no sense of panic or tension at all. It was as if the Noxus who was almost killed on the field was not controlled by him... He was as calm as a robot!

"Wow... maybe this is... a big-game player." Miller opened his mouth, his face flushed:"Then this time... we got the first blood of the game at the beginning, a big profit!!"

"made money!"



"Qiu Daddy!!"

""Dad Qiu, I love you! You're so strong!"

As soon as the voice fell, cheers rang out from the audience.

In a big competition, even if you are ahead by one soldier, people will scream, let alone such a wonderful single kill with one blood?

"What happened?"

At the same time, Samsung did not expect that the top laner would get first blood so quickly, and it was their own top laner who died.

"I was careless. The opponent was just playing dumb."Cuvee shook his head and didn't take it too seriously.

Now that he knew the opponent's details, he was confident that with his strength, he could fight back in the laning phase.

"Be steady, Cherish is not that weak."Master An is very shrewd and has just witnessed the whole process. He said,"Just now, he kept flashing and holding you. If you flashed A and the opponent also flashed and gave you a Q, wouldn't you be more uncomfortable?"

Hearing this, Cuvee was startled.

"So, don't underestimate any opponent. Our goal is to win the championship. Show your true strength, and then he will not be your opponent!"

Sometimes it is like this. There may be many reasons why a strong team is a strong team, but the common point is that they always correct their mistakes and never underestimate anyone.

This time, she was killed alone, and Fiora TPed back to the line.

On the other side, Noxus also went home to replenish his status, and after replenishing a fierce Doran's Blade, he also TPed to the line.

When he went online again, there was no sign of peace in the top lane.

Bai Qiu had one more Doran's Blade than the opponent, so how could he let Cuvee replenish the line?

He went up and used the Q skill, hitting Fiora accurately from the outer circle.

Cuvee saw this, looked at Noxus's position, and was not afraid, so he also Q'd over and attacked a flaw.

Then...the two of them started fighting again!

However, Noxus was fighting against a few minions, while Fiora perfectly avoided the hatred of the opponent's minions, and this time Cuvee put away his underestimation and attacked every flaw accurately.

In the duel between top players, there were not so many opportunities to show off, and Bai Qiu failed to get through several times.

However, Noxus himself was ahead by a Doran's Blade, and the two of them really fought, which was really amazing. A comet hits the earth, a tit-for-tat, sparks and lightning all the way.

In just a moment, Noxus's status has returned to two-fifths, and Fiora's is almost the same.

In this state, no one dares to continue fighting.

But they are unwilling to retreat.

Bai Qiu rushed to use Q, but was dodged by Fiora's Q in the outer circle, but at the same time, Bai Qiu himself finally moved to block Fiora's flaw.

Neither of them hit the other, and each of them showed off their talents, and Fiora also attracted the hatred of the minions.

When they separated again, the status of the two directly reached a very scary state of great damage.…

"Oh my God……"

Seeing this scene, audiences around the world were dumbfounded.

Is this...really going to be the game?

Isn't this too bloody?

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