
Wuhan Sports Center, live.

With the birth of the first blood of this game, the whole venue has fallen into a carnival and boiling.


The prince actually counter-killed!

A prince with very little blood, even with blood in the single digits, can actually kill Shen...

The visual effect is too strong, and just now the prince and Shen were completely fighting like gods, with all kinds of details in the heart, but from the God's perspective, everyone only saw two flashes.

After that... After that, Shen was counter-killed by a prince with very little blood.…

"What happened? Can anyone tell me what happened?" In the commentary booth, Wawa's face flushed and he asked in confusion,"Why did Shen die this time?!"

"How did a prince with only a little health kill him?!"

"……!"The two people next to him were in a strange silence.

The audience didn't see it clearly, but the commentator actually saw it almost accurately.

"Really... it's outrageous." Realizing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Miller let out a long breath and exclaimed:"Cherish... this newcomer, in his first S-League group match debut in IG, completely showed off!"

"It was really amazing. This wave of first blood should have been planned by the prince from beginning to end. Shen Chao also nodded.

As a former top professional top laner, he knew better than the two people around him how terrifying the operation just now was.

"No... Why! Brother, why!" Wawa spread his hands exaggeratedly:"How can you, a prince with single-digit health points, kill me?!"

"Shen is confused. This... I'm going……"

"This wave was mainly because the prince did a great job of seducing the enemy."Shen Chao nodded and said,"Seducing with a low health is an extremely risky thing. Most people don't dare to do it this way. In addition, in this wave of counterattack, the prince used the troops, his own level, and even the opponent's skill CD and awareness."

"The position of Shen's E flash was predicted, and the position of Prince's EQ was also predicted. I predicted your prediction... This wave of Shen, he died without complaint!"


As soon as the words fell, the Wuhan Sports Center suddenly erupted with the most terrifying cheers since the start of the game, and the barrage of major live broadcast rooms around the world was filled with 666.

The audience couldn't understand so many details, but just listening to it, brushing 6 and Niubi was enough!

"It's really a bit exaggerated. In fact, Shen's awareness was also full in this wave. It was a fight between gods." Miller sighed:"I can only say that in this confrontation, Cherish is even better!!"

"After this wave, TSM's top lane is at a disadvantage!!"

In the game.

After a shocking single kill, the prince successfully got the first kill of the game.

Although it was just a kill, after several waves of small rhythms, the rhythm of TSM's top lane and jungle has been greatly affected.

This time Bai Qiu killed someone and finally went home.

After recovering his status, he directly took out two small long swords, and then TPed back to the top lane.

This time, the prince's status is full of blood, and he has two more long swords on his body!

This outfit, at this point in time, is considered the fattest one among the ten people on the field!


"Prince, two long swords, Cherish's outfit... should be to be fierce to the end!"

In this version, it is actually most ideal for Prince to be half-tank and half-dump, which can resist, output, and have control. This is why Prince is so popular.

But the Prince under Bai Qiu is obviously not like this. Looking at this outfit, you can tell that he wants to play a violent Prince.

Prince is indeed violent enough.

After Shen returned to the line again, he soon felt this deeply.

In fact, the two of them had never been laning properly before, mainly because this Prince was trying to set the pace the whole time. From the start to now, it has been almost five minutes, and the two have been fighting and fighting, and basically did nothing else. Until now

, Shen was officially on the line with Bai Qiu.

As a result, when the pair went online, they soon found that something was wrong.

What the hell is this person on the opposite side... going to do?

Bai Qiu, who was ahead in equipment, can be said to have completely let himself go on the line, which is also his usual style.

As soon as he arrived on the line, Prince quickly seized an opportunity , directly avoiding most of the enemy soldiers' hatred, and using EQ to exchange blood with Shen.

It was better when he had W, Shen would not lose, and would even make a little profit.

But after losing W, Shen was in trouble.

The Prince was ahead of him by two small long swords. In the top lane where the strong are respected, leading in equipment and experience means being treated like a grandson.

Now, Shen was treated like that grandson!

After several confrontations, Shen's status was already half gone, while the Prince still had more than half of his blood line and took the initiative in the line of soldiers.

A pressure that had never been felt before came over him, and as time went by, this pressure continued to expand.

When the game time came to just over six minutes, Shen had returned home three times without realizing it, while the Prince... had only returned once, not to replenish his status, but just to update his equipment.

Let's look at the last hits on both sides.

The Prince: 59 hits.

Shen: 32 hits


Shen himself didn't realize that he had been suppressed by the opponent's prince for almost half of his last hits!

His level was also suppressed by one and a half levels.

"Top lane… Ouch, how come the top lane is suppressed so much."

At this time, the director’s camera was turned to the top lane, and everyone also noticed the laning situation in the top lane.

It didn’t matter if they saw that Shen was suppressed so much by the prince, everyone was a little surprised.

Because… the lead of first blood is actually not as important as imagined at the beginning of the game.

In the professional arena, every laning player has taken the first blood, but being able to suppress the opponent with a first blood is so rare!

"Cherish... this player is really too strong in the laning phase!"Miller shook his head sincerely and said,"I believe that all the viewers who watched Cherish's previous games know this, but a player with one blood pressure who only has half of the opponent's last hits... is still too outrageous."

"Shenchao was originally a top laner, what do you think?"Wawa asked Shenchao

"Hmm…" Shen Chao thought for a moment, and said seriously:"Actually, in the top lane, it is normal to be ahead by about ten knives after getting the first blood. It also depends on the hero. If the prince plays Shen… I personally think Cherish’s laning ability is really strong, and he should be the best in this S game…"

When he said this, he didn’t continue.

Because he himself realized that this is just a group match, and there are many hidden talents in the S game. It’s too early to say this now.

But everyone got his meaning.

Miller nodded:"Not just the top lane… During this period, IG’s overall rhythm is good. In this game, the early lineup, we can be said to have played well!"

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