In the game, seeing the prince suddenly return with only a little health, tens of thousands of spectators in Wuhan Sports Center, including Shen who was farming soldiers, were all stunned.

After reacting, Wawa said in confusion:"Cherish... What does this mean? Why is he back again?"

"In this state of the Prince...he will be killed if hit by Shen's E!"

"This... should be a lack of money? Are they still short of some money to buy equipment?"Miller was also confused.

But they were confused, but Shen on the field reacted quickly.

The moment he saw the low-health Prince return, and was reminded by Blind Monk that Kindred was not in the top lane, Shen could no longer control his killing intent.

This Prince showed off to them several times in a few minutes, and no one could resist it.

What's more, TSM is an internationally renowned team with top players from North America. Which top player doesn't have his own temper?

After seeing the Prince coming over, he was farming soldiers as if nothing had happened, and Shen had already moved forward faintly.

"Are you still not leaving? The prince... is indeed short of money... but you can't be greedy, Cherish! Shen can't just watch���"I won't kill him when his health is very low..." Miller's face turned green when he saw this scene:"Qian Jue just met Lee Sin in the jungle. This time Shen knew that IG's jungler was not in the top lane.…"

"It’s over, time to move…" Wawa watched Shen’s movements, they were so obvious that even they could see it.

""Die for me!"

At the same time, Shen on the field had no patience to waste time with the prince. He was actually very close to the prince now, and he should be able to taunt him with one E.

But Shen still remembered Bai Qiu's operation and reaction after several encounters.

Moreover... his intention was so obvious that even a fool could see it. He didn't believe that the prince would not be able to react in time!

So when Shen used E, he had already adjusted the angle and direction. The next moment, he pressed the flash!


E flash!!

And the direction of E flash was not the prince's current position, but his side and back!

In this direction, as long as the prince reacted, whether it was flash or EQ, he would be hit!

This was a predicted E flash!

Shen's E flash was too fast. In fact, any operation related to flash was very fast. Unless the player was aware of it in advance, it would be difficult to dodge it.

With a bang, the yellow light lit up, and Shen's E flash instantly arrived at the side and back of the prince.

The next moment, a prince really arrived as expected, and EQ fell precisely at the position of Shen's E flash!


Shen opened his eyes wide and shouted in surprise.

But the next moment, the smile on Shen's face disappeared, and turned into extreme disbelief and astonishment.

On the field, at the moment when Shen flashed with E, the prince did move.

He did EQ to the position predicted by Shen's E flash.

But... the order and angle were not right!

At the moment when Shen flashed with E, the prince seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he EQed decisively at the speed of light.

The direction and angle were the same, but before EQ, he slightly deviated to the left.

In this way, when the prince EQed over and overlapped with Shen, as soon as Shen, who flashed with E, landed, he was directly picked up in the air!

EQ…Interrupted Shen's E flash?!


How is it possible?

How could E flash be interrupted?!

The TSM top laner was stunned. Looking at himself being picked up, his mind went blank for a moment.

"Hey hey!! Shen!! Oh my god!! Prince! What’s going on?!" On the other side, all the major regions around the world were also confused. Miller opened his mouth wide and shouted as if he had seen a ghost:"Shen’s E flash was interrupted?!"

"No! Not interrupting... This time, the Prince used a reverse predicted EQ, and his EQ was later than Shen's! This time, it was a deliberate seduction!!"Shen Chao, who has a lukewarm personality, raised his voice by eight decibels:"This time, Shen was focused by the minions, and HauntzerW should be a few seconds away. Is Shen going to die?!"


On the field, the Prince used a shocking reverse predictive EQ. Shen predicted his position, and he also predicted the position of Shen's E flash!

An EQ went over so fast that Shen had no time to react.

As soon as the E flash landed, he was picked up.

At the same time as his status dropped, because Shen directly flashed into the blue side's soldiers, a wave of soldiers arrived at this time, a full two waves of soldiers, and began to focus on Shen madly.

And Shen had used W before, a W in the early stage, a full 18 seconds of cooldown, and now there are still a few seconds of CD left!

In a short gap after the knock-up landed, Shen's status dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition, he was not in a good state after being exchanged by the Prince before. Well, looking at it at this moment, it has actually reached one-fifth of the state!

Seeing that he suddenly became very weak, Shen was instantly shocked. He ignored the horror in his heart and almost instinctively attacked the prince.

There were too many soldiers in this wave. He might die, but he wanted to change this prince!

Shen's basic attack came, and the prince's state had reached single digits.

At this time, Bai Qiu killed the red side ranged soldier next to him who was attracted by him just now.


The soldier died, and a white light flashed on the prince's body-upgraded!

In an instant, the prince's state rose a lot, and at the same time pressed W.


A white shield appeared.

Shen's second basic attack fell.

The result... was no result!


Hauntzer's scalp exploded when he saw this. It was not until then that he realized that the man on the other side was definitely doing it on purpose, deliberately coming to seduce him with low health. There were too many minions, and the level was just right.

But it was too late to know all this now, because since the establishment of the S game, there have been examples of people seducing opponents with low health and succeeding, but there has never been such an extreme... so confident!

Shen's third attack had already landed, but a long string of minions gathered in the air and attacked him at the same time.

Bang bang bang... bang.

Shen's health bar was emptied in an instant, and he fell to the ground.

The prince was attacked for the third time, and he still had a little bit of health left, so he was not killed!

"IGCherish killed TSM Auntzer!"


First blood!!

"Prince has upgraded! Died! Shen is dead! Miller shouted in disbelief:"Prince, get the first blood of this game!"

"This time Cherish——actually killed him?!"



"what happened?"

"Shen? ?"

"How did he die?"

"Oh my god, what the hell? Shen's E flash was interrupted and he was killed by the minions?"

"No... Can anyone explain to me why Shen was killed in the counterattack?"

"It's just outrageous!"

Off the field, as the first blood prompt sounded, the entire Wuhan Sports Center was completely boiling!

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