PS: This chapter is better watched with BGM. Recommended BGM (NetEase Cloud search: 2017 World Finals login interface music!)

Wuhan Sports Center.

As the 2017 World Finals promotional video ended, the fist logo fell, and the scene erupted in earth-shaking cheers.

On the big screen, the Yangtze River reappeared, and amid the traffic and people, the big screen outside the Wuhan Sports Center, which the official had specially set up, was broadcasting live simultaneously. As the camera swept past, there were just as many spectators outside the venue who didn't buy tickets as inside the venue.

Countless spectators with red LPL face stickers on their faces waved their cheering sticks and greeted the camera.

There were also young ladies wearing Teemo headdresses and laughing softly...

Back in the venue, the stage spotlights were flashing, and the scene was hot.

"Welcome to ZhongG Wuhan!"

A baritone voice that is very familiar to LPL audiences sounded, and the top host of LPL, Immortal Grip Ren Dong, dressed in a brown-red suit, walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

"This is the 2017 World Finals. Hello everyone, I am Ren Dong!"

After saying that, he shouted passionately to the audience:"Summoners at the scene, let the whole world feel the enthusiasm of the Wuhan audience, okay?!"




"LPL is awesome!"

The audience responded enthusiastically, and there were countless fans shouting"Go RNG!"

"Wow, the scene is really exciting." Ren Dong smiled and nodded, then went straight to the point:"So, after a whole year of fighting and competing, the 16 top teams from all over the world are now all ready."

"In the next month or so, they will step onto the world's most watched stage. Now, let us welcome the team!"

"The first to appear are the four teams from Group A.……!"

"The first team to win the world championship three times, the strongest team in history, the three-time dynasty——SKT!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Wuhan Sports Center erupted in terrifying cheers.

SKT, even at the home court of China G, has terrifying popularity that ordinary teams can hardly reach.

The SKT team, dressed in handsome black and white uniforms, walked out, and the audience saw them, and the screams suddenly became louder - it's not that SKT really turned this place into their home court, but... they were holding a Summoner's Cup in their hands!

A world championship trophy that all audiences around the world dream of!

Li Ge took the trophy, and at the moment of returning the trophy, he still raised the trophy with one hand and waved it towards the bottom of the stage.



"Wow..." Ren Dong paused and emphasized again:"Yes, it is them, from the LPL local region, who have been shortlisted for the global finals four times and won the LPL regional championship five times.——EDG!!~"



The home game introduction was really all-out, and even had a broken voice


"Daddy Qiu! So handsome!!"

"Ahhh!! Little IG, go for it!" All the IG players came to the main stage together, feeling the terrifying waves of voices coming from all directions. The momentum at this moment directly overwhelmed the other three teams in Group D.

It also made all the IG players experience a feeling and treatment that they had never experienced before. It was simply... too explosive!

They all knew what they were doing. When it came to fans, there definitely weren’t so many people supporting them, but now, they were representing the LPL region!

These people off the court were all LPL viewers and fans!

However, compared to the level of welcome, EDG and RNG were actually much higher than IG, especially RNG. The all-Chinese team played in the S game in their home country, and the attention and support they received was beyond everyone’s imagination.

After IG finished their appearance, all sixteen teams from the four groups had already appeared on the stage.

Returning under the direction of the director, the music on the stage had become more exciting.

Ren Dong took a deep breath, knowing that what was coming was still coming.

"The music symbolizing the battle has sounded. Heroes, chasing legends, I declare that the 2017 Global Finals will now officially begin!!"


Ren Dong left the stage amid cheers from the audience.

The S-League officially began!

The 2017 World Championship group stage adopted a double round-robin BO1 format within the group, and each team had to play two full games with the other three teams in the group. The top two teams would advance to the quarterfinals.

Today's opening match of the first day was between RNG, the most popular and prestigious all-Chinese team in the LPL local division, and 1907 Fenerbahçe FB.

EDG was in today's final match.

As for IG... they were in the middle.

The opening and closing of the S-League, which attracted worldwide attention, were the most important in one day. The official gave these two spots to EDG and RNG, which was understandable, after all, these two teams were the strongest teams in the LPL division today.

After packing up and getting ready, the first opening match began soon.

For this match, everyone thought that RNG could easily win, after all, FB advanced from the qualifying round, and was a wild card, which was a bit underwhelming compared to the LPL second seed RNG.

As expected, the opening match was played very well. The official arrangement was also to give their own division a good start.

RNG did not disappoint everyone. They crushed FB in 25 minutes.

They helped the LPL division to get off to a good start in the S7 group stage this year!

In the background, with RNG's victory, everyone in IG also took a deep breath.

Next, they will be the representatives of the LPL division.

They will continue to defend the glory of the LPL division at home!

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