PS: This chapter is recommended to be watched with BGM. Recommended BGM (search on NetEase Cloud: Legends Never Die!)

LPL entered the Wuhan Sports Center and officially began preparations.

At the same time, the giants from all over the world also arrived one by one. Today, the opening day of the 2017 World Finals, no one was late.

Time passed.

It was morning when everyone arrived at the venue. After noon, no one had lunch. The on-site director pulled several teams to rehearse continuously, fearing that there would be any unexpected mistakes in the opening ceremony later.

After all, the attention today was too high. S7 was held in ZhongG for the first time. If there was any accident, it would be a joke.

Until 1:30 in the afternoon, more and more spectators gathered outside the Wuhan Sports Center, to the point where the venue had to be opened in advance.

Seeing this, the official decisively chose to open it in advance.

Countless spectators who couldn't wait came in one after another. In less than half an hour, the entire venue with tens of thousands of seats was full!

The noise and clamor instantly brought the atmosphere of the Wuhan Sports Center to its peak.

Compared with the qualifying round, the Wuhan Sports Center opened several areas that were not opened in the qualifying round during the group stage.

The entire venue can accommodate up to 20,000 spectators. At a glance, it was crowded with people. The momentum and scale alone had already surpassed the qualifying round.

At the same time as the audience entered the venue, major live broadcast platforms around the world finally connected to the live broadcast. As soon as the popularity of the rooms of major well-known domestic first-line platforms such as Dousha, Maoya, Panda, and Zhanqi was connected, it soared at an exaggerated speed and instantly exceeded 50 million.

Half an hour later, Dousha's popularity broke through 200 million first and continued to increase!

Such a terrifying popularity and popularity made everyone feel terrified, and Dousha officials themselves were surprised and happy.

Because in the qualifying round, the highest popularity was only 100 million, and everyone was shocked at that time, thinking that the popularity of S7 would be about the same.

But now... the group stage has not yet started, and it has already reached 200 million.

Once the real game starts, then... I can't imagine it.

How many people will watch S7!

With this shock, the time came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Why hasn't Qiuqiu come out yet?……"

Sitting in a back seat at the Wuhan Sports Center, Tuan Tuan, who bought the ticket from a scalper at a"high price", felt the explosive atmosphere at the scene, feeling both excited and nervous, muttering to himself:

"Sister, are you also a fan of Cherish?"At this time, a young lady next to her saw the"Cherish" support item in Tuantuan's hand and asked kindly

"Ah…" Tuantuan was stunned, then realized who Cherish was:"Yes…"

"Wow, there are so few fans of Bai Qiu today... maybe there are too many people... I didn't expect to meet one next to me!"The little sister was immediately excited. She was wearing an anime headdress with the words"Cheer Up" on her head. It was obvious that she was also a fan of Bai Qiu.

" are also a fan of Cherish?" Tuantuan blinked.

"That’s right!" The young lady didn’t know what she was thinking of, and said angrily:"The authorities are really something, other players and teams have specifically planned gathering areas, but we in IG are too scattered, and no one comes to take care of us!"

"IG is only the third seed...I can understand that." Tuantuan even comforted others.

"Alas, I am just angry. Father Qiu is so powerful. Humph, the officials will definitely regret it in the future!" The young lady muttered. Just when she wanted to pull Tuan Tuan to say a few more words, the bright venue suddenly darkened.


The next moment, the noise at the scene also quieted down.

But it was only silent for a second. When the Arabic numeral 10 suddenly lit up on the big screen in the center of the venue, the audience went crazy instantly.

Following the beating countdown, they shouted together crazily:











The classic fist logo slammed down heavily, and the audience burst into applause and cheers.

At this moment, the 360-degree large screen in the center of the venue lit up again, and a background music that gave everyone goosebumps sounded - the theme song of the 2017 World Finals, the legend will never die!

The clouds are high above, and the mountains are stacked.

The river view of the ancient city of Wuhan, the red banner hanging high on the Yangtze River Bridge, with the words"LPLS7 Come on" written in large letters, is spread all over the corners of the city of Wuhan.

Cars are coming and going, next to the river, EDG jungler, one of the faces of the LPL region, Factory Manager, has his back to the camera. Under the side of the camera, he is looking at the Factory Manager of his hometown, as if he has a tiger in his heart.

"If I play in Wuhan, there will definitely be a lot of Wuhan fans coming to support me. And... it will make me play better and better!"

"Then... I will also be the pride of many Wuhan players."

His tone was firm. Wuhan is his hometown. If this is the home of the LPL team, then for him, this is the home of the home!

The Oriental Pearl Tower, the peak of the pearl, the stream under the small bank, the FNC star player, the internationally renowned Ou Cheng, put his hands in his pockets, looking at the calm lake, but his mood was not calm.

"I have always believed that the best thing about the World Finals is that no matter what happened before, we should let the current results speak for themselves.……!"

Eagles flew across the sky, and beasts howled.

On the green grass, Xiao Gou's voice-over came:"From the first time I entered the World Championship to now, it has been four times in total..."

In the square outside the Wuhan Sports Center, people were coming and going in the background. Xiao Gou folded his arms and looked directly at the camera. He had failed countless times and won the runner-up countless times. This time, he was determined to win!

"I have been the runner-up twice. And then I felt... every time I was just a little bit short, so... I felt that I could win the championship, but every time I was just a little bit short..."

The crowd quickened and the blue sky turned dark.

The first climax of the BGM arrived. The ancient tower in the dark was brightly lit and the beauty was intoxicating.

TSM star player Bjergsen walked up the ancient tower step by step."It is a knot in my heart that I have not achieved anything in international competitions. Some people commented that... Bjergsen is not yet a legendary player because he has not proved himself in international competitions. I... cannot refute it." From the side of the camera, under the light, Bjergsen looked lonely and tears flashed in the corners of his eyes.

The camera style changed. Under the domineering plaque of"塵吞山河", the super team hailed as the biggest favorite to win the S7 championship this year, the two old men of Xuanming in the bottom lane of LZ walked out of the darkness one on the left and one on the right and met.

"I think Pray and I have always been the foils of SKT's brilliant record, because we always lose to them. I haven't performed well recently, so we have to grit our teeth..."

Grela smiled:"Not only myself, I have to keep the whole team motivated and do our best to win the championship this year!"

Rat King Grela stared at the camera with a persistent and paranoid look


The climax of the background music ends, the sound gradually fades, and the bright ancient tower gradually shrinks.

The camera switches to a bright blue sky in the daytime. The constantly flowing road and the colorful lights of the bridge are dazzling.

On the riverside, a close-up of the Summoner's Cup, which all professional players around the world dream of and are crazy about, appears.

"Becoming a legend in the field of e-sports means that your name will be remembered."

Cherish, the top laner of the IG team who performed very well in the qualifying round, appeared with a cold face and a little yearning:"If you perform very well, continue to maintain a very high level, and maintain that state... then everyone will remember your name."

"My goal is to become this kind of player.…!"

Turning around, at the top of the stairs, the Great Devil Faker, who has dominated the world for several years and is now recognized as the world's number one player, has slowly walked over and his eyes fell on the stairs.

He seemed to be looking at Bai Qiu, but in fact his eyes ignored him and fell directly on the Summoner's Cup placed by the river.

This trophy... He has had it for three years, but he still loves it.

"People say that if you beat me, you will become a legend. I don't think so."

"Since I defeated Ambition in my first appearance, I have maintained the first place for a long time, which is why people regard me as a legend."

The man has passed Bai Qiu and came to the summoner, as if responding to what Bai Qiu just said:

"So, if you want to become a legend, you have to defeat players like me many times!"

The domineering attitude is highlighted. The two people stand one high and one low, which has already foreshadowed their status.

Who is the one sitting on the throne and being challenged, and who is the one challenging the devil... It's clear at a glance! The last climax of the BGM appears, and the camera quickly switches. The shots of the major global players that appeared in the previous promotional video appear one by one. Some are short-lived, and some make their debut.

Until... the BGM gradually ends and disappears.

The last shot of 7 sauce appears, staring at the camera and saying:"In the global finals, my definition of legend is…"

"A person has accomplished something that others cannot. I think... this is a legend!"


The 2017 World Finals promotional video ends.

Heroes, chasing legends.

The competition officially begins!

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