"U is actually not in the middle, Ye Qingjie!"

"EDG: You said you were going to make an order, but you secretly played the auxiliary, you liar!"

"Ueven: Since you've bat so much of the middle unit, then I'm going to have to torture you to get off the road. "

"Coach Kim: B, shake it and you're done. "


At this point, here at the commentary desk:

When Haokai saw this scene, he said excitedly:

"After two hands, Uneen's hand is back in the support position!"

"IG really came to swing this time!"

Wang Duoduo also said excitedly at this time:

"Virtual, real, real, virtual, the Art of War, the treasure of the soldier, this is"

"IG's coach shouldn't have memorized our Huaxia Sun Tzu's Art of War!"

However, ITA, as the only female commentator among the three commentators, noticed carefully that the director of the contestant's lens seemed to be laughing, so he said:

"I noticed that the factory director seemed to be laughing?"

"Could it be that EDG's original goal was to force Uneven to play support?"

After Rita's words came out, Haokai and Wang Duoduo were both slightly embarrassed.

However, after all, they have commented on the game many times, so Wang Duoduo and Haokai reacted quickly.

The two of them were embarrassed for less than half a second, and they began to round up what they had just said.

Wang Duoduo laughed twice, and then said with a smile:

"You are really, don't dismantle me and Haokai's platform so quickly!"

Haokai also smiled at this time:

"That's right, Rita, you're a bit of a way out of the stage for me and Wang Duoduo. "

"No, you'll have to treat us to a meal to make up for our wounded hearts. "

"You treat, I'll pay for it"

Wang Duoduo: "This is okay, I agree with it!"

Rit also smiled and said:


"Won't I still make money then?"

"Yes, then you two will take care of my dinner. "

Haokai continued at this time:

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, it's important to get down to business!"

At the same time, in the barrage in the live broadcast room of the LPL side:

"As soon as the oxygen cylinder (Haokai is the oxygen cylinder) opened, I smelled the smell of the scumbag, and at first glance it was an old scumbag!"

"Get out of here, Rita is mine!"

"Get out of here, Rita is mine!"

"Drive a Mercedes-Benz, drink a war horse, e-sports.."

"Tons tons tons tons of tons!"

On the other side, the game of Han Tian and others was also completed.

At this time, Han Tian and the others had just finished buying equipment, and they were walking towards their respective places to stand.

Just as Han Tian and the others were walking in their respective positions, Ning suddenly said loudly:

"Brother Tian, I'll stop on the road. "

"You guys control the line a little, and I'll come after I finish playing the blue buff!"

After Han Tian heard what Ning said, he paused for a moment, and then subconsciously said:


Nin heard that Han Tian was a little puzzled, so he explained:

"Wait for me to be alone, don't come over and help me. "

"After the blue fight, I'll go around the defense tower directly to catch a wave!"

When Han Tian heard Ning say this, he understood what Ning meant.

So, Han Tian smiled and said:

"So ruthless, brother. "

"Second-level catch?"

"Then if you don't catch someone, won't you blow it up?"

However, Ning replied at this point:

"How can you not catch someone?"

"If Brother Tian's hammer stone is not trustworthy, then the sun of this world is probably going to rise from the south!"

When Ah Shui heard Ning say this, he immediately complained:

"Nng, you're looking at the old magazine (intellectual, retarded). "

"No matter what people say, the sun will rise in the west at most, right?"

"It's good for you, just give us a whole out of the south!"

Nin glanced at Ah Shui indifferently, and then said;

"Get out!"

"Roll as far as you want!"

However, when Han Tian heard Ning say this, he immediately smiled and said:


"Since you believe in me so much, then I can't be ashamed of my trust in you, right?"

"Just come directly after beating the blue!"

Nin replied:

"Okay, I'll be here when I'm done fighting blue!"

Soon, the bases of both sides began to send troops!

Due to the reason of selling "false information", Han Tian and Ah Shui went directly online, and Ning's wine barrel also chose one person Lan Kai.

However, although Han Tian and Ah Shui came online in advance, the two did not push the line to grab the second, but the two of them "waited" online like this

On the other side, at EDG this.

The factory director's pig sister is playing a red buff with the help of Luo and Kaisha at this time.

Just when the red buff was played, the factory director suddenly found that Han Tian's hammer stone and Ah Shui's Xia had arrived online!

So, the factory director thought in surprise:


"Doesn't IG's bottom lane duo help the barrel hit the blue one, is the barrel red?"

"No, if the keg is really red, IG's bottom lane duo should not choose to go online directly, but will choose to cover it up a little before going online"

Thinking of this, the factory director immediately guessed Ning's thoughts: Ning may catch the blue buff directly!

So, the factory director said to iboyMeiko and the two:

"You two fight a few more times, and then I'll go directly with you!"

At this point, here at the commentary desk:

After Haokai saw the factory director's actions, he explained:

"After this wave of red buffs, Pig Sister followed the duo directly to the lower road!"

"Look at this posture, does the factory director want to come to a wave of second-level arrest?"

Wang Duoduo also noticed Ning's movement at this time, so he shouted:

"Nng doesn't have anyone to help, so the speed of hitting the buff is not as fast as the factory manager's side. "

"But at this time, Ning directly handed over his punishment, punished the blue buff, and then walked straight down!"

"I feel like the two sides are likely to fight on the next road!"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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