On the commentary podium at this time"

Wang Duoduo saw that IG had taken the hammer stone here, so he speculated:

"Because EDG has too many mid-laners in BAN, didn't you give Uneven a mid-laner?"

"Moreover, the hammer stone on IG's side should be for Sapphire Blue, I remember that Sapphire Blue's hammer stone is also okay. "

Haokai also smiled at this time:

"It should be for Sapphire Blue. "

"Judging from the first two shots, this third shot should also be hit by Uneven. "

"To be honest, I don't believe this hammerstone is for Uneven anyway, although Uneven hammerstone is a bit too perverted. "

Wang Duoduo also smiled and said:

"Why would someone else be BAN, right?"

At this time, in the barrage of LPL's official broadcast room:

"I feel like today's IG selection is so difficult to see, to be honest, I'm looking forward to whether IG will give us any more surprises!"

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to be on the single again, I really don't believe that U will use a hammer stone to hit the middle laner!"


At this point, on the field:

Because EDG was selected by BAN in the last round, this time it was IG's turn to choose BAN first!

Coach Jin looked at Baolan and asked:

"Do you have a hero you're particularly afraid of?"

"If you have it, you just say it, it's okay. "

After finishing speaking, Coach Jin said in a heavy tone:

"After all, you must not blow up this one!"

"Otherwise, if Scout flies on the other side, there will be too many variables in this one!"

When Han Tian saw Coach Jin say this, he said in a very relaxed tone:

"Coach, your repeated emphasis like this will put too much pressure on Baolan!"

Then, Han Tian said to Baolan:

"It's okay, it's okay, just relax. "

"Actually, Scout isn't as good as you think. "

"Believe in yourself. "

When Baolan heard Han Tian say this, she glanced at Han Tian with a bitter face, and then complained:

"Brother Tian, don't say that!"

"Do you really think that anyone is a strong pervert like you and can directly fight in strings?"

After complaining, Baolan thought about it seriously, and then said:

"Actually, I want to give Sout to BAN, but the conditions don't allow it!"

As Bao Lan's words fell, Han Tian and the others looked at Bao Lan with a black line...

Baolan saw that everyone was looking at him, so he spread his hands helplessly, and then said to the coach:

"Coach, it's up to you to look at BAN.

"I really don't know what kind of hero Sain will be afraid of

Coach Kim glanced at the time, and here, there was fourteen seconds of BAN time for IG.

So, Coach Kim thought about it for a while and decided:

"Then help you ban a bewitch and Cinder. "

"The rest is up to you!"

So, the first BAN on IG's side dropped the enchantress!

When it was EDG's turn, EDG was BAN's green steel shadow.

Immediately after, IG is on the side of SYNDRA!

In the end, EDG is on the AN Zhao Xin!

At this point, the second round of BAN is over.

During the second round of selection, Coach Kim said to Ning:

"Let's get you the jungler first, and then we'll leave the Counter slot for Theshy"

After finishing speaking, Coach Jin glanced at the current lineup selected by the two sides, and said to Ning:

"I'll get you a keg?"

"Otherwise, the kitchen knife team, we will still be a little too difficult to fight in the later stage!"

Nin certainly has no objection to the coach's decision.

After all, in Ning's opinion, as long as Coach Kim doesn't give him a Zach jungler, he will be satisfied!

So, Ning replied to Coach Kim:

"Okay, then take the keg. "

"Actually, I'm still playing well with the nuclear bomb stream keg!"

When Coach Jin heard Ning say this, he nodded and said in his voice:

"Okay, that's it!"

That's it, IG locked the keg here!

And when it was EDG's turn, EDG first locked a Ruiz, and then a Kaisha!

Next, only I is left who has not yet chosen the last hero!

And in the end, after discussion, IG gave Theshy a hero that Theshy thought was good at fighting Urgat, and that was the knife girl!

At this point, the BAN people on both sides are over!

The BP situation for both sides is:


B: Head, Nightmare, M, Sindra, Enchantress.

P: Stone, Sain, Wine Barrel, Knife Girl.


B: K, Jace, Ganna, Qinggangying, Zhao Xin.

P: Garth, Pig Sister Lo, Ryze, Kaisha.

At the commentary desk here:

Rit couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the lineup selected by IG:

"IG chose a knife girl in the last hand!"

"After Jace, is Uneven going to show off a knife girl?"

Haokai also sighed at this time:

"Allow me to sigh at this point. "

"Ueven's hero pool is too deep."

Wang Duoduo felt a little wrong, so he guessed:

"Could this knife girl be for Theshy, and Sain for Uneven?"

However, none of the three people on the commentary desk considered whether this Han Tian would be an auxiliary position.

After all, the selection of IG's three people is really too similar to the story of the wolf!

However, what everyone doesn't know is.

At this time, all the members of EDG are engrossed in watching this interface where heroes are exchanged at the end!

Until the end, when IG gave the hammer stone to Han Tian, and then exchanged Sain to Baolan.

All EDG members had a relieved smile on their faces!

Especially Scout, this direct exaggeration is a big sigh of relief!

When the director saw IG to confirm everything, he smiled softly in his voice:

"It seems that IG's side is really the same as I expected!"

"In that case, let's do our best!"

"If you lose this one again, you can't say anything!"

However, at the same moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room has exploded_

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