At the same time, in the live broadcast room of the LPL side.

The audience also saw the result of this draw at this time!

As a result, the audience is also discussing how bad the lottery result is.

At this moment, the camera in the live broadcast room suddenly turned to the RNG team's lounge.

During the break of the RNG team, UZI and the others were laughing wildly at this time!

That's right, it's a wild laugh!

After all, the G2 team, among all the second place finishers in the group stage, is also the weakest category!

At least at the time.

If Han Tian also draws G2, it is estimated that the performance of Rookie and others will be no different from UZI and others.

Since the draw for the knockout round had ended, Han Tian, the factory director, and Xiao Ming also left the place where the draw was drawn, and then walked towards the lounge of their respective teams.

As the three of them were leaving, Han Tian clearly noticed that Ming had a smile on his face that couldn't be suppressed at all

At this moment, the factory director suddenly said to Han Tian with a serious face:

"Although your team is indeed strong, but!"

"We at EDG won't give up on this!"

"In the next few days, we will study a set of tactics on how to play IG according to your team's playing style!"

"Don't take it too lightly and get beaten 3-0 by our EDG!"

When Han Tian heard this, he smiled confidently, and then said:


"Don't worry, our team has never underestimated you EDG!"

"Then hopefully, we can bring everyone a great game here then."

The corners of the director's mouth were also slightly hooked, and then he said with a smile:

"I can't ask for it!"

Soon, Han Tian came to the lounge of the IG team.

So, Han Tian said goodbye to the factory director and Xiao Ming, and then pushed open the door of the team lounge and entered the team lounge.

However, when Han Tian sat down, Han Tian found that the screen in the team lounge at this time was a picture of Ah Shui being interviewed!

This time, the person who interviewed Ah Shui was no longer Rita, but a female commentator.

Han Tian looked at the girl who was interviewing Ah Shui, and then asked curiously:

"Who is this person, and why haven't I seen it?"

After Rookie heard Han Tian's words, he was surprised:

"Isn't it, Brother Han Tian?"

"You haven't even heard of Yu Shuang, one of the four golden flowers of our LPL dismissal?"

Han Tian shook his head at Rookie, and then said very straightforwardly:

"I haven't heard of it. "

"Because I don't look at these things at all. "

When Rookie heard this, he suddenly said strangely:

"How did you know Rita if you didn't look at this stuff?"

When Han Tian heard Rookie's words, he immediately remembered the scene where Rita and Chu Junyuan were involved, and then said helplessly:

"Rta, that daredevil?"

"I came there by accident before, and then we met. "

When Rookie heard this, he scratched his hair helplessly, and then said tentatively:

"Then, do you know that there is a beautiful woman named Xiaoyu in our commentary?"

Nin patted Rooki on the shoulder, then whispered:

"Rookie, you don't have to struggle. "

"In terms of fame, Yu Shuang's fame is much higher than Xiao Yu!"

"Since Brother Tian doesn't even know Yu Shuang, it's even more impossible to know Xiao Yu!"

After Ning said this, Han Tian suddenly became curious about who Xiao Yu in the mouths of Rookie and Ning was.

So, Han Tian asked out loud:

"Who is Xiao Yu that you two are talking about?"

When Nin heard Han Tian ask this, he immediately replied:

"Brother Tian, you asked this question well!"

"Since Brother Tian, you asked sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately!"

Han Tian heard that Ning was funny, and directly continued with the next sentence:

"To prevent the destruction of the world?"

"To protect the peace of the world?"

When Nin heard Han Tian's words, he directly gave Han Tian an appreciative look, and then continued:

"That's right!"

"Carrying out love and true evil, a cute and charming villain. "

"Xiao Yu is Rooki's girlfriend!"

Han Tian shouted in extreme surprise:


"Brother Rookie's girlfriend is a LOL commentator?"

"It's the first time I've heard of this!"

"Brother Rookie, didn't you mention it?"

Rookie smiled innocently, and then said:

"Because I never had a chance!"

"But it doesn't matter. "

"When we finish this S tournament and then have a party, everyone brings their girlfriends out for a meal. "

"Everyone knows each other a little bit. "

At this time, Wang Shucong also interjected:


"In that case, then I'll bring a girlfriend out at that time, and everyone will have a good meal then. "

Nin: "Attention, this 'one' word is very meaningful!"

Rookie also nodded:


When Wang Tearing Onion heard this, his expression suddenly froze, and then he said:

“Rookie,Ning。 "

"You two have to think clearly. "

"Be careful, I'll deduct your wages from you directly!"

Rookie and Ning burst out laughing when they heard Wang say this.

Wang, whose expression was originally very dignified, also laughed when Rookie and Ning laughed!

Everyone knows very well that Wang is joking!

When Han Tian saw this scene, he also subconsciously laughed.

At this moment, Han Tian suddenly heard Yu Shuang ask Ah Shui:

"Jcklove, when Uneven's hand was about to get five kills, why didn't you give Uneven one and kill the sword demon directly?"

Jacklove smiled, then made a shushing gesture to the camera, and then whispered:

"Ueven's side shouldn't have finished drawing lots yet, so I'll tell you secretly. "

"Actually, I won't tell you, I did it on purpose!"

"Just kidding, I didn't get that five kills, how can I let Uneven get it?"

When Han Tian heard Ah Shui say this, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he said in an extremely deep voice:

"Looks like I guessed right?"

"Ah Shui really did it on purpose!"

"It seems that when Ah Shui comes back, I will have a good chat with him!"

Han Tian was moving his wrists and fingers as he spoke, and there was a "click" sound at the joints of his wrists and fingers!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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