Soon, Han Tian came to the place where the number was drawn.

After arriving at the place, Han Tian suddenly found that at this time, there were already seven people wearing their respective team uniforms in the center of the venue!

At this time, after seeing Han Tian coming, RNG's assistant Ming, took the initiative to come over and talk:

"Ueven, your team asked you to draw numbers!"

"But why did you get here so late, the rest of us have been here for a while. "

When Han Tian saw that it was Ming, he replied with a smile:

"No way. "

"We had a little bit of a problem with the selection of people to draw numbers, so it took a little bit more time. "

Min also smiled and said:

"I see. "

"It's not a big problem, though, because the lottery hasn't started yet. "

Han Tian was really too lazy to get these things, so he asked:

"Do you know when the numbers will be drawn?"

After hearing Han Tian's words, Min was puzzled for a moment, and then suddenly "suddenly realized" and said:


"Oh, I see!"

"You definitely want to finish it early and get back to your girlfriend, right?"

"I know, I know, this lottery is very fast, since there are all the people now, it is estimated that the draw will start soon!"

The EDG team came to draw the number, and it was the factory director.

By this time, the director had finished looking around at the site where he had to come almost once a year.

So, the factory director found Han Tian and Ming, who had gathered together at this time, and then walked towards the two while greeting them.

What Han Tian didn't expect was that as soon as the factory director came over, he looked at him with a smile on his face, and then said:

"Little brother, if you don't have a good time on IG one day, you are welcome to come to our EDG at any time!"

"The door to EDG is always open. "

Han Tian looked at the factory director who had just come over and threw an olive branch with a black line, and was about to speak.

Ming, who was next to Han Tian, spoke up!

Min said with a smile:

"Come on, the salary that your EG gives him can be higher than the salary that the king tears the onion gives him?"

When the factory director heard what Ming said, he smiled and continued:

"If he really wants to leave IG one day, I can be regarded as a good match. "

After the director finished speaking, he leaned over to Han Tian's ear again, and then whispered:

"When the time comes, we must give priority to EDG, as long as you come, I dare to guarantee that you must be the starting assistant of EGD!"

Seeing this, Han Tian could only casually perfunctory a few words from the factory director.

Soon, the finals draw officially began!

First of all, it is the first of the four group stages to go to the arena to sign!

The members of Team KT drew the number four.

The second number drawn by RNG Xiao Ming.

AFS to the number three.

In the end, Han Tian drew the number one.

Next, it's the turn of the four teams that finished second in the group stage to draw numbers!

The first person to draw the number is EDG's jungler director!

The factory director walked to the front of the lottery table, and then prayed silently in his heart:

"Draw AFS, draw AFS!"

After all, of the four current group stage winners, only AFS is the weakest!

Team KT, the No. 1 seed in the country of sticks, is definitely a tough opponent to mess with!

RNG has star player ZI here, and RNG has also directly won all competitions except the finals this year!

You can imagine how hard it is to mess with RNG now!

What about IG, since Han Tian joined, EDG and IG's training matches, as long as Han Tian played, basically never won once!

No way, persimmons still have to pick soft pinch!

At this time, the factory director's greatest wish is to draw the AFS team!

After the factory director took out the number, he didn't open it for the first time, but silently recited it a few times in his heart:

"Three, three!"

Afterwards, the factory director glanced at the number he had drawn.

"EDG drew a number!"

"EDG's opponent is Team IG!"

When the factory director saw that he had drawn IG, his heart suddenly cooled!

Among these teams, the last teams EDG wants to meet are RNG and IG!

Anyway, RNG and IG are also teams in the LPL region!

To be honest, the factory manager would rather fight with KT than meet the team in his own division so early!

When Han Tian saw the number drawn by the factory director, he could only sigh helplessly, and then thought:

"The factory's luck is really bad"

"It's okay if I didn't draw AFS, I actually drew IG directly!"

"Hey, that's fate!"

At this time, Rookie and the others in the team lounge were not particularly satisfied with Han Tian's lottery results!

Nin sighed:

"It's a pity, we have to play against EDG in the first round, so the possibility of us having an LPL civil war in the country of sticks has been greatly reduced!"

Rookie: "Indeed, it would be nice if the final could be a civil war in the LP region!"

If the people of the country of sticks can hear what Rookie said, they will immediately wonder whether Rokie is from the country of sticks or Chinese!

Then, it was the turn of the other teams to draw lots!

With the draw of FNC.C9.G2 teams one after another, soon, the draw results came out!

The final team drawn by G2 is RNG!

When Xiao Ming saw that G2 had drawn his own team, he couldn't suppress his smile on the stage!

With great difficulty, Ming forcibly suppressed the idea that he wanted to laugh wildly, and then proceeded to the final step of the lottery ceremony!

The final tournament schedule is:

IG vs. EDG.

RNG array G2.

AFS Array C9.

KT vs. FNC.

After Han Tian saw the results of this lottery, he sighed heartily:

"The result of this lottery is outrageous!"

"Why can the three teams in the LPL be drawn directly to one and a half districts?"

At this time, Han Tian was a little suspicious that it was someone from the Stick Country who moved his hands and feet a little!

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence!

There are eight teams, and they will be divided into two halves.

And in one of the half districts, the LPL team directly accounted for three!_

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