After Han Tian and the others finished updating their equipment, they asked Rookie and Theshy to go to the upper and lower lanes to lead the troops respectively.

And Han Tian, Ning, and Ah Shui directly brushed the wild area, and then let Ah Shui's Xia take a red Buff, and then gathered in the middle lane.

Rookie's Ruiz also took a little line to the road, so he went to the wild area to grab the blue buff and prepare for a wave of the group.

After all, with the Great Dragon Buff, you have to do something, right?

In the meantime, in the lounge of the IG team.

Coach Jin saw that Han Tian and the others had changed from a disadvantage in the early stage to the current four-person assembly push, and couldn't help but recall the scene when he first saw Han Tian operating.

Coach Kim thought with relief:

"Sure enough, my eyes for people are still very accurate!"

"Judging from the current situation, if you can really win the championship of the S competition this year, being able to invite an assistant like Han Tian to IG is probably one of the final reasons!"

Thinking of this, Coach Jin glanced at Baolan, who was also watching the game excitedly, and thought to himself:

"It's not that Baolan is really a rookie, Baolan's level is actually okay, at least from the assistance of LPL. "

"I just don't know why Sapphire Blue has a particularly low proficiency level for heroes like Titans. "

"It's not a big problem, though!"

Thinking of this, Coach Kim couldn't help but be glad that Duke was hospitalized before the game!

After all, if Duke hadn't been hospitalized, Coach Jin asked himself, he wasn't completely sure that he would bring Han Tian, who had never participated in the competition, to participate in such an important S competition!

In the game.

At this time, Han Tian and Rooie gathered in the middle lane, using the big dragon buff to continuously consume the middle lane tower on the opposite side.

Theshy Kenhime is also on the lower road leading the line alone.

At this time, Ning suddenly said loudly:

"The little dragon is about to be brushed, it's a wind dragon. "

"Shall we wait to get the little dragon?"

After Han Tian heard Ning's voice, he glanced at Xiaolong's refresh time.

At this time, Xiaolong still has 5 seconds to refresh.

So, Han Tian replied:

"You can take it. "

"Although it is a wind dragon, it is much stronger to have a dragon than not to have a dragon!"

In this way, Han Tian and the four of them used the Great Dragon Buff to slowly consume the blood volume of the middle lane tower of the FNC team.

And the FNC team did not take the lead in starting the group because of the big dragon buff on Han's side, and Han Tian's side.

Therefore, the FNC side also dared to open a group, and could only try to clean up this line!

Just when Xiaolong had ten seconds left to refresh, such an announcement appeared on everyone's screens:

Musou Kenhime slays the Dreadnought

After Han Tian saw this announcement, he couldn't help but spit out a sentence:


"Sy ate it alone, right?"

Nin also shouted in his voice at this time:

"Sy cowhide!

"It's really too fierce to kill Urgat alone at this point in time!"

Rookie also shouted excitedly:

"Then what kind of dragon are we brushing, directly pushed"

Han Tian also went on to say at this time:

"We'll force the other side to divide people, and if we don't divide people, just drag it and let Shy take it."

After Han Tian finished speaking, he glanced at Theshy's position.

Han Tian discovered that Thesh's location was in front of the enemy's lower lane second tower!

At this time, Theshy Sword Queen's blood volume is still close to half!

Moreover, because of the effect of sucking blood and returning the blood array of the ultimate, the blood volume of the sword queen at this time is recovering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

What does this mean?

This shows that Theshy most likely killed Urgat alone under the opponent's defense tower!

You know, a single kill at this time is a very deadly thing!

Moreover, IG at this time still has a big dragon Buf!

With the death of Urgat, the FNC side can only separate the sword demon to defend the lower high ground.

At this point, FNC's mid lane tower has been bulldozed!

Moreover, at this time, the only people defending at the second tower in the middle lane were Zhao Xin, Xiao Cannon and Bulon!

Seeing this, Han Tian said in his voice:

"Brother Rookie, just control someone, let's force it directly!"

As soon as Han Tian's voice fell, Rookie had already flashed EW and fixed Bron, who was standing at the front!

Because Rookie's idea is the same as Han Tian's, since there are fewer people in the middle lane opposite, it doesn't matter who drives it, as long as you drive this wave of groups!

Han Tian saw Rookie flash EW to control Bron, so he immediately charged up the Q skill, and then pulled Bron, who was imprisoned by Ruiz, back, and then immediately reversed an E!

Nin's blind monk was also at this time, and he made a Q towards Bron!

After the Q skill hit Bron, he immediately activated the second stage of the Q skill to move towards Bron, and then quickly put a fake eye on Bron's left side, and then W touched the eye to dodge Bron's ultimate!

Immediately afterwards, an R flash successfully kicked Bron, who had released his ultimate, directly into the center of Han Tian and the others!

And at this time, Rookie's Ruiz and Ah Shui's Kasumi directly followed the output, instantly beating Bron's HP to residual blood!

Han Tian estimated the damage of Rokie and Ah Shui, and then slashed it with a big move!

At the time of the ultimate slash, Bron's HP just reached Pike's kill line!

As a result, Bron's head was taken over by Han Tian's Pike!


The Bloody Harbor Ghost has slain the Heart of Freljord!

The ghost of the Blood Harbor is already super god!

On the other side, Zhao Xin and Xiao Cannon were the blind monks who were gathering fire on Ning.

However, as soon as Ning was set on fire, he directly handed over the stopwatch he had just bought!


In an instant, Ning's blind monk entered an invincible state!

There is no way, Zhao Xin and Xiao Pao can only retreat!

Because if they don't withdraw, Han Tian and the others will kill another person if they follow up, then this one will already be lost

So, Han Tian and the four of them easily pushed off the second tower of FNC, and then went straight to the middle highland!

Theshy also gave up the highland of taking a single down the road alone, but directly turned to the middle lane, and followed Han Tian and the others to push the middle lane highland!

However, due to the death of an Urgat and a Bron on in the NFC, the FNC side has lost the qualification to defend the tower.

As a result, the Sword Demon, Zhao Xin, and Xiao Cannon had to retreat to the vicinity of the two incisor towers, waiting for the resurrection of Ergart and Bronn as much as possible.

It didn't take long for Han Tian and the five of them to push off the mid-lane crystal!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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