The doll in the official live broadcast room of LL saw that IG had played a perfect team battle in this wave, so she shouted excitedly:

"Wow, IG won this wave"

"When they were at their weakest, they succeeded in winning the FNC team!"

"This is a wave of team battles that are close to 5,000 economies!"

"That's right, it's a perfect teamfight"

Miller also shouted excitedly:

"Ueven's Pike flashed a hook and hooked the cannon that wanted to run away!"

"Pike four kills!"

"What about five kills, what about five kills?"

"Is there five killings?"

At the same time, in the game.

After Han Tian killed Pike with his ultimate, he shifted his attention to the Sword Demon who had just been passively resurrected from his ultimate.

Han Tian shouted in his voice:

"Five kills, five kills!"

"Stay for a while!"

"Zero Seven Zero" Han Tian's voice, Ning and the others heard it.

Nin manipulated the blind monk at this time, and the E skill slapped the floor, and then immediately activated the second E skill to slow down the sword demon.

Theshy Sword Ji also Q next to the Sword Demon, and then AE slowed down the Sword Demon.

Just when Han Tian thought that several of his teammates were going to leave him with five kills.

Ah Shui controls Xia, and it is a Q skill against the sword demon!

Seeing this, Han Tian suddenly panicked in his heart!

Because Han Tian's intuition told him that Ah Shui seemed to have some thoughts about the head of the Sword Demon?

So, Han Tian hurriedly manipulated Pike to walk towards the Sword Demon.

Moreover, when he could slash the Sword Demon on one of the edges of the ultimate, Han Tian directly slashed it with one ultimate

However, Han Tian was still one step slower!

The sword demon, who originally didn't have much blood, was directly killed by Ah Shui's Xia and a QA!

Reverse Feather has killed the Darkspawn Sword Demon!


Just like that, Han Tian Pike's last big move slashed into the air!

So, Han Tian looked at Ah Shui expressionlessly, and then said:

"Why are you taking this head?"

"This head can obviously be given to me, okay?"

Ah Shui said embarrassedly:

"Actually, I don't want to take this head. "

"I just wanted the QAE gang to control it, but I didn't expect a feather to be pulled to death. "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

Han Tian looked at Ah Shui speechlessly, and then said:

"Since you accidentally took the head, then you will look at me?"

"Are you looking at Rooie like this, do you want to do something?"

However, Ah Shui heard what Han Tian said, and then changed the subject:

"Hahahaha, the weather seems to be very good today?"

"Really, Brother Rookie?"

Seeing this, Han Tian thought speechlessly:

"Yes, this is retribution that comes too fast like a dragon"

In the official live broadcast room of LL, Miller immediately burst into laughter when he saw Ah Shui robbing Han Tian's five kills!

Miller laughed and said:

"Jcklove seems to be helping Uneven keep people, and accidentally killed the sword demon directly!"

"It's really a curse: IG will never kill five times!"

That's right, Miller also helped Ah Shui round up a little!

The doll also smiled at this time and said:

"Although this wave of Pike didn't get five kills!"

"However, there is only one Ruiz dead on IG's side, which means that this big dragon, IG can also easily get in the bag!"

"I feel that after IG finishes taking the big dragon in this wave, it will be a little difficult for FNC to fight!"

"Next, it's our IG's turn to be strong!"

Miller went on to say:


"IG they've successfully climbed this mountain of FNC!"

"It's overturned!"

At this time, in the barrage of LPL's official broadcast room:

"One thing to say, Brother Shuizi's wave is definitely a head-grabbing thing, not at all what Miller said to help keep people!"

"Hahahaha, look at Brother Shuizi's expression behind U, is this going to stage a break with the subordinate?"

"Really, IG will never be killed?

"Anyway, I still wiped out FNC, congratulations!"

On the other side, after Han Tian and the others killed the Sword Demon, the four of them gathered together to set fire to the Great Dragon!

And, since Rooki's Ruiz is basically the first to die!

Therefore, Han Tian and the others could completely beat the Great Dragon's blood to the last trace of blood, and then wait for Rookie's Ruiz to resurrect before killing the Great Dragon.

In this way, all IG members can get the Big Dragon's Buff!

Of course, Han Tian and the others not only thought so, but also did it!

So, when Rookie's Ruiz was resurrected, Han Tian and the others killed the big dragon!

After killing the big dragon, Han Tian and the others were not greedy, so they went back to the city directly!

This wave of returning to the city, Han Tian directly updated a phantom dream and a curtain blade!

Theshy Sword Ji has also updated the Great Greed Hydra and a three-item, and the two small pieces of Lan Dun have also been completed!

Rookie's Ruiz, at this time, has also made an archangel and a ghost book!

Ah Shui's Kasumi also succeeded in making a Arashi and a cannon, as well as a stopwatch

On the other hand, on the FNC side, Erte has just made the second big thing at this time: the glory of justice 0........

The most exaggerated thing is the auxiliary Bron, at this time there is only a knight's oath and a shoe, and the rest is nothing.

Han Tian compared the equipment of the two sides, and then said with a sigh of relief:

"That's it!"

"Now it's our turn!"

Rookie said with a happy face:

"Brothers, cowhide!"

"Fight slowly, don't wave"

Nin said disdainfully at this time:

"That's it, you still want to go toe-to-toe with our IG?"

"You're suffering, aren't you?"

Ah Shui also said happily:

"Next, as long as we don't have any big accidents, the first place in the group stage should be in hand!"

"That means we only need to match the second place in the other 2.9 groups in the first round of the knockout round!"

"Let me think about who the second place in the other groups is.."

Han Tian saw that Ah Shui actually learned to be a spicy man, and began to study the team of the knockout round before the game was over, and couldn't help shouting:

"Wake up, brother, win this one first."

"Don't let you get distracted and lose the game!"

"Then aren't you just doing your research in vain?"

After Ah Shui heard Han Tian's words, he came back to his senses, and then touched his head awkwardly and said:

"This is not the first time to enter the round of 16, a little excited, forgive me!"

When Han Tian heard this, he immediately felt so tired!

"Please, it's true that you're in the round of 16 for the first time, but you're saying this as if it's not the first time I've reached the round of 16?"

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