Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 466 Moving! Preparations and arrangements before departure!

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move place?

Concubine Wei was shocked and covered her red lips in disbelief.

So why did my prince suddenly mention moving?

Is it possible that the prince has really made up his mind to go to Yunnan to become a feudal lord and become a free prince?

Zhu Gaoxu looked at her red lips and couldn't help but kiss her, which made Concubine Wei's cheeks fly with shame.

Yes, let's move!

But instead of going to Yunnan, we're going to Peiping!

After hearing this, everyone was even more confused.

What does this mean?

Is it possible that the emperor ordered the prince to join Peiping?

That's impossible. Everyone knows that Beiping is the new capital. How can it be possible to arrange for a prince to guard it?

Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand impatiently and said with a smile: My beloved, don't ask any more questions, just go and prepare!

Zhu Erba, where did you go when you died? Prepare dinner, I am going to have a big banquet for guests tonight!

Comrade Erba walked in with a resentful look on his face and nodded to indicate that he understood.

Why do I always feel that the prince has a lot of resentment towards me and wishes that I would die soon?

Because of the sudden move, the entire palace was extremely busy.

After all, the Han Palace has a rich family fortune and a solid foundation. It is not an easy task to deliver these things in a short period of time.

What's more, in addition to this, there is also the secret science and technology park of the Han Palace, which is also filled with a large number of novel gadgets and fills several warehouses.

According to the wishes of Prince Han, every plant and tree in the science and technology park, including cats and dogs, must be moved away, let alone people.

So after this commotion, everyone in the Han Palace was so busy that they were dizzy.

However, Zhu Gaoxu himself had some free time and hosted a banquet for Wang Jing, Xie Jin, Xia Yuanji, Gu Penzi and others.

Although you have to leave, some things must be explained clearly, otherwise all the early efforts will be wasted in an instant.

There were many people from Jiuqing attending the banquet today. Even the old bastard Hu Hu got wind of it and rushed over.

After all, he, Hu Hui, was the Minister of Rites in Beijing. The Emperor of Nima Di had already urged him to take up his post, and Hu Hui was about to leave.

As a result, it was at this juncture that Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, suddenly moved his family to Peiping, and was immediately troubled by Hu Hui.

Why are you everywhere?

I can't afford to offend you, why don't you let me hide if you hide?

As a senior old gangster, Hu Xi was very melancholy at the moment and rushed to the Han Palace to attend the banquet with a sullen face.

He really wanted to know what the Han King Zhu Gaoxu had planned to mobilize troops and suddenly go to the new capital of Beiping.

The three giants, Jin Zhongjianyi, Xia Yuanji, also came, full of suspicion.

It’s impossible not to come. The King of Han is really leaving!

Putting aside personal friendships, the sudden move of Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's family to Peking was shocking enough.

Where is that place in Peiping?

That was the new capital of the Ming Dynasty, the capital chosen by His Majesty the Emperor, and the place where His Majesty the Emperor started!

The emperor really didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly asked the King of Han to move to Peking without a suitable and legitimate excuse. Wasn't this meant to make people think too much?

Why aren't you afraid that the King of Han will collude with the generals at the border to fight another Jingnan battle?

With all kinds of guesses and suspicions, a group of officials and ministers rushed over, hoping to get answers from the Han King Zhu Gaoxu.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at these bewildered ministers and explained the reason directly without any nonsense.

The emperor feels that the construction of the new capital is too slow, so he ordered me to go and supervise it, and also to deal with the restless bosses in Peiping. That's what happened.

Your Majesty can't wait to move the capital. I think it's too tiring to go back and forth, so I'll just move my family there. It's that simple.

Everyone: ???

Your uncle!

It's that simple?

Are you lying here to cheat?

How come you don’t even have the most basic trust now?

Xia Yuanji took a deep look at Zhu Gaoxu and said meaningfully: Does the King of Han intend to respond to Tian?

Why are you coming back? Zhu Gaoxu chuckled, I am despised by others. Wouldn't it be more in line with some people's wishes if I left?

Old Xia Tou, I'll leave Zhou Chen to you. If he is killed by someone else, the biggest loser will be your household department and the imperial court!

Hearing this, Xia Yuanji suddenly smiled bitterly.

This Prince of Han is really a fucking cheater!

Zhou Chen was deceived by him and went to Jiangnan to investigate officials and collect taxes.

Zhou Chen has just left, ready to embark on a career with high spirits.

As a result, the King of Han backed off, and all the promises he made to Zhou Chen were like farts!

King Han, aren't you trying to trick me?

Xun Ru's talent is not inferior to yours, and you know it well. He just lacks some experience. I believe he will benefit a lot from this trip to Jiangnan.

Zhu Gaoxu smiled lightly. He knew that Xia Yuanji would definitely protect Zhou Chen, so he was not worried about Zhou Chen's safety at all.

Besides, Zhou Chen was originally an interview envoy personally conferred by His Majesty the Emperor, and he was also regarded as an imperial envoy. Who dared to touch him at all?

There is no problem with Zhou Chen's personal safety, but he just has to suffer some hardships.

Zhu Gaoxu looked at Jian Yi and Jin Zhong and reminded them in a deep voice.

Two of you, you two should not think about retiring from office until the kings' overseas transfer is fully implemented.

Hearing this, Jin Zhong and Jian Yi could only smile bitterly and shake their heads.

They were all half buried in the ground, but Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu still wanted to squeeze out their remaining value. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What a shameless person!

But in the final analysis, the two of them were really worried and left the court like this.

Song Li, set up the headquarters of the Ming Dynasty Trade Union in Beiping, and arrange for some people to go with me. I am personally responsible for this matter, and I want to see who dares to stop it!

Wang Jing Jie Jin, continue to implement the new learning according to the current progress. Gu Penzi mobilizes your censors to include the implementation of the new learning in the official assessment. If there is anyone who is negligent, perfunctory or even secretly obstructing, take them directly. Don’t be soft on the investigation!”

After Zhu Gaoxu and the other officials from the Nine Qing Dynasty finished giving their instructions, they finally felt relieved.

Then he picked up the wine glass, stood up, looked at these important officials in the court, and said with a big smile: The mountains and rivers are bound to meet each other, so we can all look forward to it. I hope to meet you all in Peiping one day!

When everyone heard this, they finally realized that the King of Han was really leaving Jinling and going to Peiping.

They couldn't understand why the king of Han would do such a thing.

But the deal was already done, and they had no choice but to pick up the wine glass in front of them and drink it all in one gulp.

It was a lively banquet where the guests and hosts had a great time.

After everyone dispersed, Zhu Gaoxu chatted with Huangfu Yunhe and Hu Yuancheng until late at night.

No one knows what they talked about, let alone what an important impact the Han King's sudden action had on the Ming Dynasty.

Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Di stood on top of the tall building, silent.

How's it going?

The king of Han hosted a banquet with all his ministers and explained the new affairs. Afterwards, he had a long secret conversation with Hu Yuancheng and Huangfu Yunhe.

Huangfu Yunhe?

General Manager of Daming Bank.

Daming Bank!

Huangfu Yunhe!

Zhu Di's expression changed slightly.

What on earth does this second guy want to do?

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